I know it's pretty dumb, but ...



  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    You might want to research adrenal fatigue as well....
  • Chiquita_Banana
    definately get vitamin D blood levels checked, so many people are deficient and it can cause fatigue and muscle aches!!! i know i experienced it and i still do in the winter months! I take prescription dose vitamin D every so often
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? You might be on the hypo side. Also, anemia, even though you're taking iron. Never know. I would get both those things looked at. Any chance of pregnancy? I was EXHAUSTED in the beginning with my first. Also, of course, not enough sleep and if you're not eating enough. Probably tired too, because of the caffeine/sugar crashes.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Thyroid levels can change, so having them rechecked is a good idea.

    Also, if you're on any medication for your bi-polar disorder, you may want to consider that might be what is causing it. Obviously you don't want to go off your medication without talking to your doctor, but medication can cause very serious fatigue, so please talk to your doctor about this. I went almost a decade with debilitating fatigue (sleeping 10-14 hours a day, falling asleep in really inappropriate places, feeling awful all the time) only to find out it was my medication.

    As for caffeine consumption, honestly, it's not good for you, a good analogy is to think of it as getting energy on credit, you get some now, but later, you're eventually going to have to pay for it. That said, I do it when I have to in order to get through the day. I would try the no or low sugar monsters, or some other source of caffeine with fewer calories in it. Diet soda (which everyone here hates, but whatever) is an option, as is black coffee or even black tea (although caffeine content tends to be lower). I've even been known to take caffeine pills. Is it good for me long-term? No, but it can be a short-term tool. Also, for most people there are diminishing returns, eventually you may need caffeine just to feel normal, and you won't get the rush anymore, so use it sparingly.
  • lisamarie327
    lisamarie327 Posts: 77 Member
    When I first started dieting I was a little over a hundred pounds overweight, and I was tired all the time. Like you, I have a pretty busy life and I think the combination of that and carrying around all that extra weight was just exhausting. The good news is that the exhaustion I felt all the time started to go away when I started making better food choices and the pounds started coming off. I was never a fan of those energy drink things, but I know that they are not necessarily good for you. If you feel that you need them now, I would suggest trying the light or sugar-free options, but keep in mind that you probably won't need them for long because your body will adjust as you lose weight and make better food choices. I hope that's helpful (or at least hopeful). Good luck! :)
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I drink zero calorie energy drinks (monster, red bull, etc.) once in a while when I need to stay up later than usual (especially weekends) but really only when I'm doing something that's out of normal for my routine. I think if exercise on top of your typical daily activities is too difficult to imagine after a long day then an energy drink isn't going to give you the stamina you need for a good workout. I'd try maybe eating smaller meals more often so your body doesn't "crash" at any point during the day and sap your energy levels. Otherwise you'll end up dependent on energy drinks to make it through your workout days and that's really not where you want to leave yourself in the long term.
  • Almaviva14
    Almaviva14 Posts: 196 Member
    I had a major issue with tiredness...and had everything checked out - thyroid, diabetes etc...everything was fine....so I set sail with MFP.
    Two things have really helped me and my energy is already much much better.
    I've pretty much completely cut out refined sugar. (ie I still eat the natural sugar in fruit and so forth). So basically my blood sugar levels are really constant now and I dont get the swings and cravings brought on by muffins and their naughty friends...

    Secondly I have taken porridge to my very heart!! And my tum loves it. It is slow release energy. I have one portion every day - the meal it constitutes varies. But I often take it to work. 50g porridge oats. 200ml water 100 ml semi skimmed milk. Then a banana (added whilst cooking) and one teaspoon of honey. A variation to the banana is apple and cinnamon. This is what athletes eat and it keeps you going for 4 hours +

    Along with all this I have found that taking the trouble to really cook for myself and so care myself - to the point of taking packed meals to work like this...filled an emotional craving. When I have cooked I know that the food has been lovingly prepared. I always find a meal cooked with love more filling than one not cooked with love.

    My energy situation has really transformed relatively quickly.
    Good Luck!!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I can't comment on Monster, or thyroid or your meds, but I can tell you that for years I felt like I needed a nap as soon as I woke up in the morning. I finally went and did a sleep study and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Yes I was significantly overweight and this is one of the symptoms along with loud snoring, but many skinny people have it too! Just a suggestion for one more area to consider. Using a machine at night has made such a major change in my alertness and energy during the day, along with losing the weight.

    Whatever you do, be sure you do it with guidance from your medical professional and best of luck!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    There is no substitute for ample rest and good nutrition. You have a food diary at your disposal. Use it.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    have you had your Vitamin D level checked? I had mine checked and it was a 7 which is critically low and that explained some of my tiredness and getting sick all the time.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    Hey I don't blame you. Sounds like you have a busy life. That said, you are also 330lbs. The sheer amount of extra weight you are carrying is going to make you constantly tired. Obviously i'm not having a pop at you, because most of us are here because we need to lose weight.

    I guess i'm just saying "hang in there", because as the pounds drop off you will see huge improvements in the amount of energy you have. imagine when you reach your goal weight of 180lbs! you're going to be carrying 158lbs less-- you'll be carrying around almost half the weight you are now!

    the longer you keep going, the easier it's going to get.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    I was exhausted my entire life, and trying to stay fit and healthy while being exhausted is not an easy task. I finally found out that I had a genetic mutation that wouldn't allow me to absorb vitamins. The likely hood of you having it isn't ultra common, but it could be the vitamins your taking. Even normal people have troubles digesting tablet form vitamins. Maybe try switching to powdered capsules or better yet liquid capsule supplements. They seriously changed my life. Something so small made such a HUGE impact.
  • kimberly2122
    kimberly2122 Posts: 15 Member
    I love the monster ZERO.......It gives me an afternoon boost to get in my exercise and do whatever else.....once or twice a week.
  • brandi22479
    brandi22479 Posts: 81 Member
    You should have your iron checked. I've had issues with this in the past to the point of needing to be rushed to the ER for a blood transfusion. My symptoms were the same and could have slept my life away, day by day, and not even care. Iron supplies oxygen to your organs and most importantly to your brain. If it isn't getting enough, it will not function properly along with other organs like your lungs and heart. Please get checked.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I would just find a less sugary source of caffeine that will help you get through the day. I love coffee, yes I'm 'addicted' in the sense I get a headache when I don't have any, but I've cut it out entirely for years at a time and always go back to it because I lead a busy life and just need that boost.
  • ndfaninaz
    As others have mentioned, I would suggest going to a sleep medicine doctor and have a sleep study done. If you have sleep apnea, you need to have it treated (by using a cpap machine). Sleep apnea is dangerous and has a lot of long-term health consequences. I speak from experience. I was diagnosed years ago. I was tired all the time. Some days I would go out to my car on my lunch break at work to take a nap. I just could not make it through the day. I also used to wake up with terrible headaches. Now that I use a cpap, that is all gone. Now I know the lethargy that I do have is caused from my excess weight.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I have pcos too, and alot of times things are goingto affect u differntly then a normal person, if u are eating high carb, highly processed things, it could be a major reason for your symptoms. I would definitely get your insulin checked to see if there are any problems there and try incorporating more veggies and protein to your diet, and watch the carbs. Not saying u have to cut them out, but if u are eating bad carbs ie reg breads, pastas, this could b a cause also. Pcos sucks because alot of times you need to be a bit more meticulous then the average joe because certain things effect your hormones in a bad way, and that is what ur metabolism is, your hormones together. Most pcos sufferers already have an issue with a slower metabolism because of the pcos. I would suggest at least logging for a week, everything to see how your diet is really working. It could be a big culprit!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get free food being a huge temptation and something you want to take advantage of as much as possible but please DO stick to the salads (with grilled chicken for protein). Have two if you're hungry enough, just avoid the fries and buns (and desserts of course) at all costs! Make sure you're sipping that water - chugging it just makes it go through your system too fast so it's not being utilized and you're going to have to keep peeing like mad. Bring in a couple pieces of fruit for snacks.

    My weekend routine used to be to get 2 cheeseburgers at the drive thru and when I started this weight loss, I cut that down to one and now I've cut them out altogether. It's not that the cheeseburger has a ton of calories, I could totally "afford" eating one for lunch but all those carbs just didn't do a thing for me. I'd much rather head home real quick to mix up some chicken salad or a ham and cheese or even some yogurt and fruit because I know they'll give me energy for a few hours, not 30 minutes.
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    I've certainly never been as much as 150 lbs overweight, but I have been a good 40 and I can tell you that just being overweight makes me feel run down and tired all the time. I looked at your diary and you haven't been logging for a while. If you're working in a fast food restaurant, I'm assuming you're also eating fast food on a regular basis. It may seem crazy, but you should start brown bagging it to work. Also, get out in the sun. Take your breaks outside. Forget energy drinks. Keep a handful of nuts and a hard boiled egg handy for when you feel low on energy.
  • aquariumche
    aquariumche Posts: 8 Member
    What's wrong with daily caffeine? I don't do sugary drinks, but I sure have two cups of black coffee every day. Yum!

    It is ok for a pleasure drink (1-2 a day) but not as a pick-me-up drink because positive waking up effects from caffeine on the brain disappear quickly. The lesser amount of coffee/caffeine you consume daily, the greatest the effect of caffeine will be when you really need it. At least this is my experience.