Losing Motivation Rapidly...

KylieE Posts: 40
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So... I haven't been on here in almost a year!!!!! I'm feeling very guilty for losing sight of everything. This website really was helping me! I have been losing motivation pretty rapidly and am currently back to my starting weight. What do you all do to stay on track? What helps you to be motivated?


  • mbowen
    mbowen Posts: 16
    What keeps me motivated is results. I mean all results either losing pounds or inches, or just knowing what I am eating and controlling it. This site opened my eyes to what I was eating. So now I can at least maintain my weight once I get where I want to be by not overeating or poor planning when it comes to eating. Just take one day at a time and eventually it becomes routine. Like they say it becomes a lifestyle change. Good luck!
  • dhudgin
    dhudgin Posts: 73 Member
    My husband pulled the, "I need you to lose weight"- he has always been a fatophobe.... so my ANGER motivated me at first.... However, now that i have been working my #$##$@ off, I am starting to feel stronger and more capable than I have in a looooong time. I am successful at everything else i do: I am a good mom, I am a good teacher, i am a good nurse, i am a good wife... But losing weight has kicked my butt for years and i have let it. I have only been doing this a month, and i have only lost 14# (I have lost 3 pant sizes however) but I am working out an average of 50-70 minutes per day and I am feeling like I am getting somewhere. When I go out to run, I am faster. When I do weights, i am stronger etc. I don't mean ANY of this to sound conceited, I am just saying that this is it!!! I don't want to be ashamed of myself anymore and I NEED to succeed for ME!!! You can do this- you are totally able to count your calories, get off the couch and jump around the house, even for JUST 10 MINUTES, every day this week. Do it during commercials of your favorite show, but do it. Don't do anything too extreme- work into it. Cut out one thing for a week, then add an exercise the next week and build until you feel stronger too. YOU CAN DO THIS- for you!!! YOU are worth it- you CAN feel good about doing this for yourself....
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    Don't feel bad, I signed up and then never did anything until now. I'm motivated by the closet full of clothes that I can't wear right now. A friend of mine gave me a bunch of clothes and I will have a whole wardrobe when I get there.
  • THIS SITE IS MY MOTIVATION! Seriously! t At the end of the day I will check in with you all and deal with a big fat red negative or revel in a nice 0 or even a green positive! It is very rewarding even if you don't see desired results. You can see what your eating and for me I am comfortable with what I am eating. Not processed, fried, ect. You can do it!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    THIS SITE IS MY MOTIVATION! Seriously! t At the end of the day I will check in with you all and deal with a big fat red negative or revel in a nice 0 or even a green positive! It is very rewarding even if you don't see desired results. You can see what your eating and for me I am comfortable with what I am eating. Not processed, fried, ect. You can do it!

    I wish that there was a like button on here. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My husband pulled the, "I need you to lose weight"- he has always been a fatophobe.... so my ANGER motivated me at first....

    None of my business, but woah. :huh:
    Unless the comment was driven purely by concern for your health. If my BF ever said something like that I'd be dropping about 200 pounds IMMEDIATELY! :laugh:

    As far as motivation, forget it. You don't need it.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    i've only been doing this 5 months, but some of my motivation is just determination. just grit your teeth and do it.
    i am committed to this change in my life. i want the result more than any food, so i can walk away from bad food choices.

    now the hard part for me will be when it is time to begin maintenance. then i'll know if i have really learned how to live with food & exercise.

    keep reminding your self of what you want, the goal has to be more important than immediate gratification. and don't forget that if you misstep, make a bad choice; it isn't over, that is not a reason to go ahead & make more bad choices. just understand it was one choice, and you have the power to make the next choice a good one.

    wishing you the best- katie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    .... I have only been doing this a month, and i have only lost 14# (I have lost 3 pant sizes however) but I am working out an average of 50-70 minutes per day and I am feeling like I am getting somewhere. ....

    "ONLY 14# in a month?!??" Forget the "ONLY"--That is a fantastic result for one month of effort!!!

    As far as your comment about your spouse. Even if it made you mad, and jumpstarted your resolve, I hope you are doing this for YOU!!!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    .... I have only been doing this a month, and i have only lost 14# (I have lost 3 pant sizes however) but I am working out an average of 50-70 minutes per day and I am feeling like I am getting somewhere. ....

    "ONLY 14# in a month?!??" Forget the "ONLY"--That is a fantastic result for one month of effort!!!

    As far as your comment about your spouse. Even if it made you mad, and jumpstarted your resolve, I hope you are doing this for YOU!!!

    Agreed! I would love to lose 14 lbs this month! Wow! Congrats!

    And one of my biggest motivations is just generally feeling good. Waking up and feeling healthy, working out and feeling strong, looking in the mirror and feeling proud of my results, and feeling okay with myself. There is nothing better than feeling confident!
  • KylieE
    KylieE Posts: 40
    You all are amazing!!!! Thank you SO much for your support! I absolutely appreciate it!!!! I have worked out everyday, but one so far this week! I am quitting smoking, working out more, eating healthier. I know that is alot to endure in one week, but it feels SO good! I love to feel healthy, and I love being able to come on here and talk to all of you about our accomplishments. :) This site IS motivation!!!
  • Bells2006
    Bells2006 Posts: 5
    HI! I'm still fairly new guys! I signed up a few months ago and have seriously ZERO motivation! I'll start to write down my healthy meals to record them at the end of the day, then i'll forget to record them, then the next day eat bad the whole day! Summer is right around the corner and I need help!! :D
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    My husband pulled the, "I need you to lose weight"- he has always been a fatophobe.... so my ANGER motivated me at first....

    None of my business, but woah. :huh:
    Unless the comment was driven purely by concern for your health. If my BF ever said something like that I'd be dropping about 200 pounds IMMEDIATELY! :laugh:

    As far as motivation, forget it. You don't need it.

    Ditto for me. My husband says he is glad i am loosing weight but to do it for myself, because he loves me no matter what!
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