Not to cheat!!

What usually works when you don't want to cheat on your calories/carbs, whatever it may be? I would tell myself "size 6, size 6" over and over in my head since I had to feed my kid different stuff from what I was eating. That didn't work after a while, I tried drinking a glass of water, that didn't help either. I tried going for a walk, but than I'd just eat after thinking now that since I went for a walk, I could have whatever I wanted.


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Long term goals don't work for me.

    I never cheat because 'cheating' isn't a concept I'm willing to buy into. I figure out whether or not I have the calories/carbs whatever and either decide to do it or decide not to.

    A lot of times I just want a tiny bit - I am so not into deprivation. I have a couple of spoonfuls of ice cream. I have a little bit of cake. I love the taste. I savor it. And I log it.

    Sometimes I decide to have nothing and drink a glass of water. But it's a decision.

    Who are you really cheating except yourself?
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I find it very difficult at the moment so I'll try your mantra : SIZE 6 !:bigsmile:

    I am not able to scoop a teaspoon of ice cream and then put back the box in the freezer :sad:

    The problem now is not cravings but pure hunger , not cool ...I know I am not supposed to be hungry yadeeyada but I am :huh:

    I just try to stay away from anything that I could binge on ...

    I am not a big help, sorry !
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    I find it very difficult at the moment so I'll try your mantra : SIZE 6 !:bigsmile:

    I am not able to scoop a teaspoon of ice cream and then put back the box in the freezer :sad:

    The problem now is not cravings but pure hunger , not cool ...I know I am not supposed to be hungry yadeeyada but I am :huh:

    I just try to stay away from anything that I could binge on ...

    I am not a big help, sorry !

    No no this absolutely is a big help, Im in the same boat. I feel like a huge failure every time I give in too. I feel like with everyone else having such got progress, I must have been the only one cheating. I know what I want , I work really damn hard, than something happens (ie, family gathering, whatever) and Im off to my old ways.
  • FL_SportsFan
    My biggest weakness is beer. I could probably stay under my limit every day if not for drinking. I can eat healthy all day then blow it drinking 1000 calories worth of beer.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Usually I'll pre-log whatever it is I'm thinking about eating into my diary and when I see that it destroys my macros or my overall calories beyond repair for the day I'm able to delete it back out and walk away from it.

    Or, if it still looks good and fits in with everything, I eat it and has a happy. :D
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    The only way I can keep from cheating is by not cheating. I'm on a low carb diet. As long as I stay low carb I don't crave or desire the foods I cannot have. If I cheat then the carb cravings return and it is near impossible to fight. I refuse to have to go through carb withdrawals again. So, I don't cheat period.

    If I'm feeling extra hungry, I eat extra protein -- meat, cheese, eggs, nuts or BACON. LOL!! And I don't worry too much about the calories. The extra calories are worth not succumbing to the carbs and awakening the cravings.

    Family gatherings are the worst. The only way I can make it through a family (or church) gathering is to bring at least 2 dishes that I can eat. That way I don't feel totally deprived.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Big mugs of herbal tea.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Pre-logging is really the only that worked for me. I tell myself at the beginning of the day what I'm going to eat and that's all I can have. Sometimes, I've eaten most of my day way too early and gone to bed hungry, but I learned from that. Now, I'm good about spreading my food throughout the day and sticking to my goals.

    I'm so jealous of people who can lose weight doing low carb and not watching calories. I gained weight eating low carb. Bacon calories do add up...
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Learn to do pre-logging. Keep goals simple week to week works best.
  • cautwell
    cautwell Posts: 33 Member
    "Usually I'll pre-log whatever it is I'm thinking about eating into my diary and when I see that it destroys my macros or my overall calories beyond repair for the day I'm able to delete it back out and walk away from it.

    Or, if it still looks good and fits in with everything, I eat it and has a happy. :D"

    I do this too :))
  • mrsdutra07
    Usually I'll pre-log whatever it is I'm thinking about eating into my diary and when I see that it destroys my macros or my overall calories beyond repair for the day I'm able to delete it back out and walk away from it.

    Or, if it still looks good and fits in with everything, I eat it and has a happy. :D

    ^^This!! If it fits, or I can make it fit, I go for it. If it totally trashes my otherwise good day, then I wipe it out and move on. This also works for dining out - I pre-log what I'm going to have that way when I get to the restaurant I don't have to open the "menu of temptation" because I've already decided. Hope that helps!
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    What usually works when you don't want to cheat on your calories/carbs, whatever it may be? I would tell myself "size 6, size 6" over and over in my head since I had to feed my kid different stuff from what I was eating. That didn't work after a while, I tried drinking a glass of water, that didn't help either. I tried going for a walk, but than I'd just eat after thinking now that since I went for a walk, I could have whatever I wanted.

    To myself I say.. "the pop tarts (or cake, or danish, or brownie, or.. lol) you have wanted all afternoon or THE BODY you have wanted your WHOLE can't have both Amanda!!"
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Day 3 of tracking every morsel. My family ate spaghetti tacos- i had 2 Hot Rods, a fatfree pudding cup, and a plate of veggies.
    The Hot Rods take care of salt cravings, the pudding-sugar cravings. I substitute.
    Learn to like the hungry feeling. This takes about 4-7 days, but it will happen. I let myself go till my tummy growls, then i eat. It's the hunger pangs that make you feel like you're going to die (low blood sugar?) that i cant handle.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    My biggest weakness is beer. I could probably stay under my limit every day if not for drinking. I can eat healthy all day then blow it drinking 1000 calories worth of beer.

    Yeah I usually dont log when I'm having a night out.. but just out of curiosity i did log a day in Vegas, and i was 1500+ calories over before hitting the clubs.. that was just liquor and mixins ...OUCH!! but @ once a month and usually less often than than.. with 3 kiddos okay. but man now football season.. sugar free red bull and crown :) will have to do!! I will TRY to keep it to Sundays but hahahaha
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Usually I'll pre-log whatever it is I'm thinking about eating into my diary and when I see that it destroys my macros or my overall calories beyond repair for the day I'm able to delete it back out and walk away from it.

    Or, if it still looks good and fits in with everything, I eat it and has a happy. :D

    This is what I do too.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Long term goals don't work for me.

    I never cheat because 'cheating' isn't a concept I'm willing to buy into. I figure out whether or not I have the calories/carbs whatever and either decide to do it or decide not to.

    A lot of times I just want a tiny bit - I am so not into deprivation. I have a couple of spoonfuls of ice cream. I have a little bit of cake. I love the taste. I savor it. And I log it.

    Sometimes I decide to have nothing and drink a glass of water. But it's a decision.

    Who are you really cheating except yourself?

    This x1000! I keep things around that are "healthier" versions of stuff I crave, like the Skinny Cow ice cream bars. Its definitely not Ben and Jerry's but still satisfies that ice cream craving. If I'm craving a bacon cheeseburger, then I find a day where it fits my calories and I have it.
    I don't feel I'm "giving in" or "cheating" or doing something I should feel guilty about and its finally working. I'm experienced at failing when I've eliminated entire food groups or specific foods. :drinker:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I just fit in a treat each day, as long as I have exercised and have the calories, and I usually do given I am on maintenance. Even while losing weight, I believe it is perfectly possible and even a good idea to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy, wholesome and nourishing food, and 20% of foods that are maybe not the best nutritionally, but which you fancy a little of. That way, you don't end up going crazy when the opportunity arises.

    I also find high protein, lots of veggies and a little healthy fat goes a long way to satiety whereas too many refined carbs can tend to tip you over the edge and result in a spiral. Hence fitting just something small in each day. Enough to satisfy, but not enough to cause serious cravings. Then get right back to the protein and veggies.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Bacon - how can something so good be bad for you!

    I do not see myself eating something that was not the best choice as cheating it was a choice - deal with it! If I feel like it was a waste of calories then I have learned from that and can make a better choice next time. I really try and save the sweets for the evening and sometimes I don't even want it anymore. If I have a cookie at lunch, I get off the bus a few blocks from my house and walk - sort of make it an exchange.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I try to eat healthy 80% of the day, allowing myself treats for the other 20%. This way I can eat a little of what I want and not let it snowball into an uncontrollable craving. Two days a month I allow myself a free day - I still make it in under maintenance, but whatever I want I eat.
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    pre-logging looks like a good idea !

    Nice thread ...