First day, struggling



  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.
  • Zevia soda (sweetened with stevia) helps me a lot.
    Also just ordered some xylitol licorice mints from Amazon. Licorice flavor will kill my appetite for a good hour or so.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Congrats and welcome! Make vegetables your best friend - low cal. I munch on baby carrots to get me through the day - but I make sure I measure them out first so I know exactly how many calories i'm eating. When I first started I bought some vanilla frozen yogurt to get me through sweet cravings (1/2 cup = 200cals) and I find I dont use it much. You will get the hang of it by seeing what works and what doesnt every day. Good luck!
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.

    have you got a small bar fridge???? if so store your food in their.. a weeks worth will fit easily.. and do you have a microwave?
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.

    try buying the ready made veggies that you only have to steam (in a microwave) and squeeze some fresh lemon on them. Its fast easy and low calorie.
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    It gets easier everyday. Once you get into the rhythm of things, logging your food will become second nature. Once you start eating healthier, the cravings for junk food cease. Its gradual, not overnight. Just stick with it! Add me if you want a friend for motivation and support.
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.

    have you got a small bar fridge???? if so store your food in their.. a weeks worth will fit easily.. and do you have a microwave?

    I have a full kitchen. It's an on-campus apartment. Full sized refrigerator, stove, microwave etc
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.

    try buying the ready made veggies that you only have to steam (in a microwave) and squeeze some fresh lemon on them. Its fast easy and low calorie.

    Hmm sounds like a good idea. I saw some on sale at the grocery store a few weeks ago
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    water water water
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    It gets easier everyday. Once you get into the rhythm of things, logging your food will become second nature. Once you start eating healthier, the cravings for junk food cease. Its gradual, not overnight. Just stick with it! Add me if you want a friend for motivation and support.

  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    1800 is good... we can work with this.. what foods dont you like?

    I don't like seafood or raw veggies, but I'll eat them cooked. I love almost any kind of beans or peas. I love fruits, although it's a huge hassle to get them from the store often. They spoil quickly and I'm in college, living on campus. So going to get fresh fruits every few days isn't really an option as it takes an extremely long time to get there and back.

    try buying the ready made veggies that you only have to steam (in a microwave) and squeeze some fresh lemon on them. Its fast easy and low calorie.

    Hmm sounds like a good idea. I saw some on sale at the grocery store a few weeks ago

    I buy that and the butterball turkey strips (ready to eat). Mix them together and you have a really low calorie meal. I even added some whole wheat pasta to bump the calories up a little bit.
  • slpsparklette
    slpsparklette Posts: 9 Member
    Healthy snacks in between meals. Apples are pretty filling. I make a quinoa muffin that is packed full of protein and fills me up between meals. You can do this!! The first few weeks are rough as your body adjusts, but it will be worth it!!!
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    For that mindless snacking that I feel like I just MUST have something, but I am not at all hungry, I snack on crushed ice... gives me the feeling of eating something without the cals.... Although it is high in sodium, I also like frozen pickle juice.... VERY LOW cal there, I count each cube as 5 Cals tho I don't believe it is even that much...
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    congratulations you are taking the 1st step and that is always the hardest. the 1st day i started i thought i did good but it ended up being around 3000 calories i could only imagnine what i ate when i was not being good. that was a rude awaking. but i started out at a higher calorie (2200 - 2000) until i was able to lower the calories without being starving. i try to stay around 1700 a day now and have been doing it for 6 months.

    also drink lots of water. eating protein keeps you fuller longer.

    good luck feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Congratulations on taking the first step! That's huge. I too struggled at first; it was shocking to realize just how much I really did eat, and how much food occupied parts of my life. Others have suggested writing down what you plan to eat, and that works really well for some people. I also recommend two other things--one, find a hobby that you like. I don't recommend something "mindless" like TV--that's when you really want to snack. I like doing something with my hands, so I've taking up knitting and I'm ridiculously obsessed with Pinterest! Two, start finding different physical activities you might enjoy. For me, at the start, all I would consider was maybe walking through the mall. And that's great! Get up and moving, however you do it. I found that once I noticed that I was getting healthier, it was a LOT easier to resist the temptation of whatever food. It's the mentality of--I worked SO hard to get here--why throw it all away?

    Substitution snacks work sometimes--my mom has a huge sweet tooth and she swears by red bell peppers. I really recommend trying out different healthy snacks to see if they'll work for you. Further, keep healthy food at the ready. The lure of junk food is sometimes how easy it is--you can just open a box of crackers and chow down. So take a little time each week and chop up veggies or fruit and keep them at the ready in your fridge. That way you can quickly grab something healthy instead of defaulting to junk food.

    It is difficult at first. But you will get there. You will learn how to allocate your food, you will learn the tricks and tips that work for you, and you will succeed! Just hang in there, and don't beat yourself up if you have a day where things didn't quite work out. Just move forward and keep making the right decisions.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    You have to plan your day in advance. Don't to to bed tonight before you plan out tomorrow. Then tomorrow, stick to the plan.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to take this step to a healthier future! You are gonna love it here.:heart:

    All of the suggestions before me are awesome! But, I have one more....BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!! :happy:

    You CAN and WILL do this! The first week is the hardest. :happy:

    Wishing you the very best in your journey to a new you! :flowerforyou:
  • jaj68
    jaj68 Posts: 158 Member
    when I find myself hungry when i shouldn't be eating...or just feeling like eating out of boredom....I try to exercise. Or do something constructive to get me moving and to redirect my mind.

    I try to keep sugar free jello on hand....and some fat free cool whip. You can have a big bowl with a spoonful or two of coolwhip and it satisfies cravings and the want of something sweet.

    It is going to get easier. Trust me.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    First of all, congrats on joining MFP. This place is very beneficial and full of supportive people who have the same goal as you. When I started here I weighed 282lbs and had little to no exercise daily. Now I weigh 265 and just completed my very first 5K last weekend. If I can do it, I know you can!

    One of the best ways I can tell you to avoid snacking is to drink two glasses of water before each meal and one after you eat. This not only helps flush you out, but fills you up faster. :) I do this everyday and you would be amazed by how easy it is to eat and stay under your calories. I can only have 1500 and at first it was hard to stay under, now that I do this it is easier. Plus, when you exercise, you can earn some calories back so those days you just want a "treat", you can have it guilt free. :)

    Good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!