Hard time using all of my calories

MFP has put me on a 1200 calorie diet. Great! The problem is that I tend to either eat 3000 calories or 300 calories, with very little in between.
I just did some cardio, and have 1050 calories left, even though I've logged all but one of my meals, and I have no idea what to do with them. It's not that I'd feel BADLY if I ate the remaining calories, just that I'm at a loss as to what to do with them. Maybe this stems from the fact that I'm in recovery from an eating disorder?
Am I the only one who has trouble with this, or am I insane?


  • Binky43789
    I eat every single calorie. I am always siked when I earn calories working out, then I can eat more! I do, however, LOVE the taste of food and I really enjoy eating. What do you like to eat? Go out for a nice dinner and use them! Treat yourself! =)
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    The best thing to do is make a menu and follow it everyday. People who eat the same things all the time seems to be the most successfull at weight loss. Have you gotten counseling for your disorder and talk to a dietician about what you should be eating for your recovery? That would be the most helpful.

    Eating protein and fat with every meal should help you reach your calorie goal ex) salad with 3 oz of chicken and olive oil dressing
    My favorite is a can of tuna with 1 cup of celery or 2 cups spinach and creamy salad dressing.

    Greek yogurt (2% or full fat) or regular plain yogurt with nuts and honey are some of my favorites to.

    Good Luck
  • mallorybear
    mallorybear Posts: 11 Member
    you're definitely not alone! i'm the same exact way.. i either over-eat or under-eat drastically, never in between.. & so, yesterday i had 1,000 calories still to eat. i was like, uh? how?! haah. so, i'm right there with you!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I think that it probably makes sense that it comes from recovering from an eating disorder. It took my sister a long time to overcome hers. I eat every calorie that I can... ALTHOUGH I do know that if i got for a long time without eating I am not as hungry but as soon as i do i am much hungrier so that is kind of the same. MAYBE you can try to add 1 item to each of your meals (how many are you eating, you should be eating a little bit at least 5 times a day). Add fruit, veggies, pudding cup, whatever you like to eat.
  • aj0831
    aj0831 Posts: 3
    I know how you feel. I put all my meals in and everything and I still have 1034 cal. to go. So I started putting in my drinks like sweet tea and green tea and stuff like that it brought by cals down a little bit but not really so I just say oh well. I don't want to keep eating till I meet my cal. Intake....I hope I helped you out at least a little but have a great day and God bless oh and congratulation on overcoming your illness. Its one day at a time after so take care and again God Bless
  • lauriannfish
    lauriannfish Posts: 3 Member
    My bet would be that it does in fact stem from your recovering from an eating disorder. I also had an eating disorder, it's been over 20 years since I started getting healthy, and oboviously I still struggle with it a bit. I must admit that I started using MFP because I had gotten back in the habbit of overeating and then undereating, just like you. I know it's hard to allow yourself to eat, especially if you go over one day, but trust me, it does get easier to eat every meal and snack after a while. For most of my life I couldn't eat breakfast, even when I tried. Now I actually want breakfast. The point of recovering is to learn how to eat in a healthy way. Just stick with it, you are not alone.