If a dog is gotten, which breed should it be?

amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
OK so I'm stuck living with my mother due to my financial situation not being that great (I'll be 23 in a month and 3 days) she admitted to me that she was thinking of getting another dog. Would like it to be a small one. Not a Yorkie, not a chihuaha kind of small but slightly over 10 pounds. If we were to get one we'd do it in May, she mainly wants one right now so that I have a companion when I'm at home. I already take care of the cat majorly but he just...lies around all day and plays with me an hour a day minimum on a sporadic basis i.e. starts chasing me at random all around the main floor.

She suggested a Shih Tzu because they apparently make good companions, however I'm very much aware that these dogs have long fur unless you get it groomed every 4-6 weeks. I told my sister mother was thinking of getting that tyoe of dog and she suggested a Westie. Upon further research I think a Westie would be more suitable partly because I haven't read of t having tolerance issues with hot, humid or very cold weather which we have all of the above here. As for barking and everything else...Every dog barks, the ones who bark more than others in most cases is due to lack of training, exercise, a case of boredom, etc.

So...What sort of dog would you get? Westie or Shih tzu and why?


  • Tuffjourney
    A pound rescue. They need you as much as you need them. It doesnt have to be a purebred to be a wonderful addition.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    we haven't had much luck with rescues in the past...Not sure where we'd be getting it from
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm a BIG advocate of rescue/adopting dogs, that's the only kind of dog I've ever had. I do some volunteer work for a large no-kill animal rescue organization---spay and neuter your pets, people!!

    Anyway, if you're insistent on getting a pure-bred non-rescue dog, a good option for a small indoor dog is a Maltese. They have longer hair and need to be groomed regularly (just so the fur doesn't get matted) BUT they are hypo-allergenic dogs and do not shed or have dander. Plus they're super cute and cuddly. But definitely do your research on breeders and do NOT get a dog from a puppy mill. Fair warning though, most of these types of dogs are NOT cheap.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    we haven't had much luck with rescues in the past...Not sure where we'd be getting it from
    What does that mean? You've gotten animals and given them back? Repeatedly?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Out of the two you mentioned, a Westie... my mom had one and she was the sweetest thing.

    However, my vote is for a Sheltie. We have one and even though he is still very much in his puppy phase, he is a great dog and small.

    But I agree, do not get them from a puppy mill... those poor dogs are treated cruely.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    It VERY much depends on your personality, the place you live and the time you have to keep them busy with activities.

    Try this site. It will help you determine some of those things. http://www1.dogbreedinfo.com/search.htm There are others out there on many sites.

    It does matter, but rescuing a dog can be a good thing. All of ours were either dumped on the side of the road (we live in a rural area), or someone was getting rid of them and needed a home. Definitely spend the time to find the dog that is right for you. There is no one breed, mixed or otherwise, that is perfect for everyone.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    No! We've never given a dog back, however everytime we've went and got a dog from a rescue it had issues to the point where we had to modify behaviors around the dog for a time and even then had to either shut it away when people were over, have it stay at a friend's overnight, etc. Not because we didn't love the dog but because it had HUGE socialization issues. And my aunt also hasn't had much luck, her first one was hyper all the time - the second one yips as though he's being murdered when people come over and he's a nervous wreck.

    SO if at all possible we won't be getting ANOTHER pet from a rescue and will be getting from an in-home breeder like we did my last dog. She lasted 12 good years and passed away peacefully one night.

    So then, back to my question: Not looking at where we'll be getting the dog from, aside from Shih Tzus, westies, Maltese...Which other small/affectionate dog would you go for?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It VERY much depends on your personality, the place you live and the time you have to keep them busy with activities.

    Try this site. It will help you determine some of those things. http://www1.dogbreedinfo.com/search.htm There are others out there on many sites.

    It does matter, but rescuing a dog can be a good thing. All of ours were either dumped on the side of the road (we live in a rural area), or someone was getting rid of them and needed a home. Definitely spend the time to find the dog that is right for you. There is no one breed, mixed or otherwise, that is perfect for everyone.

    I agree... most of my parents dogs have all just "found" us one night because their owners have dumped them on the side of the road... that's how we got our westie (that unfortunately died of lymphoma a couple of years later).... we also got a puppy that was part Great Dane, Black Lab, and Charpey (?)... both the sweetest and most loving dogs....

    But again, I also love my Sheltie... Shelties are one of the smartest breeds, easy to train. But can be a bit hyper, while they are puppies... our dog is more on the average side of 15-20 pounds... He is very loyal and loving... in fact, my husbands side of the family have all Shelties... and I have never seen nor heard of a problem with them. But then I'm just a bit biased... If we got another pure bred small dog it will either be a Westie or a Sheltie.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    No! We've never given a dog back, however everytime we've went and got a dog from a rescue it had issues to the point where we had to modify behaviors around the dog for a time and even then had to either shut it away when people were over, have it stay at a friend's overnight, etc. Not because we didn't love the dog but because it had HUGE socialization issues. And my aunt also hasn't had much luck, her first one was hyper all the time - the second one yips as though he's being murdered when people come over and he's a nervous wreck.

    SO if at all possible we won't be getting ANOTHER pet from a rescue and will be getting from an in-home breeder like we did my last dog. She lasted 12 good years and passed away peacefully one night.

    So then, back to my question: Not looking at where we'll be getting the dog from, aside from Shih Tzus, westies, Maltese...Which other small/affectionate dog would you go for?
    Yeah that "everytime" still makes me think you've had several dogs.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    The cat breed. :) Dogs are gross, I hate them. But to each their own.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Westies and Shih Tzu's both need groomed regularly.
    Brushed daily and taken to the groomers every 4 - 6 weeks.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I personally like King Cavalier spaniels.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I like hot dogs. I'll take 2 with mustard & relish please.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    A pound rescue. They need you as much as you need them. It doesnt have to be a purebred to be a wonderful addition.

    yep, rescue one!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Ruthe8, I'll have you know I've had at least 8 dogs in my lifetime along with several cats as well. While I'm not against getting dogs from shelters/pound whatever you call it, we've had some bad experiences so if you please don't walk around with a chip on your shoulder on this topic. All I'm asking is opinions on breeds for small-er dogs essentially, I don't require an opinion on where I should be getting them from.

    The family likes both cats and dogs, have had both gel pretty well together in the same house on many occasions and the cats always ruled the house and bossed the dogs around. However mother would like to re-explore the idea of dog ownership and my being home regularly would mean I would have the main responsibility of it, and so I get to have a say in this as well. We've had larger dogs, never small ones. Aside from a heinz 57 which I'd like to call medium. We've had Dalmatians, Labs and that sort of breed.

    In terms of grooming obviously it needs regular brushing and tooth cleaning at-home, etc. I already do it with the cat daily as he sheds quite a bit and has gingivitis in his line. In terms of the grooming obviously you have to bring it in every 1-2 months depending on the breed, some need it more than others in my experience. Ideally though we'd be looking for something which can handle hot humid weather and cold winters fairly well.

    In terms of trainability we could handle some stubbornness, but if there's dogs out there who can be fairly easily trained - especially at a heeled walk and is one that I might not have thought of or hasn't been mentioned please do pitch in :) I'm visually impaired and the reason why the walk would have to be a heeled one is so i don't have to worry about the doing going after my cane or getting hit by it/the lead getting in my way, etc.
  • slleader
    slleader Posts: 66 Member
    We have two dachshunds and they are wonderful companions.....not to mention they have the funniest personalities...they think they are human!!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    No! We've never given a dog back, however everytime we've went and got a dog from a rescue it had issues to the point where we had to modify behaviors around the dog for a time and even then had to either shut it away when people were over, have it stay at a friend's overnight, etc. Not because we didn't love the dog but because it had HUGE socialization issues. And my aunt also hasn't had much luck, her first one was hyper all the time - the second one yips as though he's being murdered when people come over and he's a nervous wreck.

    SO if at all possible we won't be getting ANOTHER pet from a rescue and will be getting from an in-home breeder like we did my last dog. She lasted 12 good years and passed away peacefully one night.

    So then, back to my question: Not looking at where we'll be getting the dog from, aside from Shih Tzus, westies, Maltese...Which other small/affectionate dog would you go for?

    Considering the amount of homeless pets in the world, going to a breeder is kind of selfish.

    It's true, sometimes rescues do have some behavioral issues due to their past - if this is a concern, consider an older dog who is already trained, etc. Find an organization that will let you spend some time with the dog - taking him on a walk and such. If you don't have the time to dedicate to training your new dog, then maybe now isn't the best time to get one.
  • SandieM7
    SandieM7 Posts: 47 Member
    Both breeds are very friendly. I had a Westie years ago - only issue is they very often have skin problems. I have two shih tzus now - one is 7 and the other is 8. They are fabulous dogs - very friendly, great lap dogs and sweet as can be. They do need to be groomed, but so do Westies. I would probably never get any other breed other than a shih tzu just because they have the best disposition. Good luck with your decision.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Two of our dogs came from pounds. One was found by a friend, wandering in the park, in the middle of a below zero cold spell. They couldn't keep him, so we took him. All three have been great dogs! We like big dogs, so I really haven't any advice on what breed to get, just to tell you not to give up on shelter or pound dogs. They have lots of young dogs too--which may help with behavioral issues.

    Really do consider it. There are so many great dogs that need homes!