Whey protien VS. Soy



  • wazzanz
    i was told as a male to avoid too much soy as it containes estrogen and will not be good for your man boobs.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If you have some of that research I'd like to see it as long as it is from a credible source but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter as the over all end result will be the same as shown from the study above. Same muscle gains no matter the protein source. If your body needs the protein, it will use the protein. It doesn't disregard it just because it came from a plant.

    I don't tend to keep research lying around in piles. LOL Sorry. Everyone on here always wants a quote or cite. It's not my thang. I'm not writing a dissertation. I read it to glean what I need to know to use in my daily life and then pitch it. But, here is one article that I read recently ... so it hadn't made it into file 13 yet. <g> You might find it interesting and should find it authoritative (the Journal of Applied Phsyiology):

    "We conclude that the feeding-induced simulation of MPS [mixed muscle protein synthesis] in young men is greater after whey hydrolysate or soy protein consumption than casein both at rest and after resistance exercise; moreover, despite both being fast proteins, whey hydrolysate stimulated MPS to a greater degree than soy after resistance exercise. These differences may be related to how quickly the proteins are digested (i.e., fast vs. slow) or possibly to small differences in leucine content of each protein."

    Here's the cite: http://jap.physiology.org/content/107/3/987.full

    It has all the medical hoo-haa and details you might want to read to your heart's content. Go and knock yourself out! <g>

    Interesting study but it's a little biased. Quote below from the discussion. I should also note that the research grant for this study came from the U.S. National Dairy Council.
    We found that the consumption of whey protein hydrolysate stimulated MPS to a greater degree than casein both at rest and after resistance exercise. While FSR in the whey group tended to be greater than soy in the rested muscle, this did not reach statistical significance.

    Also, someone made a claim earlier that the body will waste a certain about of Soy Protein grams. This study does not show anything of that nature. The study is more about how fast the protein reaches your muscle and not really how much your muscle will utilize or waste.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    i was told as a male to avoid too much soy as it containes estrogen and will not be good for your man boobs.

    That's what the Dairy companies want you to believe, hah. I know i must sound silly but read the article from bodybuilding.com down below a detailed and more level headed version of the truth.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Interesting study but it's a little biased. Quote below from the discussion. I should also note that the research grant for this study came from the U.S. National Dairy Council.

    Someone's gotta pay for it, that doesn't make it biased in result... there's a potential for financial influence, but that's always going to be the case. *shrug*
    Also, someone made a claim earlier that the body will waste a certain about of Soy Protein grams. This study does not show anything of that nature. The study is more about how fast the protein reaches your muscle and not really how much your muscle will utilize or waste.

    Are you honestly asking me now to produce articles to support SOMEONE ELSE's points? Really? I am not that bored. I have work to do and fun to have when my work's done.

    My point (see MY - not someone else's - original posts) was that the OP probably made a good purchase. There are pros and cons to BOTH protein sources. Whey is more efficient than the soy for some aspects (which this article supports - as requested), but the soy is higher in other healthy beneficial contents (e.g., arginine) and better for those properties. I said I thought the mix of the two was probably getting the best of both worlds. I believe I even said words to the effect that the areas in which the whey was higher like digestibility probably was not significant IMHO but I'm not a nutritionist. Yeppers, I definitely remember saying that. I have not at any point said the body wastes soy, have I? So, why would it matter whether or not the article I posted supports that? The article I posted supports what *I* said, that whey protein has been shown to be more digestible and efficient for some aspects/purposes.

    Do you READ what people post or just look for arguing points? Since the person you disagreed with won't argue with you, you want me to? I don't get it.