
I was doing some squats (just regular, body weight squats) today with my mom, and she told me that while I was squatting I lean forward too much. No one has ever told me that my form was bad.

I tried straightening up a bit, but that felt so weird and I kept losing my balance.

Is leaning forward a lot considered bad form? And if it is, how do I fix my form?


  • keenanjones
    I am no fitness expert, but the bet piece of squatting advice I have gotten is to point your booty to the back of the room while keeping your back straight ( not arched). The rest seems to take care of itself.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I was doing some squats (just regular, body weight squats) today with my mom, and she told me that while I was squatting I lean forward too much. No one has ever told me that my form was bad.

    I tried straightening up a bit, but that felt so weird and I kept losing my balance.

    Is leaning forward a lot considered bad form? And if it is, how do I fix my form?

    She's right actually, you don't want to come forward. Even though you're only doing body weight squats it might worthwhile to checkout "So You Think You Can Squat" on YouTube. Do some work to help strengthen your lower back and hamstrings. You can do things like body-weight straight-leg deadlifts to help with that if you don't actually have access to weights. Do some walking lunges and take a long stride an go deep, if your knee doesn't touch the ground the rep doesn't count. :) If you do have access to a gym then that can change your training altogether.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    You kinda have to lean forward to some degree but it's something to be careful of especially if you're doing it with weights. I do body weight squats with my hand behind my head to help keep my head up as I have a tendency to lean forward too. There are plenty of youtube clips on good squatting technique.
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I am no fitness expert, but the bet piece of squatting advice I have gotten is to point your booty to the back of the room while keeping your back straight ( not arched). The rest seems to take care of itself.

    ^This and don't let your knees get forward of your toes. The lead with your butt advice helps with this.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    knees not allowed to go past your toes. i tell my patients to pretend they are hovering over a public toilet!! lean to far forward and you'll pee on your feet =P