Breastfeeding and weightloss...

I was wondering how many calories I should be eating per day while breastfeeding, and how much exercise I can do before it will affect my milk supply?

At my current weight of 81kgs (179lb's) and being 168cm (5'6"-ish) My Fitness Pal has recommended I consume 1200 calories/day while doing a half hour of exercise 5x a week. That doesn't sound like enough calories to support a good milk supply?


  • RickyKruize
    Hi, having breastfed two babies now for a collective 3 years, i personally have found that exercise does not impact milk supply at all, i have run lots of half-marathons and played touch rugby whilst feeding, and i think that most research says that even very strenuous exercise will not affect milk supply, HOWEVER exercise and a low calorie diet can exhaust you when you are breastfeeding and i think 1200 is way too low to keep you healthy while feeding. Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories so i would factor that in to your diet plan, and i would eat back at least some, if not all, of your exercise calories.
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Something to be aware of is that a build up of lactic acid in your milk can cause a taste change that a baby might object to! So just be aware if baby starts being fussier :)