Ironman in 10 days!!

Last Monday I started a personal challenge of doing the Ironman distances in 10 days. The distances are: Run 26.2 miles / 42.2 Km, Cycle 112 miles / 180 km and Swim 2.4 mile / 3.86 km.

Now most Ironman events have a time limit of 17 hrs and that’s back to back in 1 day. I was giving myself 10 days and these are the timings I was aiming for: Run completed in 3hrs 55 mins (based on my average running pace of between 8.40 and 9 min miles), cycle completed in 6 hrs (based on 10 mins per 5 km) and I had no idea when it came to swimming!! The last time I swam was well over a year ago and I think I’d managed half a mile in 25 mins. So based on that I decided on 2 hrs 5 mins for the swim. So a total of 12 hrs work!

This is my progress so far:

RUN 42.2 Km

Date Distance Time Distance Total time Distance
covered Taken Completed Taken Remaining
03/09 8.88 km 50.53 8.88 km 50.53 33.32 km
03/09 1.12 km 6.00 10 km 56.53 32.2 km
04/09 5 km 28.14 15 km 85.07 27.2 km
05/09 5.2 km 29.27 20.2 km 114.34 22 km
07/09 5 km 27.33 25.2 km 142.07 17 km
08/09 5 km 27.38 30.2 km 169.45 12 km
10/09 8 km 46.53 8.00 km 216.38 4 km

CYCLE 180 Km

Date Distance Time Distance Total time Distance
covered Taken Completed Taken Remaining
03/09 20 km 40 20 km 40 160 km
04/09 20 km 39.30 40 km 79.30 140 km
05/09 25 km 50 65 km 129.30 115 km
06/09 20 km 40.50 85 km 170.20 95 km
10/09 25 km 39.50 110 km 210.10 70 km

SWIM 3.9 Km (2hrs)

Date Distance Time Distance Total time Distance
covered Taken Completed Taken Remaining
06/09 2 km 60 2 km 60 1.9 km
07/09 1.9 km 60 3.9 km 120 0

So as you can see in 2 days I have 4 km to run and 70 km to cycle…..the end is near :)
