Surgical Menopause Struggle

Four months after surgery and struggling. First day here, ready to take control, battling the slam into menopause and determined to regain strength and stamina , my health, and my figure back! Anyone have a miracle cure for the hot flashes ? Please fill me in, I have tried everything. Now committing to exercise and calorie counting and at the moment i have the hungry's BAD. Would really help to stuff my face with carbs right now.. hellllp!

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  • melissalynnlarue
    melissalynnlarue Posts: 47 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry you're struggling!! While I haven't been where you are, I have a good friend who was put into surgical menopause a few months ago as well; she is around 33 years old.

    I don't have a miracle cure for the hot flashes. I'm sure you've already talked to your doctor about the variety of therapies available for your situation - natural remedies (i.e. not pill form), pills, and....? I don't know.

    As for the hungries... drink water, and lots of it!!!! :) Brush your teeth... and if all of that doesn't work, it's not the end of the world to find a nice light snack like an apple with a tsp or so of peanut butter spread on the slices (very thin - not 1 tsp per slice, but for the whole apple!).

    Best of luck to you!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Thanks melly

    Docs only answer is estrogen and after 6 hours on a patch I felt quite ill, headache, stomach ache and uncontrollable sobbing, very uncharacteristic for me. Better to sweat than go through that! Estrogen is NOT my friend.. Just after i was beginning to feel better, so I peeled that thing OFF. Vitamins and supplements of all kinds, some days are better than others , who knows.

    And yes, I am chugging the water, and resisting the urge to munch. MORE waterrrrrr.

    Thanks for the apple suggestion, I will have one if I find a hungry tummy keeping me awake.
