New and looking for people to walk this road with me.

Hey there,

I'm YellGiant, I'm here because I need to lose weight. Not just for vanity reasons (though believe me, they are there) but also for health reasons. I find that my weight and lack of fitness has been stopping me from doing things I'd like to do. Its become sort of a permanent excuse. Also both my parents have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and that isn't something I want in my life, my father in particular has not been looking after himself. I'd like to show them both it can be done.

I used to be 14st, and last year I lost a stone and a half to get to 12st 7pds. Now I'm 12st 10pds and to be honest, I'm fairly happy with how I've done. At the time I wasn't able to change my whole lifestyle around, so I did little bits and pieces putting them into my routine and now I'm ready to push into a healthy weight zone and get some fitness into me! I think I'm finally ready to change my attitude/outlook on my lifestyle.

My goal in life is to say "I did my best" and be able to look back on my life and say "Yeah, that was a pretty sweet ride".

But it can be pretty lonely to do it by yourself, seeing others succeed and even just knowing someone else is going through something similar can be helpful, so here I am. Anyone want to walk this road with me?


  • sazsmo
    Hello :) Love this post. I will walk this road with you! We can do it! Is today your first day? I will send you a friend request now!
  • yellgiant
    yellgiant Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks sazsmo, I kind of messed around with it over the weekend seeing whether it could be of any benefit to me. When I found out that I could really use this as a tool I started properly on Monday.

    Thanks for the friend request, already accepted!