VERY hard first day of C25K



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    My first day was wicked hard, but I promise, it does get easier. Just stick with it, and take it at your own pace. If you need to alter days, than do that. I just started C25K about a year ago, and it was the best program I could have done. You can do this!! Don't be discouraged, instead, focus on what you achieved!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    One of the trainers at my gym had a quote on her board recently. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something to the effect of, "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse." It looks to me like you are finding a way! Decreasing the length of the running intervals is a great way to increase fitness and start the program. I repeated a few weeks when I first did C25k and it worked for me. Keep us updated on your progress!
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a C25K grad. However, I did not complete it in the 9 week period. If I really struggled then I simply repeated that week. Also, don't think of it as running. Jog. If you take off like someone is chasing you then you will get winded much faster and risk hurting yourself. Its not a race. :) It will get easier as time goes on and once you get further into the program you can work on speed. I have so much more endurance and I'm able to control my breathing much better.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I think you are running too fast. Slow down, wayyyy down. If you can slow down at all while jogging, you're going too fast. The point is to get through the program slowly, then add speed later.

    Good luck!

    This is a pretty important point, thanks for mentioning it!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    slow down and repeat week one until your ready to move on :) I have no problems repeating weeks. over and over
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 918 Member
    Yep, I almost died that day, too. And the next one, and the next one, and the next one. But I kept at it, got better fitting shoes, kept at it, and it did get easier to go longer. I run with the turtles, on a flat cinder trail, preferably when it's cool and hot humid, with a C25K app, a MapMyfitness app, and a Pandora app all sucking my phone's battery life dry. Can't imagine doing hills or with any great speed yet, but it's technically a jog so I'll take it. :laugh: I did week 6 day 2 this morning. Not dead yet. Hang in there!
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    Just like everyone else said: run slower. On the website I used to look up the C25K program, it says at the bottom: Speed comes with time. If you can run slower, then you're going too fast.

    I just started the C25K program yesterday. We all struggle a little bit at first :)
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    PLEASE PLEASE read my blog about C25K, hopefully it will help.

    Add me should you want to too
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Stick with it if you can and aren't in pain. And as someone else mentioned, watch your pacing. Make sure you're not trying to sprint. My "jog" is almost a light shuffle at this point. I think I can cover more distance in 1 minute by walking than I can by running in that same minute, as my walking speed is 4-4.5 mph. I think running takes more energy because of how the mechanism behind running impacts how you hit the ground and move your arms.

    I think I'm running a 15-16 minute mile pace. Not the 10 mile or even 12 mile I'd be happy at. But I'm not going for speed right now. I'm just going for endurance and conditioning. Can I run 60 seconds? Can I run 90 seconds? Can I run 3 minutes? Don't be ashamed to repeat a week, but don't be frightened to try it either. No one will judge you. It's just you and the road. :)

    Feel free to add or PM if you need more support. :)
  • EternalJourney
    I agree w/ everyone else.. don't push too hard and just keep at it. I started it in the beginning of the summer, and it was very difficult. I couldn't even run 60 seconds at a time without feeling like I was going to pass out. Now I am up to running 7km a day. :)
  • bladerunnerS
    Speaking as someone who's never run before, be prepared to hurt. C25k isn't magic. There have been some tough days. W4D2, W6D1 are two that jump out in my mind. Yes you need to go your own pace, as everyone has said, and it's a great program-- I just wanted to warn you you will need some mental fortitude. I finished W7D2 yesterday with my fastest mile time yet, and there we're still times where I thought, you know, I can't do this today. But I did.

    Good luck to everyone C25king in this thread!
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    I'm a C25K grad. However, I did not complete it in the 9 week period. If I really struggled then I simply repeated that week. Also, don't think of it as running. Jog. If you take off like someone is chasing you then you will get winded much faster and risk hurting yourself. Its not a race. :) It will get easier as time goes on and once you get further into the program you can work on speed. I have so much more endurance and I'm able to control my breathing much better.

    This is a really good point. Many people avoid use of the word "jog" now, as they somehow see it as an insult, and even debate what it means. But it is a good description of what you should do. Very natural for OP to think "run" meant fast, but that isn't the right pace.

    The conversation test is a good one to use. Could you, during those run portions, talk in complete phrases with someone else? if not, slow down. that may not be possible first couple of weeks, but once your body starts adaptation, it will be. Even for people who run lots of miles, run everyday, and train to race - almost all of the miles are done at a conversational pace. That builds the base.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Do not be discouraged! One thing - Are you running too fast on the runs? You may need to run a little slower. Also, is it possible to start your training on a treadmill in a gym or on a flat track? You're not going to want to start your C25K on a hilly surface...that is for AFTER you've been running a while and you want to push yourself further....don't start on hills!

    I will say I also started the C25K this morning; however I will say my reasons are different than yours. I am a runner already and usually run 5-8 miles. However I was in a slight car accident and got whiplash. My doctor told me this would be the best way for me to start back running. I am struggling in a different way...I want to just RUN!

    You will get there; I didn't start running 5 miles all at once; I didn't start running 1 mile all at once. I had to start just like you and that's what I always encourage people who are just starting out to do. My sister is severely overweight. I have sent her the C25K program I want her to start it. She is not going to be able to run at all yet for the runs. I have recommended she start with walking her normal walk, then kicking it up to a faster pace walk for the runs. Then as she gets more comfortable, she can kick it up a little faster until she IS able to do a little jog. But she is more than 100 lbs over weight right now, so I don't want her to have a heart attack or injure herself (she won't; she's a nurse); but I DO want her to start the program and do the will help her with her heart capacity and will aide in her weight loss.

    Just keep up with the program; you'll get there. reduce your run times or reduce your speed, then take it up a little at a time until you can complete week one, then move forward. Don't despair if you have to repeat other weeks. THis is not a contest...this is about you getting fit and healthy and that is what will happen. It is about you getting INTO shape, you're not trying to kill KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! You'll get there!! I know you will!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi. I as well started C25K yesterday. I did my day on a treadmill so it was a lat surface (so to speak). I want to do it outside, but my lunch breaks this week are only 30 min (usually an hour) so I have a time constraint. I think I am going to do it when I get home from work instead because I want the challenge of the road. I didn't do too bad during, it was the "after math" that got me. My legs were weak, burning, and crampy. It was hard to walk after I got off the treadmill (didn't think I would mak it back to the office).

    I am hoping that I get into the "mood" of running, I really want to do a Color Run next year when it comes to the area, along with other runs that are around. I also want to do a Warrior Dash as well. Those are my 2 main goals to strive for for next year, and possibly work on the 10K program after I get this one down. Then we'll see how it goes from there, who knows a marathon might be in the future....

    Keep it up and don't give up!! As Dory says "Just keep swimming" :-)
  • ozerion
    ozerion Posts: 47 Member
    If you are already used to walking a lot, you should be able to do this. I think you are running too fast. Slow down, wayyyy down. If you can slow down at all while jogging, you're going too fast. The point is to get through the program slowly, then add speed later.

    I agree. Slow down!

    If you have a heart rate monitor or you can use your phone as a heart rate monitor then do it, Try to keep your heart rate below 80% of max, you can find a simple calculator here:

    I didn't complete the program because I found I was pushing too hard, I just switched to running at ~3mph (at first) and found I could do that for 5k. if my HR went above 80% I slowed down, if it went below 70% then I sped up. Usually hills will force you to change you speed to keep your HR in that range but that is good for you :) Once I got comfortable doing that then I worked on adding some speed and an occasional short moderate sprint while jogging.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Good for you! It will get better. I too have just started C25k, and today completed Day 3 of week 1. I will stay on Week 1 until I can run all 8 runs with little effort, so maybe for another week. Don't be discouraged. On Day 1, I only completed 4 of the 8 runs and the runs I did lasted only about 45 seconds. Today, just 6 days later I did all 8 runs fully. I slowed down,and it seemed to work. It does feel frustratingly slow, but for now it is important to work on your stamina - you can always work on speed as you get stronger. Good luck with it. I have started a blog called "Mum on the Run" on here if you fancy dropping by.
  • Lindabummy
    Don't give up. I liked the modification you are going to try. I too downloaded the information to begin this and haven't started yet, but information you have given is most helpful. I am sure you will do fine with your persistence. good luck.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    So today I did my first ever day of C25K and I almost died. Seriously, I was NOT expecting it to be that hard! I am not hugely fit but I do walk 1 hour a day, 4 days a week carrying a really heavy bag, and thought that I was at least relatively fit. I expected it to hurt, and for it to be hard, but I seriously underestimated how hard it would be. I only made it through the first two 60 second runs, and then it was a struggle just to walk after that. It is quite hilly in my area, but still, I thought I would make it farther than I did. I didn't want to just give up so I walked for another 20 minutes before heading home, but still felt pretty discouraged for awhile. Then I went and had a look at the FAQ page and sure enough they had a question about not being able to complete the first day. Next time I try it (in 3 days) I am going to only run at 30 second intervals for the first week, then 45 seconds, and then try for the whole minute, and if I have to repeat weeks, I will. I really hope I can keep up with this, because I would just LOVE to be able to run for 30 mins straight. In a way today was a victory in that I just got out the door - I have been way to self-conscious to ever even think about doing that before, so that is huge step forward right there. Anyone else been in a similar position? Hard day one but pushed through?

    If you stick with it, you will be amazed at your progress. I started it at 300 pounds and the first workout was really hard and painful but doable. By the end of that first week, the third workout was so much easier. You will make progress and be amazed at it but you have to have the mental toughness to force yourself to 'just do it' as nike says. Running is not easy, it hurts and it will make you want to quit. Don't quit and the results will shock you. The best part of a run for me is the way I feel afterwards. I just finished week 4, second workout yesterday and I can tell you that things don't get easier; each week will challenge you. I am confident however that when this is all said and done, I will be running a 5k. I am going to register for a local one in late October or early November. It's worth it; keep it up.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    If you aren't ready for 60 second running intervals, don't start there! There's no reason why you can't add an extra week before C25K week one to work up to it. Call it Week -1.

    Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 30 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

    There. Do that first for Week -1, then you can move up to the official Week 1.... or just increase the running time slowly:

    Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 45 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

    My point being, take more time to work up to the actual C25K week one and don't feel rushed (like your plan, which sounds really good, by the way!). I spent a couple weeks at various levels when I did it and made up my own weeks that were intermediate when I felt like it was too big a leap for me (like week 5 to 6).

    And as others have already said, make sure you aren't running too fast. Jog at the slowest pace you can so you can get more distance.

    Good luck!