why do digital scales have to be so difficult?? my aunt bought a digital scale yesterday (i have a digital one now) and when i stepped on this morning, it gave me the wrong weight..meaning, it told me i weighed the same as when i first started..which i know is absolutely i stepped on it again, and it gave me a more accurate reading...

why are these scales so freaking difficult? LOL


  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Oh god i know EXACTLY what you mean lol There is another thread somewhere called "scales can lie"
    or something similar where i ranted about my scales :0) I'm on my THIRD set now and have come to the
    conclusion that they are for rough guidance only... even the most expensive fat%, hydration level,
    weighing, future predicting scales, doesn't always agree with itself and thats on a tiled bathroom floor so
    i have resorted to taking an average from the two more accurate ones and measuring daily so that i can
    see the overall trend rather than my weight on a specific day, that way i also tend not to worry so much
    if it goes up a pound or two :0)

    I wouldnt worry about it too much, if you stick with it keep eating right, keep exercising the weight will drop and over time it will show in your stats, also i dont know if you do it already but if you measure your upper arm across the bicep, mid thigh, waist, hips and neck you'll see that you are getting smaller and if your weight isnt dropping it could be you aer building extra muscle mass :0)

    Stick with it!
  • barkyardwishes
    That's so weird, I bought a scale yesterday, after ten years of swearing them off, it was the cheapest one I could find and couldn't figure out how to set it right away and it told me I weighed two pounds more than what I did in October. I was so frustrated. After I read the instructions, took it off the carpet (duhh) and set it to zero it was more accurate. I'm not alone:huh:
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Take your measuements instead. They show your progress better!!!
    I refer to my scale as a weight estimate! ;)
    Good luck on your journey!!
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    I have a HealthOMeter digital scale that has never been wrong - it even matches my gym scale - I think I got it at Walmart or Target and it was pretty inexpensive....maybe it is the brand? That is very annoying though!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Yeah, I have a problem when I step on a digital scale and it tells me I weigh the same as I did yesterday.....:angry:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Seriously, when buying a scale, make sure to get one that uses strain-gauge technology as its method of weighing (rather than, say, a spring method). Everything I have read says that these are most accurate. And it's not expensive. My scale (from Eat Smart) was less than $30, and recently Costco had a Taylor model that looks exactly the same as mine for $25--and for awhile they even had a $10 off coupon.

    To quote Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny, my scale is "dead on balls accurate". It's consistent from reading to reading--I've never had an instance where I got on it 2 or 3 times in a row and received different readings.