30 Day Shred Challenge - Anyone want to do it with me?

Hey everyone!

Is anyone interested in joining my in the 30 Day Shred? We can keep each other motivated and updated - I much prefer working as a team!


  • I am going to start it next Monday, after I finish with RI30. Just started Week 4... I will join you! I'm going to do the Shred for 30 days with a rest day in between each level, and Kickboxing FastFix every other day for the 33 days.
  • km202
    km202 Posts: 112
    I am in!
  • 1234leslie94
    1234leslie94 Posts: 5 Member
    I will!!
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    Awesome! So I will start tonight and you can all start whenever you're ready (hopefully within the week!).

    Post pics if you like, it does help! Otherwise, you don't have to.
  • ainsley23
    ainsley23 Posts: 22 Member
    I just started day 1 level 1 today, add me if you like x
  • We (husband and I ) Started it Sunday! Wow I ache everywhere today!
  • K1tt
    K1tt Posts: 37 Member
    I started today. It's been a year since I last exercised.
  • jennrson
    jennrson Posts: 7 Member
    I am in! Just started today!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I am starting Thursday when the kids go back to school. Count me in!!!
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    Hi all!

    I tried to wake up at 6am today to do it before leaving for work but couldn't get up :( So I shall do it when I get home I promise!
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    OMG just did day one - it absolutely killed me!
  • CyclngChick
    CyclngChick Posts: 57 Member
    Started yesterday! It was tough!
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    Day 4 down! I've been having too long-a-breaks in between! Technically did day 4 today but am considering restarting. How is everyone else going?
  • Can tell a difference in my endurance - I'm able to keep up with most of the cario aspects now. I've added in a few down days to allow my body to adjust. We (hubby and I) are on day 6 - we'll probably wait to start level 2 next week.
  • Oh my! I just started it today, it sure was tough! Probably didn't help I already did a tai bo session earlier today so pretty knackered! Day 1 done! I will add you :)
  • I started Shredding yesterday, and I was surprised at how intense Level 1 is. I made it through (all the cardio YAY!) except took about 15 seconds total break during a few of the circuits. I did Kickboxing FastFix level 3 (abs) also, and felt so good after these workouts! I love working out to Jillian!
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    When I first started I had soooo much trouble getting through the exercises with weights, but now it's a lot easier. Didn't think I'd be able to do level 2 but am now considering moving to level 2 soon.

    Its really great that you girls are combining it with other workouts! You'll see even better results that way. I can't wait for results!!!! Good work everyone. It's not essay at all! I get so bored I have one of my tv shows running on the side to distract me (cos I do it on my computer).