Losing weight

Hi my name is Tiffanie , ive been losing weight for a while now i was 200 and now im 165 and well i think i hit a wall. Now i lose weight pretty fast but its slowing down, i wana be 130 so i have some left, im confused if im not doing something right when im working out or what, or maybe im just not seeing it. I do not keep a scale because they make me crazy i just weigh in at the doctor so im not all crazy about how much i have lost in like a day lol i run,jog,walk and stair step and other things through the day. So any tips on how i can meet my goal faster?


  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Started at 208, now 165. I've hit a plateau...not gaining, but not losing either (for about 6 weeks). I want to get to 125. I think the closer to you are to your goal, the harder it becomes to get the scale moving again. I'm trying to increase calories a bit and switch up my workout routine.
  • First off, congrats on your successes! I totally understand how sometimes it seems you feel like you are slowing in progress. I think it's really normal to have little bumps in the road to push-over. I think you could look at a few things to get your over your slump faster. Have you thought about incorporating weight training to your daily exercise? Building muscle will increase your metabolism significantly... and your overall all metabolic rate will increase and help you burn more calories at rest. Also, double check your diet. When you feel like you are in a 'slump' it's easier to cheat, even in small ways. Maybe try a very short cleanse to give you a boost, or make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories to support your activity. Drink TONS AND TONS of water, which also helps your metabolism, as well as flushing out toxins in your system, and get plenty of sleep. If you are lacking in hydration or rest, both of those can significantly affect your weight-loss goals.

    Hope this helps a little. Hang in there!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    There are a lot of things you can do:
    - Mix up your exercise - add weights if you're not lifting now, do intervals if you're only running one pace, etc, take up Zumba, etc
    - If you've been sticking to low calorie, try upping your calories. There is a group here for 'Eat More to Lose More' or something like that. Many people have had success doing this, believe it or not.
    - Don't go only by the scale - use measurements and how your clothing fits as a guide, too.
    - Don't give up
  • I'm only in the beginning stages of my weight loss but listen to my friends who have blazed the trail before me. I hear that your body eventually adjusts to your new healthy lifestyle and the only way through the plateau is to step up the routine. Step up the intensity of your workout or try something new such as interval training. Some friends have also broken up their meals into 5-6 mini-meals to help increase their metabolism. Keep up the great work...sound slike you got off to a great start!
  • AniOnFire
    AniOnFire Posts: 33 Member
    First off, congrats on your successes! I totally understand how sometimes it seems you feel like you are slowing in progress. I think it's really normal to have little bumps in the road to push-over. I think you could look at a few things to get your over your slump faster. Have you thought about incorporating weight training to your daily exercise? Building muscle will increase your metabolism significantly... and your overall all metabolic rate will increase and help you burn more calories at rest. Also, double check your diet. When you feel like you are in a 'slump' it's easier to cheat, even in small ways. Maybe try a very short cleanse to give you a boost, or make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories to support your activity. Drink TONS AND TONS of water, which also helps your metabolism, as well as flushing out toxins in your system, and get plenty of sleep. If you are lacking in hydration or rest, both of those can significantly affect your weight-loss goals.

    Hope this helps a little. Hang in there!

    Hehe I was going to say that, I recently hit a wall myself and was very bummed until I weighed myself the day after drinking 16 glasses of water (through out the day, not at once) and I weighed myself and the scale reflected the weight I should have lost in the last week, it was so amazing. :) So yes, MORE water.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I have been in a weight loss slump for about six months now. The first three months was due to a couple of medical issues I was having. I have since been medicated for those, but still haven't started losing weight again. A couple of weeks ago, I started thinking back to when I first started trying to lose weight and the guidelines/standards I had set for myself then. I discovered that, during the time I was most successful, I:

    1. Ate ZERO fast food and/or processed foods. I was eating as natural as possible and the only meat sources were chicken breast, turkey breast, and fish.

    2. Was working out for at least one hour EVERY day, six days per week and taking a rest day on Sunday.

    3. Was in bed EVERY night at 9:30pm without fail, and I was up between 5:30-6am EVERY morning.

    4. Had very little stress at the time at home or at work.

    5. Was much more active in the afternoons and evenings.

    6. Was doing more or less the same workout routines I'm doing now, but they were more effective then because they were new at that time.

    So, after taking all of this into consideration, I've recently recommitted myself to:

    1. Stop eating the junk I've allowed to creep back in (sometimes, for the sake of convenience, I'll go through a drive thru).

    2. Stop letting life get in the way of working out...no matter how tired I am, no matter how frustrated I am, no matter what I've got going on, I HAVE to do something to get my heart rate up every day.

    3. Start getting in the bed by 10pm every night (11pm on the weekends), and get up no later than 5:30am every morning (7am on the weekends).

    4. Get caught up at work so that I am not as stressed about it. Work hard for the next few months at eliminating what little debt I have, and save enough money to find a permanent living situation to eliminate the stress in my home life.

    5. Get my camera out and start working on my photography again, and find some other things to keep myself from getting so sedentary. I need to start LIVING, instead of merely SURVIVING.

    6. Start making some drastic changes to my workout routine. My body has become used to doing the same thing day in and day out, so maybe finding something different to do will confuse my body so that it will have to work harder to keep up.

    I'm not saying that all of these things may be what's going on in your situation, but these seem to be common issues for most people who are trying to lose weight. Maybe reevaluate and compare what you were doing when you were having the most success to what you are doing now, and see if there are any changes to be made. It is important to be brutally honest with yourself during this process, though.
  • Thanks guys! You all are a big help:)