New here and looking for Motivated friends


Im Janna, 28 years old and live in Tallahassee, Fl. Since November 2011 I have lost 30 lbs but have lost all motivation. I cant seem to get back in the routine of things, most likely from laziness since I have gained back 5lbs. Im looking for people who are motivated and can keep me uplifted. In return I will do the same. Please feel free to add me and may the odds be ever in your favor! :smile:


  • JVonni
    JVonni Posts: 34 Member
    Hunger Games reference *chuckle*
  • davidpm
    davidpm Posts: 208 Member
    Hi Janna! I'm just restarting again today. After a lazy summer, I'm trying to drop some of the pounds that I put on. I'll add you!
  • Hello, I have lost my motivation since losing 50 lbs, and gained 25 of them back. How do you guys stay motivated?
    just restarted using this app again. i figure its a start.
  • amh50530
    amh50530 Posts: 17 Member
    I LOVE the Hunger Games series :) I'm counting down the days until the Catching Fire movie comes out lol. I fell off the nutrition and exercise wagon last year and gained back all the weight I lost with WW (about 30 pounds). I got back in the game, fell in love with a workout and have lost about half of the weight again that I had lost originally. I have recently joined a Facebook group. We hold one another accountable each day. We check in and report what our workout is, give each other motivation to get out and exercise, and swap tips on healthy eating. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to add and PM me. It's just a group of people that have met on MFP and Team Beachbody. Or if you are just looking for motivation, add me and we can be motivation buddies or start our own little motivation group. I really struggle with staying motivated and love helping others (and having someone to help me) stay on track - I know exactly how you feel :S
  • I'm returning to MFP after a 6 week haitus (during which I read the Hunger Games series). The Hunger Games reference got me... feel free to add me as a freind and "may the odds be ever in YOUR favor!"
  • Hello. I'm Laura from OC, Cali. Single mom to a 5 year old. I have done all the diets and lost nothing. I have a hard time with constancy. I love working out but LOVE food more. So all the working out goes to waste. I get easily overwhelmed with any shift in my busy schedule and in return my eating goes down hill. I need all the motivation I can get and will do the same as well. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi Janna! I am also new to this site. Add me on also!
  • SkippylouB
    SkippylouB Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Janna,
    I signed up today hoping to become a little more strict with myself. Feel free to add me. I will try to help motivate, it would be nice to have some motivation from others to.