Fell Off... Big time.

So last night, my fiance and I went to Olive Garden. I was prepared to eat what I liked, and still make it to my calorie count, or even 200 calories over would have been fine! I ate 1,430 calories OVER my daily intake. Oh man! My question is, how bad was this actually? Does it allow me not to reach THAT week? For MORE than that week? I need some motivation! :)



  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I belive that in the journey we will all have a bad day sometimes..But I say start fresh today and forget about yesterday and move forward to 2moro..So hope back on the wagon and go forward...You can do this..dont let one day get you down..So stand up proud and move on..Let go of the past and look to the future with healthier chocies... Best of Luck!!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    It takes a calorie deficit to lose a pound, and it also takes an extra 3500 calories to gain a pound. Maybe you won't lose much this week, but I agree that you should look forward, not backward on this. Just try to stay clean with your calorie intakes for the rest of the week.

    Hang in there!
  • sallypal
    Do NOT beat yourself up. Learn from this and perhaps next time you will want to make some better choices, but it is not the end of the world or your weight loss journey. Go for a walk and resolve to do better today! Don't try to starve yourself today to "make up" for your lovely dinner. It's done...forget about it and start fresh.
  • bnfortune
    bnfortune Posts: 5 Member
    I would not worry to much, Life happens, be it a birthday party, or some other special occasion, I think the key is getting right back on program. I fell off a little last Sunday it was a birthday party I had pizza and cake which put me way over, but I exercised that evening and every evening after that and I still lost 1.2 lbs that week, so you can over come that meal, oh and I did not feel so guilty either with the exercise. Good luck.
  • Denisejuneau
    you are so right you can only change in the moment and not in the past. When ever I eat something not in the plan quilt sets in and then I tell my self I can't change what I have just eatin but I sure can change what the next thing I eat will be. Don't be to hard on yourself because that is when we do that " all or nothing" . Remember to do some exercise that sure helps as well. Keep right on going love.