Intro/ Join me on my 3rd attempt at 30ds PLEASE ! <3

Hello !
So I have bee a lurker on here since January :) Meaning I signed up, and sorta followed cal counting but never was able to follow through long term, so instead I started using this as motivation, "lurking" reading about success stories, advice and motivation ect. SO today I decided to finally get active on the site/ app it really is great! SO to rekick everything off I am going to start a 30ds (second attempt, I usually get bored and quit about 2 weeks in :( ) Hopefully if I can get a few people to join me in this journey It can help motivate me to stick to it! I want to start within the next week so anyone let me know if you wish to join me on this journey.
I know that it helps to define goals and establishing starting point soo

My name is Adrienne, I am 5'7 3/4 (yes the 3/4 is important :p ) I am 155 lbs. My goal is not to loose a tone of weight but rather loose fat, gain and tone muscle and loose inches.


  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Commit. That is all.
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    I had to laugh at the 3/4" because I am also 5'7 3/4"! I always be sure to tack that on!

    I would like to start again too, I did really great for a few weeks, then summer fun got the best of my exercise time... then started again a little bit...... then moved into a new house.....

    Well, now I'm moved and mostly settled in, I have no more excuses. My sister is doing awesome with 30DS she has been cruising along like a champ so I can't let her show me up! LOL :)

    Add me! Let me know what day you're going to start, I want to get serious my next go around and do a spreadsheet and everything. It would be nice to have someone to jump on my case if I don't do the workout for a day.