Just signed up!

I just spent the last 20 mins thinking of something to write here and finally once I hit "post" my computer crashed :( .....So because my brain is asleep I will be brief, I do plenty of exercise but I love my food so so much and find myself with a huge lack of control when it comes to indulging in the things I enjoy. I figured maybe talking and sharing with others I could possibly overcome this and hit my goal weight.


  • BHC64
    BHC64 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to send me a friend request although I don't post that much I do usually log in daily and my diary is viewable to friends.
  • I've been at it 2 weeks... the biggest eye-opener for me was portion size!

    I'm still enjoying all the foods I did before, but now I'm eating reasonable sized meals.
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! I have been on here for a little over two months now and I absolutely love it here. The people are so supportive and full of great advice. Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend and I am on here every single day.
  • SkippylouB
    SkippylouB Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to send me a friend request although I don't post that much I do usually log in daily and my diary is viewable to friends.

    Thankyou for the welcome :)
    I've been at it 2 weeks... the biggest eye-opener for me was portion size!

    This part is almost scary! ... however I do want to lose some size bad enough. I guess it's about getting control back!