New member and new mother :)

Hey, i got recommended this site by a friend at Netmums, have recently had my second son after being pregnant for far too long!

I now have around 8st to loose before i will feel confident and happy with myself. I am breastfeeding nearly constantly and have a 2 year old so remaning pretty active.

I am hoping to loose weight through healthy eating and lifestyle changes rather than any crazy diets or short term fixes.

Be great to meet other members and other Netmums! x


  • KrayKira
    Congrats on bub!
  • Jescook87
    Jescook87 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too. My baby boy is 8 weeks, I lost 2.5stone straight away but still have 3 to go.
    Hoping this site will help.
    Good Luck!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    E is 3 weeks now and eating LOADS! I seem to be turning a bit vegatarian which is nice, meat is quite fatty after all.

    I dont know if i have lost any weight yet, i have not weighed myself i would rather just do it through clothes fitting better etc

    On sunday i went to a friends bbq and ate 2 bits of cake and loads and loads of meat etc. Not great but i am not going to be a kill-joy when someone has cooked for me and my family!

    are you breastfeeding Jess?
  • JKing727

    Welcome to the site.

    I had my son 14 months ago and breastfed him for 1 year. you are so right.. it is SO time consuming! I commend you for doing it.. especially with a 2 year old at home as well.

  • adeese1
    Hey! Welcome! I love this site! I have 2 sons, 6 and 1. The weight's been hard for me to lose but I've lost 35 and 10 to go! Good luck:)!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I have 112lbs to loose :(

    But i have been pregnant for aaages, I was pregnant with J and then when he was 9 months i got pregnant again, lost that baby (ivy-Mae) at 24 weeks and then got pregnant with E a month later!

    Pregnancy is NOT kind to me!
  • ladyisbroody
    ladyisbroody Posts: 5 Member
    I am a new mum to, and had my daughter almost 8 months ago. I have roughly 6 stone to lose and am also still breastfeeding.

    Would be great to have another new mum for some support and encouragement!

  • BayleighPaws
    BayleighPaws Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! I had my little one on August 5th, so we're just almost at the 6 week mark! I'm looking to lose almost 100lbs eventually, but starting small at 25lbs! BFing, but not exclusively (yet! There is still hope... if my milk ever decides it wants to come in fully)....

    I'm brand new to FitnessPal as well! Good luck!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Hey breastfeeding mummies! 500 extra calories a day we burn! How awesome is that!

    Makes you hungry though, i have been having lots of Jasmine tea, only 1 calorie so you can pretty much have an unlimited supply of it!

    Great to meet other new mummies! Have any of you got older kids? I have a 2 year old too, he keeps me on me toes ;)

  • ladyisbroody
    ladyisbroody Posts: 5 Member
    No other kiddies for me at the min, but would like another in 2-3 years time.

    I think I'm more likely burning 200-300 calais extra a day now because my little girl is having between 2&3 feeds a day now rather than 6-7!