Help What am I doing wrong



  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    My first thought is that you are gaining muscle.

    But also, to touch on what a previous poster said, the calories burned listed on MFP are not always accurate. I would use machines that estimate what you are burning on them and invest in a pedometer that monitors speed, time and how many calories burned. If you have a smart phone, you can even get pedometer apps on your phone that will do this. Just make sure you get one that is rated well and has been proven to be accurate.

    I use Pedometer GPS+ on my iPhone and it’s quite accurate. Last night it took me exactly 60 minutes to walk exactly 3.5 miles and the pedometer app recorded my average speed as 3.5 mph. It also calculates how many calories you burn per minute and adjusts for speed.

    I use my pedometer amount of calories burned rather than MFP’s. They are often different numbers. Sometimes the pedometer is better, sometimes MFP is better. But better or not, I want the accurate number.
  • mercymarque
    Have you taking measurements, before and after pictures. While the scale wasn't changing for me. My clothes were falling off me at times. I had lost inches in my waist and arms. The eliptical had really toned my arms. I do weight training but I contribute the toning of my arms to the eliptical. I hope this is helpful.
  • imadiva32
    imadiva32 Posts: 80 Member
    First, open up your diary so we can see what you are eating. That way we can help and suggest other items to eat. Track everything you eat. Also, change up your exercise. Depending on your weightloss goals will determine the exercise you should do. Lots of cardio is always a good start. Your current exercise and food seems to just maintain your weight. You have to change it so that you loose weight.
  • mitsi94
    I have been in the same boat as you. It seems every year when I would "get serious" about exercising, I would actually gain a few pounds but never lose any. I have struggled with this for years .... Finally this year, things are moving in the right direction. I think there are a few things that I am doing differently this year that have finally helped me get going on my weight loss journey.

    1. I quit using any products (drinks, food, etc) with artificial sweeteners in them. No Equal, Splenda, or anything like that. You can do your own research into this, but from everything I have read, these sweeteners may actually be helping people to gain/retain weight. I truly believe this is one of the major things that has finally helped me start to lose some weight. I think it took a couple of months for all those chemicals to get out of my system (because I used to "chug" Crystal Light thinking it was better than soda) but once they did, the scale actually started to move and it has been pretty steady ever since.

    2. I take a good selection of vitamins every day. Again, do your own research into this and talk to your doctor about what you personally might need, but most of us are lacking in some of the necessary vitamins to help our bodies function properly. Now that I have a good regimen, I am feeling so much better every day and am finally starting to lose some weight.

    3. I started eating small meals (200 - 400 calories) every 3 - 4 hours throughout the day.

    4. I added flax seed to my diet. I recommend you research this also! Dr. Oz recommends flax, especially for women. I mix it into everything I can think of throughout the day so that I get my 2 tbsp a day. I think this is one of the other major things that has been helping me finally start to lose some weight.

    5. Started using MFP.

    I have been overweight most of my life, honestly as far back as I can remember. And I have always been a fairly active overweight person, I ride my bike to work every day, play softball every summer, participate in local walks for charity, etc. But my weight hasn't budged in at least 10 years until this year. I truly believe you have to find what's right for you, and the same thing does not work for everyone's bodies. Hope the above list of things that I have done differently this year just might give you some more things to think about or try. I will say keep working at it! Do not give up easily! You will be able to find what works for you and get the results you want, you just have to not quit!
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all so much - I really appreciate the support. I will open my diary and measure myself and vary my workout - thanks