
Hello :smile:
I need some motivational friends!! I'm just getting back into the game. Doing Insanity...AND NOT QUITTING THIS TIME!!!


  • Slocu
    Don't know you but I also need motivation!!
  • brindy78
    I'm also doing Insanity. I'm on my second week! I'm also following the food plan, which has been really hard. It says to eat 5 meals a day around 300 calories. By my afternoon snack, I am still stuffed from lunch. I have been following it pretty good (eating the amount of calories it told me to with the equation in the packet...which is 1750). I'm getting frustrated though because my scale fluxuates the same 2 lbs. up, 2 lbs. down...never any more. I love to see immediate results though and I'm not...some days I feel like sleeping in because in my head I think that "All this work is for nothing". I've been sticking with it though, I'm not giving up now!

    I feel like I am good with the exercise and have motivation for that, but the eating part is confusing to me when I am not seeing results with the calories I eat that are recommended. I've been keeping a daily journal by my scale to keep track of my weight daily. I'm waiting for that "ah-ha moment" when I know what my body needs and wants and the weight starts to come off, as of now I'm not sure what it wants. :)

    Good luck!!