London lad, 25lb down , 50 to go, could really do with help

I have been doing great so far, 25LB down but I have another 50lb to go. I always find the middle bit of things hard. This is the bit where the slog starts.

I need your help. I need the support of friends and in return getting the buzz out of supporting others.

I am doing the shine marathin in a couple of weeks for cancer research but after that I need to rest goals and challenges and I hope my new found friends will help.

One thing I have realised is how much of my social life is based around going and having a beer. I love my friends dealy but right now I can't do 5 pints 4 nights a week, or any combination of the same!

So come on the good people of my fitnesspal land lend me a hand.


  • tmuster
    doing a marathon thats awesome. Also hear ya about the beer.. Its hard when your friends are handing you beers at the pub.. its all moderation as well. request sent
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    That's the problem I'm facing... friends want to go out for beer after work. But then I end up having four beers, some greasy pub food, as well as missing an evening of a potential work out. And it can happen nearly three times a week. Sometimes I need to know it's ok to just go for a run instead, knowing my friend are out having fun.
  • Aimeebird1
    Aimeebird1 Posts: 133 Member
    add me i'm all for support ! I really want to do a 10k run (so impressed that you did a marathon) at the end of the year at this rate i'll never make it! The more weight i lose the more i want to go out .... typical!
  • cre8vecheryl
    awesome with the marathon! Way to go! And 25 lbs is a lot of weight, so don't be looking at how far you have to go! I think you are smart setting attainable goals along the way! Enjoy the journey...

    I was going to say drink ice tea if you go out most of the time, but I see you are in London lol - the pubs there are fabulous and tempting! I have just about given up alcohol except for a glass or two of wine on the weekends with my wine club. It's not easy when ya, most of your social time is at a bar or pub - I know how that goes! Most of my friends meet for happy hours, dinners, etc and I have given it up for the time being.

    And yes - i agree with moderation! That seems to be the best bet - it's harder when you totally take it OFF the table as an option - I just ask myself if I want to give up what I really want for what i want NOW and the answer is usually no. :-)
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm new to this friends thing but it would be nice to be friends with people on this side of the pond.. :)

    I know what you mean about friends and beer... Well I used to also know this girl who would always smile and take the drink when offered, making no fuss.. and then spend the whole night with the same drink in her hand barely touching it )))
    Too bad I obviously don't have the iron will needed for the method. Or alcohol intolerance like she has.
  • rilosmomma2001
    Congratulations on losing 25lbs! And getting ready to run a marathon is amazing. Happy to add you as a friend.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I have been doing great so far, 25LB down but I have another 50lb to go. I always find the middle bit of things hard. This is the bit where the slog starts.

    I need your help. I need the support of friends and in return getting the buzz out of supporting others.

    I am doing the shine marathin in a couple of weeks for cancer research but after that I need to rest goals and challenges and I hope my new found friends will help.

    One thing I have realised is how much of my social life is based around going and having a beer. I love my friends dealy but right now I can't do 5 pints 4 nights a week, or any combination of the same!

    So come on the good people of my fitnesspal land lend me a hand.

    I hear you. Londoners . . . they know how to drink. Request sent.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    If your marathon is in 2 weeks, you may need to tell your friends NOW that you won't be able to go out! You can do it! Great job on the weight loss so far!
  • danielssmith
    danielssmith Posts: 34 Member
    Just to clarify, it's a walking marathon not running. Same distance but a few hours slower, well lots of hours slower if you are fit but a few hours slower than if I ran it! Only up to 10k running and that's too slow. But I wonder how fast Mo Farah would be in a fat suit...
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    marathon? awesome! friend request sent.
  • talikaveronica
    Good for you on the marathon. I completed my first walking one about 4 years ago and then did a couple half's before I stopped. Shouldn't have done that! Don't quit!
  • urbanyeager
    Hello all,

    I have lost 7 pounds and have 30 to go and would welcome and give support to anyone who would like. I am using the Carb cycling (Chris Powell diet) but like everyone support and accountability would be great. I have a goal to ride cycle oregon next year and I have to get the weight off to do that.

    Just want to introduce myself and if anyone would like to send a friend request I would welcome it.

  • mcnulty534
    Good Luck, just take it One day @ a Time
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • sazsmo
    London lady here! Same problem with going out drinking but on the plus side when I have been drinking I have got drunk quicker! So probably drinking less than I did pre diet. My boyfriend is similar to you and he also loves the taste of beer so knocks them back, as he has joined me he has been having the odd Becks non alcohol beer and it does the job at filing the void! Feel free to add me and we can try and avoid the London drinking scene together!
  • sazsmo
    London lady here! Same problem with going out drinking but on the plus side when I have been drinking I have got drunk quicker! So probably drinking less than I did pre diet. My boyfriend is similar to you and he also loves the taste of beer so knocks them back, as he has joined me he has been having the odd Becks non alcohol beer and it does the job at filing the void! Feel free to add me and we can try and avoid the London drinking scene together!

    Becks blue non alcoholic beer. 50 calories
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Mate - walking or running, it's still a bloody long way :). Good on you. I've just started the c25k & can barely get through the first week. A 5k might be the first goal for me.

    Anyway - I'm an Aussie living in California. I left London 5 years ago but would have lived there for the rest of my life if it was up to me. I'm with you on the pubs. I guess I'm lucky to have left because I would have had a much harder time going out with work mates & friends each night after work and trying to lose weight at the same time. Might be time to declare your allegiance to diet Coke?

    The more the merrier, so add me if you like.
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Oh yeah, and I have 90lbs to go, so I'll be on here for a looooong time :)
  • ceajules
    add me-

    here is my story
    Since January between P90x and Turbofire I have lost 19 inches!!!

    This is my story

    Hello my name is Angel and I am 39 year old former couch potato
    I have struggled with my weight and have tried every fad diet there was and hated working out, I wanted that quick fix. A year ago heavier and out of shape I decided to try P90X however I never changed my diet and 66 days into I gave up I didnt see the results I wanted after that I continued to put on more weight after seeing some pictures of myself I said enough is enough and like everyone else on the planet in January I decided to lose weight and exercise after losing 20lbs through healthy eating I did some walking and other DVDS at home but it just wasn't cutting it. I would see the commercials and I thought I need to try that P90X again and finish it this time! After week one I thought what was I thinking I could barely do the push ups on my knees I hurt everywhere and never thought I would get better or even finish I would see myself in the mirror working out many times I cried. I kept pushing play!!! I got stronger I was bringing it! Push ups well I can bust out 100 right now if you would like :) If I can do this anyone can! I then passed the fit test for Insanity and have been doing that and I hate it and love it all at the same time. I love having muscles I love being strong I love being healthy. I graduated from P90X in August 2012 and I am so proud! and I want to help others so I became coach and began my 2nd workout Turbofire, I was scared at first because I have no coordination but I fell in love with the program and the music and I will see this through to the end 20 weeks :) I finish it before my 40th Birthday in December and I cant wait to start another program, my goal is to do all of them
  • canderson622
    Im new to this and Im looking to lose 15 - 20 lbs. Not to sure where this will take me but i need all the help I can get:)
  • Pema91
    I'm relatively a newbie too.

    Absolutely hear you about the social side of things, now I've stopped drinking I never see any of my friends! Sad but true... Maybe they can't stand me when they're sober!!

    Anyway, you will find all the support you need right here, the community on mfp is amazing. The tracking is really addictive too!

    Good luck and feel free to add me, always looking for new friends :)
