Bikini Body Swimsuit days of Summer

SimplyChaotic Posts: 26
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support

So the summer is coming up!

all that fattening beach stand food.
the bikini swimsuit that just doesnt look quite right on us now
Well I decided to start this group in favor of the
swimsuit days of summer!!!

weigh in on sundays!

and make a goal for yourself...
how much do you want to lose before summer gets here???

Any one is welcome to join this group! newbies COME JOIN ME!!!!




  • Current Weight: 252
    Goal Weight: 150

    modivation: ME!

    fisrt weigh in on sunday!
  • Count me in! I want to be swimsuit ready some summer! I have a birthday in May, it would be nice to be able to buy a nice summer dress and wear to dinner with my husband and kids.
  • Count me in too!!
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Count me in..I would love to just look good in clothing not alone a swimsuit..but maybe someday I will..I have so much to loss..I have my mind and heart set to this..I want a new me so bad but I just have to keep remembering that it was easy to put on but harder than hell to get off that is why I can not fall of the wagon again..I am done being a fat person..and I am going to change that!!
    I have a family wedding to go to at the end of May and I am just hoping to go with my family just amazed at the new me..hoping to atleast lose 30 pound by then..that is my goal but I will take more LOL..
    Good Luck to everyone that joins this group!
  • I'll join! I'm about 180 right now, trying to get down to 150. I have just under five months until my wedding, so I'd love to be at my goal weight by then! :happy:
  • I need all the help I can get. Count me in.
  • This'll be GREAT! i'm adding all of you! =] (if i havent already! )
    lets do together


    My name is Meiya (obviously) lol
    Im here because I wanna get healthier!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Count me in!

    What are we considering the beginning of summer to be? Memorial Day weekend? The actual first day of summer (June 21)?

    Ideally I want to be down to 120. I was at 147.6 on Sunday. The 120-130 range is always where I've been, so if I'm 130 by Memorial Day, I'd be content. I need to tone up my stomach quite a bit :)
  • tmyoung1
    tmyoung1 Posts: 2 Member

    Bikini? - never looked great!!! in a bikini - thats my goal. Just Joined the site but seems to be working so far.
  • sounds like a good idea!
  • The first day of summer is July 21... then that will be our first goal date.... just a little bit at a time then after that..... we'll shoot for the stars for NEXT SUMMER! =] and so on! :flowerforyou:

    first though... lets go for about 2-5 lbs lighter for valentines day! :heart: :love:

    remember first weigh in on sunday! =]
    see you there! =]:bigsmile:

    tips: remember... this isnt a diet... rather a life style change!
    sugar is the enemy
    juices are bad, better to eat actual fruit...
  • Count me in too! We are going to Disneyworld in September & I would like to enjoy myself & not be exhausted!

    Starting weight - 239
    1/24/10 - 230
  • We shan't fall off the wagon
  • blondskyeyes
    blondskyeyes Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in.
  • WEIGH IN TODAY!!!!!!

    CW: 251!!!!
    weight lost 1 pound!!!!!!! =]]]

    good luck ladies!!!!!
    can't wait to see what you all have lost!!!!
  • I'm in.....DEFINITELY WILL be down to my bikini body by plan is definitely by Memorial Weekend. Let's go girls !!! What a summer it will be....I haven't been in my swimsuit in 2 summers..grrrr!! Wow, what time I've lost!!

    Starting: 155.4
    Current: 152.2
    GOAL: 135
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Count me IN!

    Sorry - no bikini :glasses: in my future :noway: but would like to have clothes that fit without the muffins :happy: ... :laugh: Too much of that cottage cheese and sugery blunders (you know, dog ear stuff... looks like I have 3 belly buttons :wink: - You have to have a sense of humor in life! :smokin: ).

    I weighed in this morning at a 160# showing I lost another pound since the last time I weighed in!!! :drinker:

    Congratulations to all of you on your goals and accomplishments!!!
  • SW: 182
    CW: 180

    I was so psyched to get on the scale this morning and see that I've lost two pounds! That's major motivation for me!! :happy:
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I have lost 1.4 pounds.. that is so far since I joined this site with a total so far of 4.6 pounds in 2 weeks...:bigsmile:
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Can I join? I am 50 yrs old and going on my FIRST cruise at the end of April. I want to be 15 lbs lighter by then. 1 lb a week! I might not wear a bikini by then (or ever in public) but I definitely want to look fab in a tankini or 1 piece. I joined MFP at the beginning of Jan and i have lost 1 lb every week. We can do this girls!!!!!!

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