Tonight i got a wake up call - officially obese

When I was married 2 years ago this month, I was 120 lbs, and a size 4. It took me 5 years to lose 50 lbs to get to that weight, and I maintained it for 4 years.

Last April, I broke my left foot, and quit smoking. I have since put on 51 lbs, and now weight a whopping 171 lbs at 30 years old and 5"2.

I'm officially obese, have a metabolic rate of a 50 year old, and am sitting on 41% body fat ..

I avoided scales for the past year because I quit smoking, and knew i would gain ... I'm not blaming it all on quitting smoking or my broken foot, I have had poor diet and have been eating too much.

Today I embark in a challenge my gym has (where i just got my stats) My personal goal will be nutrition based, as I already work out, and work out hard 4 days a week .. The trainers have put me on a wheat and sugar free way of eating plan.

I am so depressed, distraught, and self-loathing right now ... I'm stunned. No wonder people who I haven't seen for a few years look at me so differently. How did i let me get away from me?

I feel like smoking, after 18 months smoke free. .. FML


  • burtonhl
    Don't panic. You are clearly a strong person to quit smoking, and to lose the weight and keep it off for so long. Think of this as a temporary setback. Don't you dare start smoking again! - that is clearly not the answer. Feel free too add me as a friend. I am also 5' 2", had lost a fair amount of weight, and then I let life's hits knock me down. Just get back up, dust yourself off, and get on with it. You are well on your way to fixing this temporary setback!
  • eric5150ii
    eric5150ii Posts: 53 Member
    Okay - you're starting point sucks. Hell, I am MORBIDLY OBESE. There's a nice term for ya. Smoking won't help, it is probably the absolute worst thing to do for yourself other than play chicken with a bus. Realize that where you currently are is not a destination just a point in your life. You're not happy here, so make the changes to not be here anymore. It will not be a speedy journey, nor will it always be easy. There will be good days, bad days, and mediocre days. The main thing is to start somewhere and just keep plugging away.

    And I know about the smoking thing - smoked for 20 years. Best thing I ever did for myself was stop that. Working on the second best thing I can do for myself now, and that is get fit.
  • MagonElizabeth
    I've never been a smoker, so I can't speak to that....other than I know you shouldn't start again!! :noway:
    However, I have been known to self-loathe. I've done it for such a long time and have done NOTHING about it until a little over 2 weeks ago when I decided enough was enough! I was only hurting myself. I've never liked the way I look and I have been depressed about it for several years. This is the hardest thing I have ever done and the hardest I have ever worked! Like I said, it has only been 2 weeks, but it has been the best 2 weeks I have had in a very long time! Deciding to make the change was easy, making it a reality is not, but I will NOT go back! I am so proud of myself for making healthy choices and even though I have only lost a few pounds, I feel fantastic! You can do have already done it once which is amazing! Once you get started and get past the first few days you will be so happy you did it! :happy:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Hey! You know that quitting smoking's harder than quitting heroin, right? And you DID that!!!

    That, and you've had an injury, you're in a new marriage - there are lots of reasons you've gained. You've got to be kinder to yourself.

    You've lost weight before - you can do it again. Compared to quitting smoking, it's a cakewalk. Not beyond you, at all.

    If you're consistent and dedicated, and you do the weight loss math (cals in < cals out), you'll be on your way in no time.
  • snoopyfan88001
    Add me as a friend, girl. I totally get what you say. I have gained a lot of weight in the 9 1/2 years I've been married. Middle age just slapped me upside the head at the same time I got married. It took a long time to gain the weight, it won't come off overnight. But you ARE doing the right thing by reaching out to us all, and with encouragement we will all get healthier together. Congratulations on exercising! Isn't it a rush? It's my "me" time away from everyone. You can do this!