Question about BMR/how many calories to aim for!

Hi all,

I am relatively new here. I've been on a weight roller-coaster for basically ever (at least since I was about 13, and I am now 22). I have a couple of questions because I keep hearing mixed information and I figured what better place to get good advice then here!

So here is my question, I am 5'0" and I weigh 210lbs right now. My ultimate goal weight is 125 (for now), and my first goal weight is 199. For a long time I used to lose weight by exercising and eating 1200 calories. It did used to work, however now that I have been researching BMR and stuff, I am wondering if I was doing this wrong?

My BMR (without being multiplied by activity) keeps calculating between 1600-1700. I have roughly 85lbs to lose, would it be smarter to start off eating 1200 net calories?
Or is it more advisable to eat closer to the BMR that I have?
It's just that, 1600 calories seems like way too much for me to eat to be able to lose weigh as I am so short. Is this number just higher because I have so much body mass (since I am obese)?

And if I am supposed to be eating closer to 1600 calories, when I exercise for example, 400calories.. do I then need to eat back all 400 calories to return to my 1600 calorie mark?

I would really appreciate some clarification on this! I have looked at other posts but I just might be having a hard time accepting that I may actually be able to lose weight eating more than I previously thought. I assumed that because I am so large, but very short, that 1200 calories made sense and would provide more consistent weight loss. However, I am seeing that may not be the case.
Thank you in advance anyone who replies :)


  • dexter4564
    dexter4564 Posts: 86 Member
    You need a calorie deficit of 1,000 per day to lose 2 lbs/week. So to lose no weight at all, you'd need to intake between 1920-2040 calories per day. To lose 2 lbs/week, you'd need to intake 920-1040 net calories per day. So yes I'd suggest eating around 1200 calories and losing 200 or so through exercise.
  • Ah, see this is partially where I got confused too..

    I generally am lightly active/moderately active (sometimes I only work out 3 days a week, other weeks like 5 or 6 of about an hour of cardio that is difficulty for me/out of breath).

    I was told recently that I should not be going below my BMR as that's what my body needs to function... thus leaving me confused.

    Is it safe to eat 1200 calories if my BMR is around 1600-1700 (without adding in any physical activity for the day)?

    I'm just worried that if I eat 1200 and I generally burn 300-500 calories a day in exercise, that it might be too much of a deficit and my body wouldn't run as well ?
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Don't shoot for 2lbs per week. Set it for 1/2 or 1 lb per week so the goal resembles your bmr
    Eat your bmr and half to 3/4 or your exercise cals.
    You will lose your weight and be more likely to keep it off.

    just measure everything carefully and don't cheat your diary. you will only cheat yourself
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Your BMR is your basal metabolic rate - this is the number of calories need to keep your organs functioning if you are in a coma -this is the number you do not eat below for any length of time.
    Your TDEE is the total amount of energy you burn in a day - this includes you BMR+ your daily activity +the exercise you do. If you eat at this level you maintain your weight. If you go over you gain if you eat less you lose. The roadmap will show you how to find these numbers. To lose safely you should eat around 20% less than you TDEE. Your TDEE will vary depending on how active you are so be sure to follow the link. PM me if you need help to do the calculations or want a double check of your numbers.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I think starting at your BMR would be fine, so 1600.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I think starting at your BMR would be fine, so 1600.

    that being said 1200 would be too low and i think you'll still lose weight at 1600. my bmr is about 1300 and i'm 5'4 130lb to give you an idea where your bmr may settle. once you get closer to goal weight your bmr might be like 1200 but for now i'd keep your calories about 1600. the other thing that coudl happen is if your body gets used to 1200 it might be hard to eat more without seeing a gain and you dont' want that either. if you start out eating 1600 you can adjust down.
  • Thank you so much for all the replies! I really appreciate it :)