Job offer help/Advise please!

Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
I have been laid off now for over a year. I was a 911 operator/police dispatcher for 5 years and the city decided to outsource dispatch to save $$. I stayed at the police department on a part time basis as a records clerk and that's where I am now.
Prior to that I worked in a bank where I worked in the credit card department and the call center for 8 years.

I have applied everywhere. You have to in order to get Unemployment benefits-- that being said I had a job interview yesterday with Ms. R. she called me this morning, since I was already on my way to work I missed it. Further in today's events, I spoke to my boss ( the Chief) about a job I applied for at a different police department. He asked where and stated he knew someone there and would try to help. Further, he wrote me a stellar reference letter.
Well on the way home, I get a call from the said police department wanting to interview me Thursday afternoon.
I get home and Ms. R called to make me the offer a few minutes later.
She said it was only part time. I told her based on the fact that it's part time- respectfully I couldn't accept it. By my accepting a part time job with no guarantee of a full time at $12 ( I was making over $20 per hour as a dispatcher) would cut my benefits and give me a deficit of 1k per month. Based on that I declined. So then she states that she may be able to talk them into taking me on full time. I said I would have to think about it.
The job I was offered is for a work at home customer service rep. They provide me with the equipment and all I need is high speed internet. So no traveling. There are set hours of 11p-7:30a for 2 days out of the week and some other shift but not sure on the details on that since they have not been worked out.

That being said, she wants me to think about it and give her an answer tomorrow. They won't give me more time.
Meanwhile, I have a job interview Thursday.

I just received an email from her stating the following:

"Just to reiterate, I think I could likely get everyone to agree to a full time schedule if you would take the Friday and Saturday overnight shifts starting at 11p until 7:30 the following morning. We would fill in the additional 3 – hour shifts but I don’t know at this time what those shifts would be. Our full time positions come with a full benefit package with medical, dental, vision, 401k and PTO. I look forward to speaking with you in the morning."

I just don't know what to do.


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Have you calculated the savings in gasoline? If I could work from home, I could afford to do so for a reduced amount, because my weekly commute costs me a lot in gas.

    Even a part time Job>being on unemployment. You'll kick yourself for passing this up when unemployment runs out.

    You can always accept this offer and if the other interview on Thursday is a better offer, then back out.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I only have one answer..."do what is absolutely best for you!" With the way the job market is Mrs R will find someone else to fill her part time position if you should take a better full time job...think of yourself.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    If you need the job, take it. It's not really that hard of a decision? If worse comes to worst, still go to the interview Thursday and if that job seems like it's better, take that one instead. Just make sure to give your notice.
  • slm0257
    slm0257 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't know what to tell you. I do know that, for me, I would love to find a legitimate work from home job. They don't seem to come along very often.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Wow, that's a tough one. What is the position you are interviewing for on Thursday? Which would you prefer? I think you need to let your heart guide you. I accepted a position once without giving the other one a chance because they needed an answer before I knew if I even had an interview with the other comany and in a year's time regretted it. Fortunately for me after that year the position I didn't interview for opened up and I applied...and got it! What does your heart tell you?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I think you "know" when its the right job. If you're having doubts...not just the "things are changing too fast" nerves, but real doubts...then maybe this isn't for you. Write down the plusses amd minuses...see how it all compares before you decide, and keep in mind that nothing is forever. good luck!
  • I know it's not preferred to do this, but you could accept the position from Ms. R., and still go to the interview on Thursday. If they offer you something better, you could always quit.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Accept the offer AND go to the other interview. You really don't want to turn down a guaranteed job for a "maybe." You can always decline the customer service job if the police department job turns into an acceptable offer. I know that can seem hard to do, we don't want to go back on "our word" but unless you sign some sort of contract with them, you aren't under any legal obligation to work somewhere.

    I've been laid off, myself, as have all of my siblings and some of their spouses. One thing I've learned is that you have to look out for you. Most companies are no longer loyal to their employees, they do what's best for the bottom line and their shareholders. They deserve our best while we're working for them but really don't deserve ultimate loyalty from us. You need to look out for yourself and your family and do what works best for you. Cover all of your bases.

    Best of luck, whatever you decided to do.
  • When they are pressuring this much, I would never work with them. Just me being me maybe, but high pressure to hire makes me wonder what kind of pressure there will be later to work all of the graveyard shifts or any other kind of pressures that they can exert.

    I can tell you what I would do about it. I would be praying until I fall asleep tonight and pray about it more in the morning.

    Make sure you keep your ears open for a response.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    You have to do what you have to do! Jobs are hard to come by and if you have to take one until something better comes along, there is nothing wrong with that!! I say take it and see what happens Thursday. If that doesn't work out, keep the one while still searching for something better. A job, whether full or part time, benefits or no benefits is better than NO job.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Accept the offer AND go to the other interview. You really don't want to turn down a guaranteed job for a "maybe." You can always decline the customer service job if the police department job turns into an acceptable offer. I know that can seem hard to do, we don't want to go back on "our word" but unless you sign some sort of contract with them, you aren't under any legal obligation to work somewhere.

    I've been laid off, myself, as have all of my siblings and some of their spouses. One thing I've learned is that you have to look out for you. Most companies are no longer loyal to their employees, they do what's best for the bottom line and their shareholders. They deserve our best while we're working for them but really don't deserve ultimate loyalty from us. You need to look out for yourself and your family and do what works best for you. Cover all of your bases.

    Best of luck, whatever you decided to do.

    THIS. Take the first offer and interview for the second. When would you start the work from home job? I'm assuming it wouldn't be the same day, giving you time to interview on Thursday. If you get the offer from the police department, respectfully resign from job one OR, if you can work out part time hours or set your own schedule, maybe you can do both.
  • awebster2
    awebster2 Posts: 40 Member
    I also would advise to accept job and then interview anyway. Also - be careful!!! Don't know the particulars of this work at home job but a friend of my son's was "hired" to do phone work at home. They said they would provide the equipment. However, what happened is they sent a money order or certified check via UPS which you were supposed to cash and take the money to go pick up the equipment elsewhere. It seems legit - I mean it's a certified check, right? It just didn't smell right, though. She contacted the police and asked about it. There is a scheme involving forged checks. These things don't get flagged as forged until weeks down the road and you are on the hook for it. She shut everything down right there and notified the bank about the check. Since it never went any further, have no idea how the equipment part was supposed to go. I would assume they have an accomplice who "sells" you stolen or crappy equipment, takes the cash and runs.
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    @ Inoelke-- The job I am interviewing for on Thursday is for a 911 operator/Police Dispatcher.
    The hours from what I was told over the phone would be 2p-11p Mon thru Thursday and then alternating fri/sat hours.
    She stated that she wanted to make sure that the hours would be ok with me before going through the interview.
    I would save money in gas by taking the work at home gig so long as it's a full time job. That would be ideal.
    Because I would be able to support my family with this job and the job I have as a records clerk.
    But The PD job would be better--since more than likely it pays more.
    As far as me knowing about the place I went to their website, I applied there and all 3 interviews were done over the phone.
    I would drive to their facility in a town close to Chicago and pick up the equipment and sign my w2 forms and set up my payroll though ADP. I have training there for 2 days. Then I work at home from there.

    I making a huge deal of this because this happened before. I applied at VZW call center and was hired and took the job because they were the first to offer me the job. Then the police department that I work at now offered me the job.
    I turned them down because I had already accepted vzw. Well then people started talking in my ear and telling me that it was a mistake to take the job at the PD, even though they paid less than VZW. So after some thought, knowing they (PD)still paid more than what I was getting paid at the time, I called VZW and told them I was sorry but I had accepted a different job. I expressed my gratitude and apologized. I took the job at the PD-eventually making 50k a year. I go to apply VZW again and they won't give me the time of day despite the fact that I am well qualified and they have hired me before.
    I felt so guilty about that. But I know that it was the right decision based on the fact that a year after I was hired I was diagnosed with cancer and the police department could have just let me be. But they didn't. They gave the time off I needed to recover from the surgery. Even though I didn't have enough sick time to cover the time, they paid me. They helped pay some of my other expenses. Provided Christmas for my family...and my boss drove me to the hospital and back. Further drove me to a hospital
    in a different state to for follow up. VZW would have never done that. I have no regrets.

    I just don't want to burn any bridges. Give them a bad impression of me. I am a good employee and a good worker--if I do happen to need them, I don't want the same thing to occur.
  • You have to go with what you feel benefits you and your family best and what you like doing. If you are sacraficing your happiness then you will want to quit eventually anyway and that isn't going to help anyone. So, go with what you feel is calling you...that is what you should be doing.
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member

    Ms. R offered me a full time job after all. So I accepted. I start next week. :)

    Still going to the other interview... see what that has to offer and if the offer is good then I will accept.
    We shall see.

    Thanks for all of the great input all.
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