Drugs during labor

broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
I have posted this topic before, but I wanted to post it again for more suggestions!! I am 8 months pregnant and am trying to decide on what pain control method to use!! I had an epidural last time and do not want to go that route again!! What have other women found to be helpful in pain management during labor??


  • boomboom011
    i had demoral with my first and it did NOT help with the pain. i did end up with an epidural and had a spinal headache for 3 weeks. then with my 2nd baby i decided to go for the epidural only and after i delivered that 9lb baby boy i felt awesome. so in my experience, the epidural was the only way to go for me. after the demoral i felt like crap for a couple of days. kind of like i had a bad hangover.

    not much help im sure but thats my experience with the meds
  • cakelady69
    I had iv drugs with my daughter before a spinal. I can't remember what though. I also had epidurals with each of my boys. I wish I could offer you more info. The iv meds only helped for a little while. It really did not do enough for me. The spinal I could feel nothing, the epidurals for the boys did not work well at all. They were both on my sciatic nerve and it did not block it each time.

    I hope you get some good information and I wish you a healthy quick delivery. Good luck!
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I'm no help, sorry. My epidural was fab-u-lous!!!! They had me soooo numb (I didn't ask for that) that they pretty much could have done a c-section on me and I wouldn't have felt a thing. It was perfect!!!

    My foot fell off the bed at some point, I watched it happen and even though I was strongly willing my leg to MOVE back on to the bed, I couldn't move it!!! I had to ask my husband to please move my foot back...LOL It was hilarious!!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I had an epidural after 6 hours hard labor, and it was AWESOME. I know a lot of women have crummy side effects, but my anesthesiologist was a wizard, and did a beautiful job. It killed ALL of the pain, but I still felt every contraction, and when to push.

    Next kid, though, I'm gonna go my best to go with no drugs at all.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I had an epidural for my first daughter. My second daughter came so fast there was no time for anything. I'm not sure what your experience with the epidural was, but I love mine (vs the second time when I didn't get one).
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    My epidural was wonderful until my oldest son refused to come out (aka failure to progress) and I needed a c section. My other two sons had to be c-section too. My hospital wouldn't do a VBAC after the c-section.

    I would go with whatever the anesthesiologist would recommend for you and your situation and health needs.

    Congratulations and good luck.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    With my first baby, against my better judgement, I let them give me morphine.

    I will NEVER let anyone give me that crap again. It did nothing for the pain, and just made me stoned. It was awful.

    I got a walking epidural with baby number 2, and I wanted to kiss my anesthetist - she was an effing genius.
  • KaidaKantri
    My epidural was wonderful until my oldest son refused to come out (aka failure to progress) and I needed a c section. My other two sons had to be c-section too. My hospital wouldn't do a VBAC after the c-section.

    I would go with whatever the anesthesiologist would recommend for you and your situation and health needs.

    Congratulations and good luck.

    I havn't had kids yet, but I agree with this. Also, you could probably ask them what types of pain meds are out there for birthing too. :)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    My wife who was due on 9/7, we are still waiting for that little bugger to come, has decided she doesn't want anything and wants me to hold her to it. I said honey that's your decision, not mine. She's like if I am screaming for it, don't let them give it to me. My response is the same your decision, I am not gonna be in the pain that you will be in and I don't feel comfortable making that call.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    ohhh... I thought you meant real drugs.

    I was going to say that acid would probably make it the funnest.

    Although if you want to feel no pain, angel dust may be the way to go.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I went through a midwife with both of my pregnancies and survived birthing each of them with no drugs at all, so it can be done if you opt to go that route. :) The midwife had me drinking some horrible tasting tea to help...do something...relax the cervix, maybe? And I made use of the whirlpool tub and did lots and lots of focused breathing. Just something else you might consider. :flowerforyou:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I gave birth at home with 2 midwives. I sat on a stability ball. I rocked in my rocking chair. Sat on the toilet. Vocalized. Read the book "Birthing from Within", those pain management techniques were the most natural to me (they relate to how I naturally deal with pain). I walked around and hugged my husband or midwife during a contraction. I relaxed between contractions. I didn't do anything that made the pain worse (being in bed made the pain worse). I had wonderful midwives and a doula. I looked into people's eyes during contractions (for some reason that helped me feel supported and not alone).

    I can't take pain meds (I have a very bad mental reaction to them).
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I loved my epidural when I had my son. I went 8 hours of hard labor (at night mind you, so I was exhausted) when I asked for the epidural. It was WONDERFUL!!! The best thing about it is that is doesn't cross the placenta line, meaning that the baby doesn't get any of the effects. With IV drugs the baby usually feels the effect of the drugs so you may have a sedate little one for a while.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! The problem I had with my epidural was that I could not feel to push!! I wonder if the walking epidural would do better for me. I plan on talking to my Dr. I just wanted to hear others experiences too!! I appreciate all of your suggestions ;)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    ohhh... I thought you meant real drugs.

    I was going to say that acid would probably make it the funnest.

    Although if you want to feel no pain, angel dust may be the way to go.
    I will ask my Dr about the angel dust!! She will probably have some on her I can have!!!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I have no idea. My epidural didn't work and by the time the nurse decided to believe me and order morphine, it was too late.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    With my first baby, against my better judgement, I let them give me morphine.

    I will NEVER let anyone give me that crap again. It did nothing for the pain, and just made me stoned. It was awful.

    I got a walking epidural with baby number 2, and I wanted to kiss my anesthetist - she was an effing genius.
    How did the walking epidural do while you were pushing?? Could you feel to push or was everything totally numb??
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I had demoral with my first and nothing else. Had her in 3 hours though so she came fast. Had my son in 6 hours and had nothing. Learn some breathing techniques they should help. I'd rather have a baby with no pain meds than have a tooth pulled being numb. Having the baby hurts way less : )
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! The problem I had with my epidural was that I could not feel to push!! I wonder if the walking epidural would do better for me. I plan on talking to my Dr. I just wanted to hear others experiences too!! I appreciate all of your suggestions ;)

    I was delivered by the mid wife in the practice as there were 2 of us labouring at the same time. I had met the mid wife so I was OK with her delivering me and had told the on call DR that when he checked on us.

    That said, she was really good about watching my monitors to tell me exactly when and how long to push. She also helped stretch me around his head to prevent me from tearing and even put me on my side for about 30 mins to get his bum in gear.

    Meaning, his head was engaged but his bum had wandered over to one side. I would push, crown him really well, then contraction would stop, I stopped pushing and he would slip right back in little stinker!!

    She flipped me on my side, massaged me on one side to push his butt over and less than 10 mins of pushing and out he popped!!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I had an hour of relief from an epidural with my first, and 19 hour labor. That sucked...

    My 2nd, I got the epi again, first real contraction. It was God's gift I swear.

    I'll get it again too when I have another.