I want to give up.



  • I know how tough it can be to lose weight. I've tried in the past, never got anywhere and just gave up. But this time it really seems to be working for me. I've lost 17 pounds since June with diet and exercise. It does take an adjustment period where food is concerned. There are days when I feel absolutely ravenous which is when I'll make sure to eat plenty of protein. It's ok to go past the limit of protein they've set for you. If you just cut back on the sugar and the carbs then you'll make it. I never come anywhere close to my carbs limit and that's how I want it. Whatever you do, don't give up. That's why we're all on here, for moral support when the going gets rough. You can make it!
  • Don't give up! It takes time! Don't just focus on the weight loss but on getting healthy. Get some fresh fruits and veggies, fiber (it fills you up and sticks with you longer), and some great low cal snacks. Some ideas:
    Skinny pop popcorn = 10 cals for 1/4 cup
    1/4 cup of frozen blueberries
    1/4 cup of Kemps chocolate frozen yogurt (45 cals)
    carrot sticks and celery sticks with Zatziki greek yogurt dip (sooo good)
    any type of fruit or vegggie
    Unsweetened flax milk (25 cals for 1 cup) and Total cereal (100 for 2/3 of a cup but it is so nutritionally dense, it really does help keep you full).

    There are so many ways to eat healthy. Just keep pushing my friend. You can do this!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Please don't give up. Just noticed that you just started with MFP in August. Today is just Sept 11? This program takes time. You can do it, if you don't give up.

    It took me about 2 years to lose all of my 88 pounds. I didn't do it entirely on MFP but this was the very best plan. Now I have been on maintenance for about a year, and want to regain 2 or 3 pounds. This is a whole, lifetime commitment. Please make it a priority. You are so worth it!

    I don't see your ticker? Are you using all of the tools that MFP offers? You've got to make it work for you. Not easy, but doable. Lots of good luck to you. Just don't give up. The hunger (and most of the cravings), do subside after the first few months. Just keep going -- one day at a time.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Well, if you wanna give up, why don't you?

    No, really, think about it for a second. Think about where you'll be in a year if you keep going, and where you'll be in a year if you give up. Compare how you think you'll feel in those scenarios to how you're feeling now.

    This is a lifestyle change, and it's not for everyone. You don't stop once you hit your goal - you're going to be carefully balancing food and exercise for the rest of your life once you've hit your goal weight. Mentally, it seems like you're at a crossroads and the only way you're going to make peace with that is to pick one direction and refuse to look back. Nobody is making you keep going or stop. You do what you do for you.

    But if I may project my own perceptions onto the situation, I don't think you want to stop; that's why you're here. I think what you want is for it to get easier - and it will, the longer you keep it up. I promise you it will. However, it will never be effortless. And if you give up now and decide to try again later, it'll be harder than it is right now.

    I know you can do this - if you want to. Give it another week of your best effort and some serious thought. This is your life, and every action you take right now is shaping it. Think long and hard about what you think will make you happiest and do it. I know that, whichever path you take, it will be the right path for you. :flowerforyou:
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    If you want more advice you probably should unlock your diary. A lot of the people here know their stuff and give great advice. Are you drinking water? That to is very important. Are you exercising? If so you may not be eating enough. I did that and didn't lose until I upped my calories!

    Don't give up!
  • I have been reading lately about how hidden sugars in processed foods can cause hunger. If you haven't tried this yet, try avoiding anything processed and especially sodas, and breads. Also hunger pains can also be your body craving more water...Hope this helps. Don't give up.
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Are you logging calories burned for your workouts?
    If not and you are not eating enough to support the workout you will be hungry. I usually get 400 - 1000 extra daily with the workouts I do.
    I have found that I eat 4-6 times a day to keep my sugar levels constant. It will help you feel full most the time. Don't forgot lots of water. Also protein, protein, protein to support the workout recovery. Some carbs prior but not simple sugar carbs.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It doesn't have to be hard and you don't have to be miserable or hungry all the time. You just have to eat less than you burn. It doesnt have to be a lot less. Listen to the person who said to set yourself a goal of half pound loss a week, this should allow you to eat more calories and make it more sustainable. If your loss is too slow on that plan, you can decrease it a bit more. Also, what you eat can make a big difference -- protein and veggies will fill you up a lot faster than junk food.
  • It says you joined in August of 2012, and you are ready to give up already??? Are you expecting miracles? Thought this would be easy? Figured small changes would give huge results?

    If you are willing to give it up this quickly then it means you aren't ready for the journey. You can't half *kitten* health, it's an old but tired saying, but it's the truth. This journey is a marathon not a sprint, the fact that you have lost 2 pounds already means you are moving in the right direction, you keep that kind of progress you have lost about 16 pounds in a year, that's not chump change, and that would be real weight loss, fat not water.

    You just cannot go from a life of junk and excess to instant overnight health, give it time, be patient, know that it's a long slow boring process and not everyday is going to be a winner and you will succeed.
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    apples. plain apples. eat lots of apples. organic if possible. I have allowed myself all the apples i care to eat without counting their calories as overages. they are one of those foods that take nearly what they contain in calories to digest, and they are filling, and they are Good for you. and it's something you can put into your mouth and chew and swallow, which for me is sometimes just what i need- to feel like I am eating...
    ps- honey crisp apples are the best!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Don't give up? Are you eating three meals a day and/or snacks? I had the same problem when I first dieted, I would skip meals as I didn't have time to eat or I just didn't have the desire. Then I would make up for it at night =/ If you eat little and often you will feel so much better.
  • thanks everyone! I don't know what was going on with my body. I think that I was eating at the wrong times because my classes are longer on some days and I hadn't prepared meals before. I have worked out already 3 times this week! Yay! and feel full and drink lots of water. I just can see myself losing the weight I want and reaching my goals and desires! very inspired. wont give up till I quit! :)