
butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
i dont get it...i did a really good workout this hole week....did really good without going over on my calories and the scale said i'm up to 140 again:explode: :mad: what the heck!!!!!


  • Don't get down. The body is sometimes unpredictable. Also maybe you didn't check the scale at the same time of day?

    Are you FEELING any better? Do your clothes feel any different?

    Hang in there. Give yourself some "wiggle room"

    God bless.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    Don't freak out! It happens to me all the time. Just the last few weeks my weight had been staying the same. I'm the type who weighs themselves everyday. The last couple of days I've dropped 3 lbs. Your body will adjust. Also bust out the tape measure.
  • sgmitchem
    sgmitchem Posts: 16 Member
    You're doing good.. Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Depending on your workout this last week, you probably got some muscle going on. :-) Keep your chin up. You will most likely see results next week.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    I agree....the tape measure is actually more incentive for me than the scale. And often you can feel the change in a particular pair of jeans fitting better. I do chest, waist, hips, and calf. I should do bicep as well, but forgot to take that one in the beginning. Years ago, I belonged to a fitness club (now extinct) in Ottawa..Lady Fitness....they used to remeasure us every 15 workouts. I was always thrilled at the changes...even a 1/4 inch was reason to celebrate!!!!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I agree the scale can be frustrating. I actually weigh and measure myself every Friday. Last week I only lost 1lb, but lost a total of 6 inches! 2 of them from my waist alone! I would suggest getting a tape measure (I got mine from the sewing section at WalMart for less than $3) and start tracking your progress with that as well. It can really brighten your day!
  • Don't worry you probably had to much sodium I'm guessing. Sodium makes you mantain water and thats how a lot of people can't lose. I hate that MFP doesn't track sodium but if you make sure you stay uder about 2000 mg a day it should help a lot. Good luck!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Don't worry you probably had to much sodium I'm guessing. Sodium makes you mantain water and thats how a lot of people can't lose. I hate that MFP doesn't track sodium but if you make sure you stay uder about 2000 mg a day it should help a lot. Good luck!!

    You can track sodium if you want to. Go into your settings and choose it on one of the drop-down menus.
  • Butterfly,

    Believe it or not, I sent an almost identical note to my trainer last week. I was taking in 1,100 to 1,200 calories per day and exercising 4 - 5 time a week at the gym. Then last week on my regular weekly weigh-in, I had GAINED 3 lbs!

    I had a meeting with my trainer (who is also a certified nutritionist) and brought with me all the printed reports from this site. He did an analysis of my exercise and eating and determined I was taking in too FEW calories and not enough fat ... yes, too few calories and not ENOUGH fat. I almost laughed in his face but this is what I pay him for so I heeded his advice and went up to 1,500 calories a day and added 10 almonds to my daily food intake in order to gain some healthy fat. The reason he gave me for this was our bodies will not burn calories correctly if you are not giving it what it needs. Too few calories or too little fat and the body thinks it's starving and refuses to burn calories correctly.

    The result of his advice? Now a week after I upped my calorie and fat intake, I have lost 5.5 pounds in a week! Amazing.

    I suggest you set up just one meeting with a nutritionist or personal trainer or both. Take all your print outs from this web site ... especially your food. Let them suggest a more customized food plan. NO food plan is right for everyone. We are all individuals and our bodies need different things.

    Good luck!
    CDGreeneyes :smile:
  • Shamar233
    Shamar233 Posts: 7 Member
    I know its really hard, but I find the scale to be an enemy not a friend! :)
    I have noticed also over the past few weeks my weight is starting to slow
    down but my clothes are still fitting better! I am addicted to the scale!
    I could get on everyday! My new goal for 2010 is to try and step away from
    the scale rather than on it!!
    I say get yourself a tape measure, and try avoiding the scale but once
    or twice a month!
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    thanks everyone for the great advice..i'm going to try and stay away from the scale until the weekend and see how i do and bring my calories down to 1,500 and see if that helps..i maybe stressing it alot because of the fact that my hubby and i are renewing our vows in april and i want those extria pounds before it gets here...but i will let you know how i do...thanks again all !!!
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