Any ladies/couples loosing weight to help conceive?

kuiboop Posts: 21 Member
Me and my partner we just joined MFP 2 week ago. My weight is 268lbs my goal 140lbs. My partner is 194lbs.
We have been trying for a baby for 2 yrs with no success. We had doctor who was not really bothered to do any test to check if everything was alright but quick to tell me to loose weight. We have changed doctors and i had a blood test (for day 21) done on Mon and i have another test next week. My partner has also to get a sperm test done to check his count.
I have never been so determined to loose weight and especially if its going ti help conceive.
So far i have lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks.


  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I dropped from 230 to 168 before I had my first child. I am done having babies (had two in 5 years), and am now working on getting back to the 160s. At 184 this am Fat cells make estrogen which can confuse your dr told me to lose weight as well. Best of luck to you!
  • I am not currently trying to conceive but from what I have heard from a number of women, if you are significantly overweight, it can definitely hurt your chances. I have thought a lot about this and want to be physically fit for when I am ready to conceive.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I'm not TTC right now...but I'm thinking about doing it again. I most likely can't in the next year due to a variety of factors (a likely deployment being one of them), but I'm thinking about it more and more. I thought one would be all I'd want as a single parent (I had a donor IUI), but now I'm not so sure. I'm 38, though, so every year I wait makes it less and less likely. Gah!
    Weight (over or under) can play a HUGE role in blocking conception. I've heard some about it affecting men as well, although I didn't read any of those studies as I was using a donor. I hope that's your only roadblock, and that you quickly (and safely) get to a weight that works for your body! May I suggest starting the prenatals & folic acid now, if you aren't already?
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    I am done having kids now (have 2 - a 3 yo DS & 1 yo DD), but I did lose weight to conceive my DD. I started at 225 then and got pregnant when I hit 190. I've lost all that baby weight from baby #2 and I am almost back to to my pre-baby #1 weight. And I was 37 & 39 with these pregnancies with no drugs or fertility interventions. Fingers crossed for you to conceive soon - losing weight really does help.
  • Yes! I am 19 and my husband is 22. We have been trying for a few months now ( almost a year) and I have a feeling my weight has something to do with it. We were lucky to get pregnant last year but misscarried in november. It sucks but I just see it as motivation to get rid of this weight so we can have a baby that we desperately want!
  • drkristamiller
    drkristamiller Posts: 11 Member
    I am not yet prego but currently thinking about it. I decided I wanted to lose 50 lbs before trying.... I was 246 and am now 196.... I wanted to be healthy pregnant!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    My son is now 3 weeks old but he is the result of me dropping 30lbs from 210 to 180 before getting pregnant. We had tried for over 3 years and then suddendly after losing some weight and working out 5-6 days a week it happened. He's our Maricle baby! I think think it's great that you are taking the doctors advice to lose weight. You will feel so much better about your self. I'm happy to help motivate anyone looking for help. Trying to conceive can be harder than losing weight but they are both so worth it in the end! I'm now back to 193 and looking to get around 140 next year. Feel free to add me!
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    My fiancé and I are trying to drop weight and live healthier to get ready for our wedding and after that our family. He is getting older and I know I wouldn't have a healthy pregnancy at my current weight. I'd like to drop atleast 80 pounds before getting pregnant
  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    It's not my only reason, but it's a big one. We're not trying to conceive quite yet, but I'd like to in the next few years.
  • akillaah
    akillaah Posts: 22 Member
    Thats my reason for losing weight....I've lost about 30lbs so far and before I lost the weight I wasn't getting my period. Now that I lost the 30lbs its slowly coming back..I get it every month now but its mostly just spotting. We aren't trying juuuust yet we're waiting until I get to goal because I don't want to be overweight and pregnant - long journey ahead but its worth it! :)
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    A good friend of mine was told the same thing by her doctor. She ended up switching to a vegan diet, and goes to the gym 4 days a week.
  • bodsmack7958
    bodsmack7958 Posts: 47 Member
    The wife and I are in the same boat. We have been trying for about 2 years with no success and it is starting to take a toll. We are now both on the weight loss goal as the doctors gave her the same statement. "Lose weight and you'll conceive." I know it's frustrating for her and wish I could do more. On a brighter note. She has lost 14 pounds to date and I've lost 24 lbs. Hopefully our successes will finally pay off. Good luck to all that are facing the same dilemma
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    My hubby and I are also TTC baby #1. I've gone from my highest of 190 to 154, still want to lose 10 more to be at goal but we started trying as soon as I was in my healthy weight range. It hasn't happened yet but hoping to be pregnant by Christmas! Wishing you the best of luck on your weightloss / pregnancy journey!
  • bodsmack7958
    bodsmack7958 Posts: 47 Member
    Does anyone have the ideal weight range for conceiving? The doctors told my wife to get to 180 and her chances improve significantly. She's got a little bit more to go, but I was just wondering if there was a general area.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    When I weighed 185 (I'm 5'10") and had been trying to conceive for 2 years my doctor told me losing weight would help. I lost 10 pounds. I did (my son just had his 14th birthday). It doesn't keep you from conceiving per se (although it can interfere with ovulation). It does make a huge difference in how well your body supports that new baby - even in the first few weeks.

    Even if it isn't a direct help it will be such a blessing to you when you get pregnant. So much healthier for you and so much better for your baby.

    Good luck!
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    Sounds like I am in the same boat as a lot of you. After watching my sister go through a pregnancy while she was 330 pounds plus I refuse to go through the same. She had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and the baby was premature. He spent his first month in the NICU after an emergency c section.

    My fiance and have talked about it and I wont even have my IUD removed until I am no longer considered high risk because of my weight. I have tried in the past to get pregnant (previous marriage) and my doctor advised against it because of potential complications. Of course I tried anyway without any success. He suggested that Iose at least 60 pounds before even attempting to try. I was told that it would be very difficuilt to get pregnant in the first place unless I lost the pounds.

    I know it will be hard t do but just think, when you do have your baby you will be fit and able to run around and play on the floor and do all the awesome mommy things that would be so much harder with a big'ol belly!

    You can do it! I thinking good thought for all of your ladies :heart:
  • Macyboston
    Macyboston Posts: 37 Member
    I have had two unsuccessful pregnancies within a span almost 2 years of each other. I have noticed that when I'm lighter in weight and physically active that's when we seem to conceive. Also both times were during the summer when I'm not working as much so my stress level is lower. So I'm convinced when I'm living a healthy active lifestyle it makes all the difference for us. I've recently been cleared to go ahead and start trying again after my last miscarriage. Good luck to all of you who are TTC.
  • Me and my partner are wanting to start trying IUI next year. We are both losing weight to just live a healthies lifestyle and so we can teach our children how to live a healthy lifestyle.

    This is a big motivation for me. I want to have children badly but I want to be in my healthy weight range before I get pregnant. Not only to increase my chances of conceiving but I don't want to be overweight when I get pregnant as I want to be able to tell I have a baby bump and not just fat haha.
    Also I know you gain weight when pregnant and I don't want to add that weight onto my already obese weight.

    I am 5'6" and currently weigh 198 as of last Friday (started at 208) and I want to get down to around 150. Only 48 more lbs to go :)
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I started my journey in Dec 2011 because my partner and I were thinking of starting a family in the next year or two and I wanted to be in the best shape before falling pregnant. My BMI had crept into the overweight range (82.6kg/182lbs at 175cm/5'9" = BMI 27). Over the past nine months I've lost ~27 pounds (my original goal was 28lbs!) and my BMI is now within a health range (23). I lost the majority of the weight in ~6 months and the last few pounds have fallen off while trying to maintain. We're not pregnant yet, but I suspect this is more to do with our crazy work lifestyles at the moment! I now look forward to getting pregnant and doing it with the same commitment to leading a balanced lifestyle that MFP taught me!!
  • AlliH621
    AlliH621 Posts: 102 Member
    I loved reading everyone's stories. We have been TTC for 3 years. I have never been told by a doctor that I need to lose weight even though I know that it's true. Maybe they think I'm borderline that it's not the reason for our infertility. We got pregnant in Feb. and miscarried in April. I was devistated. However, at least now I know I CAN get pregnant. We conceived through IUI procedure, it worked the first time (after 2 1/2 years of trying on our own, then using clomid for 6 months)! Since the miscarriage we have had 2 unsuccessful IUI's in June and July.

    My highest weight was 210, and I'm down to 195 now at 5"4'. We started exercising more in July and I've lost 10 pounds so far. I am SO motivated to lose AS MUCH AS I CAN before I do conceive again because I have BAD KNEES! The extra weight has really bothered my knees the past few years. Since I am expected to gain weight during the pregnancy, I don't want that additional pressure on my knees. So I at least hope I can lose another 15 pounds, but I will welcome a pregnancy before I lose that 15 pounds obviously. Then I also want to lose the weight for the health of the baby!!!

    I try to set attainable goals, then adjust them later. I would like to see myself as weighing 160 and/or a SIZE 8. I can't remember ever being below a size 12. I'm in 14-16 now (size 18 was the highest I ever wore).

    The extra working out is strengthening my legs but my knees still bother me from the squats and occasional lunges. I'm looking forward to the day when they don't bother me!!!

    I wish you all luck with your journey and hope you all can conceive healthy babies!
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