Going camping what foods to bring??

Normally going camping I bring all kinds of meats, candy, alcohol, etc.
But since I've been working out and eating healthy trying to get back to my "normal weight" before I start adding some muscle, I was wondering, does anyone have any ideas on what I should take with me for camping.
To kind of stay around my 2k-2200 calorie range, I will be out 2 days and 2 nights.
Maybe something I can pre cook, or healthier alternatives to bring with, but still keep the camping vibe to it..


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    meat, alcohol, fruits, veggies, potatoes.. I would avoid the snack type foods, chips, pretzels, this sort of thing as you can sit around and munch on it, but for 2 days if your doing hiking and stuff while camping, take meat and all that.. good source of protein and well.. camping isnt camping without some alcohol.
  • We used to make really awesome chicken rice foil packets when we went camping. Essentially, chicken, rice, and cream of mushroom soup wrapped in foil and cooked on the coals. But I don't think cream of mushroom soup is all that healthy, haha. I'm sure there are variations of this recipe to make it healthier! But I guess it kinds of depends what kind of camping you're doing. And how you're cooking/storing your food. I was also thinking... you could probably do kabobs with chicken and veggies. In that case, it might be better to precut everything. Preparing food in the outdoors can be a hassle and unsanitary. :/
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    meat, alcohol, fruits, veggies, potatoes.. I would avoid the snack type foods, chips, pretzels, this sort of thing as you can sit around and munch on it, but for 2 days if your doing hiking and stuff while camping, take meat and all that.. good source of protein and well.. camping isnt camping without some alcohol.

    Haha definitely a Wisconsin Boy comment and I totally agree :) Hard to beleive people in a lot of states camp and have gatherings wihtout alcohol...what?
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    Bacon, eggs, the pancake mix that comes in bottle, add water,shake and pour... meat and veggies to grill. When I camped as a kid we always had canned stuff... If you are out hiking swimming etc. you'll burn a lot of calories and be hungry as hell. Gotta do 'smores...

    I second preprep, anything you can cut, chop or skewer beforehand.

    This assumes you are not carrying your food on your back...if you are find some MREs at the Army Surplus store...

    and finally

    beer & schnaps.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    Foil Packets! You put them together ahead of time then cook them on your campfire coals. We did this one the last trip we took and it was delicious and pretty healthy.

    My husband also put together packets that were just cabbage a little butter, salt and pepper and they were fantastic. Have fun!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I don't know how "primitive" your camping is, to some its in a camper others is in a tent with no electricity, or at a campground...But i like to bring my crockpot along, I premix/make my food in it, tape it shut, put it in a cooler (just the pot not the warming base), and when it's time I plug it in either on warm or low depending on the "need to cook" basis. You can do many soups, chili's, roasts etc. and you know what YOU put in it, so it can be as healthy or as off your plan as you wish. Plus if there is left overs you can have some for lunch the next day.

    And I agree with the foil packets as well, pre-make before you go, throw them on the grill or on the coals.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    meat, alcohol, fruits, veggies, potatoes.. I would avoid the snack type foods, chips, pretzels, this sort of thing as you can sit around and munch on it, but for 2 days if your doing hiking and stuff while camping, take meat and all that.. good source of protein and well.. camping isnt camping without some alcohol.

    This. I've never gained weight while camping anyway. If you've got a cooler and a stove...there's no reason not to bring what you normally eat anyway.
  • Foil Packets! You put them together ahead of time then cook them on your campfire coals. We did this one the last trip we took and it was delicious and pretty healthy.

    My husband also put together packets that were just cabbage a little butter, salt and pepper and they were fantastic. Have fun!
    Trying this, sounds really good. :D
  • meat, alcohol, fruits, veggies, potatoes.. I would avoid the snack type foods, chips, pretzels, this sort of thing as you can sit around and munch on it, but for 2 days if your doing hiking and stuff while camping, take meat and all that.. good source of protein and well.. camping isnt camping without some alcohol.

    This. I've never gained weight while camping anyway. If you've got a cooler and a stove...there's no reason not to bring what you normally eat anyway.
    Yea I suppose that's true...
    I do plan on hiking a fair amount, but it's going to be about 15-25 degrees so likely no swimming for me. haha
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    scan lots of stuff up front too! save it in your evening meal (or whatever)!
    nothing worse then not being able to put your grub in because you don't have a data signal :(

    stick with meat, veg n fruit! try to stay away from the "packaged" foods!
    keep away from the grains if poss ;)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Oooh, baked potatoes wrapped in foil and thrown on the fire are the BEST! Same for corn on the cob.... yum yum!