Leg workout advice

Hey guys,

Just wanted a quick bit of advice. When I was going to my personal trainer he was getting me to do deadlifts. I don't think they were straight-legged deadlifts but I could be wrong. (Rubbish at that sticking my butt out, keeping my back straight.)

They were for strengthening my lower back and toning my legs and I was doing 3 sets of 10 with 20kg. Were they straight-legged or the regular kind?

Could you point me in the right direction of videos on form. Now I'm going to the gym and want to do this own my own. Without my PT there telling me what to do I'm worried my form will be incorrect.

Also, any tips for other leg exercises using free weights? (Other than squats and lunges.)

And on another note... What's the exercise called when you dead lift a barbell, row it up to your chest then push it above your head? Was never told and I want to check out videos on form.

Thanks all!


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    squats, lunges, and deads are your best bet, especially if you want free weights. More options if you want to add in machines.

    As for form, youtube mark rippetoe.
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    The Deadlift is the best lift for the posterior chain.

    If he had you bending down back straight and but out then they would have been good old regular deads. I would recommend only doing those once a week. You really need to let your body recover completely from deads.

    As for form, As the above poster suggested goto youtube ad look for Mark Rippetoe. Or Starting Strength.
  • bm_stclair
    bm_stclair Posts: 26 Member
    I have had great leg success with kettlebell exercises. Alot of the exercises are primarily leg excercises but they can also be good cardio excercises as most of them use other muscles besides legs.
    Only other thing I would suggest is some calf work. One version has you holding dumbells in a standing position while you position your toes on the edge of a curb or similar. You then flex your calves to raise and lower yourself. Make sure you get full extension and contraction to maximize effectiveness of the exercise.

    If I am imagining the exercise you described correctly it is called a "clean and jerk".
  • jetlbomb
    jetlbomb Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks all, will get myself onto YouTube.

    Clean and Jerk sounds about right for the other exercise. I'll look it up, then I'll know. As for calf exercises. I have calf extensions (what you described) on my list of exercises for tonight. Just not sure what weight to use.