Need jogging/running tips!

I am a big girl and would like to start jogging and/or running. I am completely gasping for air after about a minute or so. Please give any tips or advice that helped you if you started the same way. Will this get better?:huh:


  • lauramom0204
    lauramom0204 Posts: 3 Member
    Couch to 5K. Best thing I've ever done. Couldn't run a minute when I started. Now I'm on week 8 (out of 9) and running 28 minutes no-stop. There's an app for your phone that makes it even easier. I could try and explain, but here's the link. They do a much better job!

    There's a Couch to 5K group in the community here as well. Great for support and inspiration!

    Good luck.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Couch to 5k (google it or look for the app on a smartphone) is the absolute best thing a non-runner can do to become a runner. I started it one month after having my third baby. I was 219lbs (at 5'7") and hadn't exercised in years. That was 4 months ago, and I've lost 35lbs and am getting ready to run my first 5k in a few weeks. Get fitted for good running shoes and follow the plan, and you'll be a runner in no time. You can do it! :happy:
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Definitely Couch to 5K! I love it :) and it has gotten me back into running. I'm just coming off an injury, so I'm restarting with Week 1 this week.

    You can google the website with the list of what to do, or download the Get Running app from apple (if you have an iphone/ipod) and probably from android as well. I use it on my iPod touch, and it lets me listen to my music, but tells me when to run, walk, and how long I have left. It's fabulous and can totally get someone from being a couch bum like I was to a runner.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I agree. I do Pooch to 5k which is the human/canine version to get me and the dog fit and it is a blast. We both love it and are both SO much fitter now!
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    IT gets better! Running in intervals is great for starting. Run 1 min, walk 3 min. Repeat for 30 min total time running/walking. You'll be surprised how quickly you build up endurance. Also, Couch 2 5K is a great program to start with. Good luck!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Totally agree.. C25K!!

    I started this last week and I absolutely love it! I am like you, I cannot run for long before getting out of breath...I was actually worried about not even making it through day 1 but I did great! (even if I do say so myself!). I use an app called doublerun on my phone to track my run, it's great, it gives you prompts when to run/walk/cooldown and logs distance/time/calories etc. There are lots of other similar apps available free or cheap.

    Do it! It's great!! Good luck and happy running!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    i just started running in march..... was running intervals for a long time.... But now I'm training for a half marathon - coming up on nov 10!! :) it does get easier. Key is to stick with it and do it right!! :)
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    C25K is a wonderful program. That is how I got my start into running. Just remember to go slow. The speed doesn't matter so much as endurance does. Also get fitted for proper shoes. It makes a world of difference. Good luck.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I echo the couch to 5k suggestions! Also, I've found John Bingham books to be reassuring and helpful, e.g. or

    If you can, definitely get some workout clothes/gear: shirts/shorts/pants/whatever made with moisture-wiking fabric. I couldn't believe how much of a difference actual workout clothes made!! The same goes for socks - running socks are amazing (no cotton, breathable, some of them have compression fabric in the arch, etc.). Also, a properly-fitting sports bra, and properly fitting sneakers (you can get fitted at a dedicated running store). I've loved some of the plus sized workout clothes and a sports bra from Modern Comfort, and plus sized workout clothes from Nike. There's lots out there, and don't feel like just because you're bigger or not a pro runner or whatever that you don't deserve to feel good exercising! Also, hydrate and feed yourself well!

    Start out slow, and keep on slow if you need/want! I've done a half marathon and several shorter races, and I'm training for my first full marathon in November - and I'm doing it all by doing running/walking intervals. I'm slow, but I do it. You can totally do this :drinker:
  • Dolcelover
    Dolcelover Posts: 3 Member
    I have been using "Ease into 5k" ( think it is the same thing as "Couch to 5k") and although I can't say it's easy, it has helped me build up endurance. I have repeated both week 1 and 2 twice. Starting week 3 tomorrow and will stay at that level for as long as I need to as well. I am doing much better now so hopefully I will be able to move on after one week of level 3!
    I sometimes feel like my weight is too much for me knees but I haven't had any pain that would cause me to quit (just me knees groaning under stress).
    Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Another vote for c25k! Made a runner out of me - and I had never ever been one to run unless being chased by something I didn't want catching me. :tongue:

    I used the c25kFREE app by Zen Labs on my phone - worked great!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Couch to 5K. Best thing I've ever done. Couldn't run a minute when I started. Now I'm on week 8 (out of 9) and running 28 minutes no-stop. There's an app for your phone that makes it even easier. I could try and explain, but here's the link. They do a much better job!

    There's a Couch to 5K group in the community here as well. Great for support and inspiration!

    Good luck.

    THIS...I couldn't run 60 seconds in the beginning. I just completed my first 5K race mid August and LOVE running now. I run 5K every time I run now and I don't stop at all. I am slow (takes me about 35 mins but I am still lapping everyone on the couch!)

    Stick with will feel like Queen of the World once you are finished it! (AND get the benefit of quicker weight loss too!)

    I wanted to quit MANY times but stick with it...if it was easy, everyone would do it. If I can finish, you can too!

    You've got this!
  • Anyone know how I can get this app for my phone? Its a blackberry 8900 and I am not very tech savvy.
  • CallOnRo
    CallOnRo Posts: 62 Member
    Runkeeper is a great app for your phone. It has a customizable coach or you can pre-select coaching sessions. I love it.
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    I found an application for iTouch/iPhone/iPod on iTunes and it is called Ease into 5K by bluefin software which is very good but not free, maybe around $2.99 This app has good ratings and lets you use your music playlists from your iPod in it.

    I believe there is another app similar to the one above by someone else and is free but don't know much about it......

    I also found a podcast on iTunes called NHS Couch to 5K which is "free" but it doesn't let you use your own music and it has its own music built in......
  • I've never done Cto5K, but you obviously can see the enthusiasm most have for it on this board.

    My tips are simple - stick with it. I included a story about running in my profile. If you're looking to really improve your fitness, I 100% support it. Feel free to friend me if you need some more encouragement.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Couch to 5K. Best thing I've ever done. Couldn't run a minute when I started. Now I'm on week 8 (out of 9) and running 28 minutes no-stop. There's an app for your phone that makes it even easier. I could try and explain, but here's the link. They do a much better job!

    There's a Couch to 5K group in the community here as well. Great for support and inspiration!

    Good luck.

    This sounds like a good plan to me. It was over 30 years ago when I started running and I my face would turn beet red and it was hard. I hated it. I would only do it if I had my music. LOL and this was back in the day! I had one of the first Walkmans that came out, a big clunker cassette tape player. If the batteries died so did my run! But then my body go used to it. I went on to run 5ks, 10ks, marathons, and ultra marathons, and I'm still a runner today at 51 years old. Anyone can do it if you set your mind to it and it's awesome that they have helpful plans like the one above. Back in my day you had to buy a book or talk to someone in person. LOL
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    If you don't want to do the Couch to 5K program, you can just start off with run/walk intervals... run for as long as you can and time it, then walk for twice that time. If you are able to run for two minutes straight, do that length for each interval. Do that for 20-30 minutes and make sure you stretch really well before and after.

    Just keep at it. Once a week, I would run as far as I possibly could and keep trying to beat that distance each week. And then I'd do the intervals throughout the week. Once you're running up to a mile, I'd increase the longer runs and decreased the intervals so you can start building some distance!

    I joined the military as a total pud who had never been into athletics or anything like that (I played softball, but I loathed the two laps we had to run every practice). After my enlisted training, I was down to a 15:40 two mile time.

    When I got back into running years after I separated from the military, I was terrible. I made it halfway up the block and I couldn't take it anymore... my whole body felt like it was put together wrong and my hips felt loose and wobbly (I was 4 months post-partum). I stuck to walking until my hips felt stronger and then I started small. My first run, I made it a half a mile before I walked home. I kept trying to make it to two miles, which I eventually did. This was in the fall of 2010. The summer of 2011, I ran four road races and focused mostly on improving that time. This summer, I have been focused on long distance (which has also been improving my 5K time) and working towards my first half. At this point, I'm up to 11 miles in my half-marathon training.

    So, I'm here to say it's totally possible to become a runner from "scratch."

    Keep at it! You may get to a point where running is one of your favorite things to do and then it won't be such a struggle anymore... it will be a pleasure!
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm a big girl too -- 263 lb at the moment (I'm 5'10"). I'm doing C25K, and I ran a half mile the other day. Me! Of course I'm very slow, but still! I couldn't run that long when I was a teenager and skinny. Build up your strength and listen to your body. If it tells you to slow down, slow down.