Is anyone planning on beginning turbo fire?

hey! I have ordered turbo fire which should b here by next week. I was wondering if there is anyone else who plans to begin a round within the next couple of weeks? Thought we could buddy up and chat and offer support through it :-)


  • DasaWhite924
    DasaWhite924 Posts: 4 Member
    I have turbo fire but I had not been able to start it. If you want add me on here and we could start together. I am stuck on this plateau and it just seem like my motivation went out of the window because I cant seem to lose the weight. so yeah let me know and we can do it together.
  • Sandra014
    I am doing the Turbo Fire 5 Day Inferno plan which I started on Monday. Have you done the Inferno Plan?
  • tntmom87
    tntmom87 Posts: 27 Member
    I've REALLY been wanting to start turbo asap....but I am too broke to be able to buy any of it :( Does anyone know if there are free versions out there somewhere? If so, I'd love to start with you!
  • trincan12
    Hey, I have Turbo fire and have done it off and on in the past. It gives great results. I just started it again this past Sunday!:smile: