
I have been having a hard time motivating myself to go to the gym lately. Over the summer and break I was a gym rat, I would go everyday without a problem. Now that I am back at school I am lucky if can get myself over there more than twice a week. Anyone have any motivation suggestions or maybe things I could do in my dorm room for the days I don't have time to get to the gym?


  • Shaine
    Shaine Posts: 32
    Do you have any exercise dvd's?
    I have P90X, and it helps!
    I also just bought the Leg Magic. Both are things you can do at home.
  • ktidman
    ktidman Posts: 6 Member
    I looked into getting the P90x dvds but they were wicked expensive.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Check out the public library. You probably will only get to check them out for a few days, but most libraries have videos you can get and some of those are workout videos. Then, if you find one you really like, you can try to find it cheaper on-line or at a used book/video store. Other than that, I really love my Wii Fit Plus, but if you don't already have a Wii and the Wii Fit, that would be more than "wicked" expensive:laugh:
  • beachbaby18
    You can always do sit-ups and push-ups. I mean you don't need any machines for those things. I like using Dance Dance Revolution on my Xbox 360. That really gives you a great workout if you play it on hard or expert. lol. Another thing that I do if it's nice out is go jogging with my I-pod. I like doing yoga/pilates and that seems to help lose weight as well. I hope this helps a little bit! :smile: