Just can't make myself!

Ok so anyone have any tips on how to make myself get out of bed an hour earlier to work out...i have been setting my alarm but just can't seem to get outta bed at 4am...i work out in the evenings right now but it makes me want to stay up all night!


  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Everything in life comes down to two things. 1) Choice 2) Action.

    Make the Choice.
    Take the Action.
  • islebutterfly09
    islebutterfly09 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm up at 4 everyday and at the gym by 5, so I can TOTALLY understand that struggle. What really helped me transition was having accountability. I started meeting a girl at the gym and we worked out together and we call each other every morning to make sure we get up and go. Today I went without her because she decided to sleep in. The hardest part is the getting started, and then your body will adjust to the time shift. I started by going to bed earlier, and then setting my alarm for 15 min. earlier than I used to. Then a few days later I moved it another 15 min, and kept going til it was at 4am. Does that make sense?? Gives your body an adjustment period, so it isn't such a shock to your body to lose so much sleep.
  • You don't have to exercise in the mornings. If you have the time and don't have anything else to do exercise in the afternoon. That's what I do.
  • What time do you need to wake up to get up for work/whatever?

    Rather than jump right into super early (which never works for me) spend a couple weeks teaching yourself to get up earlier. Start by 15 minutes earlier, then another and another until you're getting up early enough to get a workout in.
  • I am having the same issue. I want to get up earlier and every night I make this pact that I'm going to and every morning I hit the snooze. I wish I had some advice but I would love to hear what others have done because this is something I need help with as well. :(
  • MzWit98
    MzWit98 Posts: 2 Member
    What a good suggestion! Finding the time.... um making the time to workout is always a struggle for me. I have a hard time with 7am so 4am sounds like a foreign country to me.
  • I'm up at 4 everyday and at the gym by 5, so I can TOTALLY understand that struggle. What really helped me transition was having accountability. I started meeting a girl at the gym and we worked out together and we call each other every morning to make sure we get up and go. Today I went without her because she decided to sleep in. The hardest part is the getting started, and then your body will adjust to the time shift. I started by going to bed earlier, and then setting my alarm for 15 min. earlier than I used to. Then a few days later I moved it another 15 min, and kept going til it was at 4am. Does that make sense?? Gives your body an adjustment period, so it isn't such a shock to your body to lose so much sleep.
    This is exactly what worked for me. Do it in 10-15 min increments so your body doesn't fight you!
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    I already get up between 5 and 5:30 am so it's not like it is a big difference
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Since you already get up at 5:00am, can you just hold off until we change the clocks in October? Then you will be right on schedule with your regular sleep patterns, anyway.
  • I lay out all my workout clothes the night before. It's not easy for me either as I have to go outside to run, and sometimes the thought of running outside at 5am is very unappealing. But what I do is I don't think about it at all - when the alarm goes off, I pretend I have no choice - snooze button is not an option - and just get up, get changed, and get out the door as fast as I can. The faster I can get out the door, the less anxiety and trepidation I have about having to get up. If you allow yourself even one second to think about whether to get out of bed or not, you won't. So, when your alarm goes, get up automatically like a robot, get changed, and just go. There is no magic bullet; this does require discipline and mental toughness.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    do you have a friend close by that could call you? I had a co worker that works out every morning and she is up by 5, I had her call me and I got up and did my work out...when I got to work she would always ask if I stayed up or went back to bed, I couldn't ever lie to her so I had to get up and work out....just a little accountability helped...:smile:
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Since you already get up at 5:00am, can you just hold off until we change the clocks in October? Then you will be right on schedule with your regular sleep patterns, anyway.
    this is a great idea!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I lay out all my workout clothes the night before. It's not easy for me either as I have to go outside to run, and sometimes the thought of running outside at 5am is very unappealing. But what I do is I don't think about it at all - when the alarm goes off, I pretend I have no choice - snooze button is not an option - and just get up, get changed, and get out the door as fast as I can. The faster I can get out the door, the less anxiety and trepidation I have about having to get up. If you allow yourself even one second to think about whether to get out of bed or not, you won't. So, when your alarm goes, get up automatically like a robot, get changed, and just go. There is no magic bullet; this does require discipline and mental toughness.

    THIS...:flowerforyou: If I give myself time to start thinking about it, the evil lazy little brat side of me won't ever let me leave the house...I get dressed and brush my teeth in a half-asleep state, and only wake up completely after the first km or so....
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Getting up early is really hard, I agree. When that alarm goes off though I just remind myself that I will be so much happier and proud of myself if I just get up. Just sit and walk in to the bathroom. From there I would never get back in to bed so it's really a small thing I need to do. I know that I have a much better day, physically and mentally, when I start my day with a workout. As long as I can remember that when the alarm goes off, it really helps.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Yeah I don't do mornings either. No way. I always work out at night.

    But what gets me to do it is telling myself that "this is what hot people do," and I want to be hot. So I do it.

    Sounds kinda vain, but hey, it works for me lol.
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    Since you already get up at 5:00am, can you just hold off until we change the clocks in October? Then you will be right on schedule with your regular sleep patterns, anyway.

    That is a really good idea but i think we set the clocks back in November....i dont think i can wait that long but hey if i cant make myself get up early before then this is going to be perfect :-)!
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I now get up 45 mins earlier at 5am so I can work out as I know that by the time I have finished a day in the office, got home, made dinner, got the kids bathed and in bed and cleaned up I will never have the energy for a work out.

    What worked originally for me was having a really awful annoying alarm clock that was not at the side of the bed. It was at the other side of the room. So I had to get out of bed to turn it off. This stopped the whole hitting snooze as once I was out of bed, I was more likely to stay up.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I am not a morning person, but I'm getting up at 5:30 to work out before work now. I'm just too busy right now to do it at night. I started with a goal of only 3 days per week, then 4 and then all 5. I'm 6 weeks in and now I wake up even on the weekend without an alarm. That's annoying. :wink:

    Three important things...

    1. Get to bed. If I'm still up at 11:00 or later, I accept that and don't even plan to get up because I'm too tired in the morning.
    2. Be consistent and diligent. It sucks at first, while your body adjusts, but you will get used to it and it gets easier.
    3. Have your clothes, shoes, iPod and everything else ready for you when you wake up. Then you can get dressed and go.

    I love to sleep, but it's also nice to have it done in the morning. I find that I'm better about my eating when I start my day right, with a good work out. If you set your mind too it, it can happen.