Need someone to just listen....



  • lindsiswatchingyou
    Why don't you tell us what you love about yourself...what you're good at?
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I think you need to take some alone time and distance yourself from your sister.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    I think you need to take some alone time and distance yourself from your sister.

    Are all of your friends also her friends?
  • ycats1984
  • ycats1984
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Listen - give yourself a break already. 50 pounds in 12 weeks is a crazy goal - it makes it really hard to keep the weight off if you lose it that fast. Healthy weight loss is about 2 pounds per week (which you exceeded, by the way!). Every person's body is different...

    It has taken me nearly 2 years to get within 10 pounds of my goal (78 pounds lost). I have been stuck at 67-68 pounds lost for almost 5 months and am frustrated like crazy - however, I know that eventually it will come off and I just have to stick with eating right and doing enough activity to keep me healthy. Also, to avoid the inner self-bashing voice, I have started taking measurements each month and calculating my body fat percentage - in the last month I dropped 3.5% body fat even though I did not lose weight.

    Maybe you could track other measurements to note your successes along the way? I think you are doing an amazing job and you just need to give yourself a break, avoid that ungly inner voice (I have it too!!!) and keep moving in the right direction. You will definitely get there when your body is ready. :happy:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I tried to look at your dieary but it is locked - I sent you a friend request. Maybe I can help with that since weight loss is more about the food than the exercise (at least for me it is)...
  • hilary1970
    Hi. First off congratulations on losing 37 lbs. That in itself is just awesome!!!!! Honestly, to me it seems as though you have issues in some way with your sister and also self image issues, you need to NOT compare yourself to anyone on this earth. We are who we are, we were given the look, shape, personality and strenghs and weaknesses that were intended for us. Sometimes there are obstacles yes, but they are always put there in front of us for a purpose. To make us stronger. You should be so proud of yourself that you HAVE achieved such weight loss and that you made the committment to get up and get moving and do something to better your health. To help you with the negative self image you seem to have I would suggest going to the book store and getting a copy of a book called "The Purpose Driven Life" by Neil Clark Warren. It changed my life. Good luck lady and stay strong, love yourself and others. I wish you the very best and please know that your online community are always here for you :)
  • Nina1007
    I agree about distancing yourself from your sister in the weight loss area at least. You both have done amazing! Be proud of your sister. If she anything like my sister , shes your best friend. But most important you should b proud of yourself. So your journey is a little longer than hers, so what? That's doesn't take away from your awesome progress :) congratulations on your weight loss!!!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    You also mention that your sister has always been bigger than you. Maybe it just shows up more on her as a bigger difference because people saw her as just being bigger, too. They don't mean to take anything away from you...but now she is probably more about your size and because she started out bigger, she is losing faster...that's all. Don't get discouraged or compare yourself with your sister. You are two different people. :)