Today is a new day?

I had a terrible day yesterday. I just moved up to level two in the 30ds and it's sooooo hard for me. I've done it one day and when I went to do it yesterday I just gave up about 5 minutes in. From that point on the day was pretty blah cause I was mad at myself for giving up. Last night was really bad because I was just hungry I decided and I ate and ate and ate. I didn't log it because I honestly can't even remember everything. I haven't eaten like that for a loooooong time. I felt disgusting and went to bed.

Now is normally when I would give up. I've lost some weight but now I've messed it up by stuffing my face and I'm probably going to have gained weight when I weight in on Friday. I'm an all or nothing kinda person so this morning I got up thinking, what should I eat today? What bad food do I want now that I'm done with the healthy eating? Then I stopped and thought to myself...wasn't it just two days ago when you were so happy to fit into that dress you've had forever but could never wear? and it was, and I went to the gym this morning and I'm going to level 2 of the 30ds after work today and I'm gonna get better at it and I may not lose weight this week but I will next week and the week after that.

I'm learning, life isn't about being perfect and that's good because I'm certainly not, but about learning and picking yourself up and moving on after you fall down.

Just wanted to share :)


  • AnR28
    AnR28 Posts: 56 Member
    Great job at realizing your potential!

    And also don't forget to take a break here and there to chill out! :)
  • jnr2012
    jnr2012 Posts: 33 Member
    Good for you:love: Best of luck with your workout:flowerforyou:
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Good for you! That is a seriously excellent attitude adjustment. Keep on being awesome!
  • MommaMeatus
    MommaMeatus Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for that post, it is so refreshing to hear some one stuble and pick them selves up again. One day no matter how bad is not enough to totally sabotage your results. Excuses don't yeild results! Good job, very motivational!!
  • mojolo7
    mojolo7 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm having your yesterday day today, so thank youi for the inspirationg, and way to go on being strong! Here's to an even better day for both of us tomorrow!