Motivation Clothes!

I know a lot of people on here say the first thing they're going to do when they reach their UGW is go shopping for new clothes! Well I'm totally one of those people however...I also buy little things for my mini-goals like a cheaper pair of jeans or something in a smaller size to fit into. I did however just spend $65 on a pair of short-shorts from A&F in a SIZE-3 which is what I'm hoping to fit into when I reach my UGW...I did originally want to get into a 0/2 but I have wide hips so I don't know if that will happen.

Does anyone else buy clothes to push themselves? Like as a reminder of what you want to get into? Or am I crazy here?


  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    You are not crazy :O)
    I don't have to purchase any new clothes as I have sets of different sizes of clothes from when I was size 8 and 10 and 12 - I will be happy to start getting back into those and getting rid of each higher size as I lose more weight - I have some knock-out clothes I used to fit into and hope to get back into them... Keep up your good work - you are definitely on the right track!!
  • CuffeStuff
    CuffeStuff Posts: 8 Member

    Someone once told me, when the clothes start to get looser, then replace or adjust them. It encourages you to stay on path. Its also a great way to keep yourself in check, cause if they start getting tight again... you doing something wrong, and no one wants to go back to the store to buy BIGGER clothes!

    I'm def with you on this one
  • megabit2k
    I personally don't buy clothes before I can fit into them, however I see you are using that as a motivational tool. Of course now all my clothes are way to loose... Now I have to buy a completely new wardrobe.