Blisters from running - any solutions?


Really trying to get into running and have been doing 10k every other day. Problem is I get terrible blisters. I've changed my running shoes but still get blisters on the inside arch. I like to run barefoot too (on a treadmill) but this gives me blisters on my heals so pretty stuffed either way......anyone have any ideas of any way to avoid this? Also, a little yukkie but should you pop blisters or leave?!!:noway:


  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    What kind of socks are you wearing? I knowfor me in the hot and humid South, cheap cotton ones dont work as well.

    Also, I have a high arch that collapses when I walk/run. I had to get inserts that support that and havent had blisters since!
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    I got some of these anit-blister running socks. They are GREAT. Two very thin layers of fabric so that any friction that occurs will rub the inner sock layer, not your skin. I found mine on amazon at a decent price.

    ETA: Its better to leave them alone and not pop/drain, IMO. A blister is your body's way of protecting itself from more damage to the area. Popping could lead to infection, increased irritation, and stinging, open sores! Just my opinion...
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Cotton is Rotten!

    I use thorlo socks when I run. They're super thick and eliminate blisters. Also try rubbing your feet with Vaseline before you put on your socks. That should reduce the friction as well.

    Also have you been fitted for your running shoes? It could be an ill fitting shoe that is causing the blisters. Get yourself to a running store -- NOT a regular run of the mill sporting good store either but a RUNNING store -- and have them evaluate your gait and fit you with a proper running shoe for how you run.
  • uolamer
    I am a complete novice to all this. But I had blisters on the back of my heels from walking. I ended up going to some wider shorter better fitting shoes. That made all the difference. I sat in Academy trying on shoes I bet for an hour and a half and picked the ones I thought would work the best.. I was prepared to pay whatever, the ones that worked the best in my case, that they had, were $39.99 lol. Bad thing they are white and I walk a lot in dirt.. But I just didn't care about that..
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    1) Shoes that fit properly

    2) Two layer socks

    I can honestly say I've never heard of anyone getting blisters running bare feet, callouses yes but blisters? They're usually the result of friction.

    Pop them with a sterilized needle, treat them with an antiseptic & cover them up to speed up the healing process.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    If you like barefoot running have you tried Vibrams or Fila Skeletoes?

  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Have you ever tried body glide?
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    The thing about blisters is that there is no one solution that works for everyone. You may need to experiment. They're caused by too much moisture, or friction, or shoes that are too big, or shoes that are too small.

    I get awful blisters on the sides of my big toes and then under one pinkie toe because it somehow ends up under the toe next to it. You can try moleskin, Body Glide, foot powder, Vaseline, blister band-aids, doubling up on thin socks, wearing running socks, etc. The list goes on!
    I still get them but have managed to "manage" them by using Nexcare waterproof bandages, Band-aid blister bandages, Thorlo or Features socks (Thorlos for long distance, Features for short) and buying bigger shoes.

    Best of luck!
  • racerscottw227
    Good socks and good running shoes make a world of difference.
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 104 Member
    No, but curious...what's bodyglide?
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks everyone....will get your suggestions a try and hope one of them works for me!
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    that is everything that i would post. Excellent!
  • spikefoot
    anti chaffing cream or stick..try that.

    or new skin on the sensitive already sore areas.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    No, but curious...what's bodyglide?

    It's an anti-friction product, looks a lot like a stick of deodorant, that runners use for spots that chafe (especially on long runs). You should be able to find it at pretty much any sporting goods store.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Lubing your feet up with lotion or sold anti-perspirant will clear those blisters right up! Good Luck!
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Ride a bike....that way you only get blisters on your...well, you get the idea.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    Have you ever tried body glide?

  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    I used to get terrible blisters on the arch of my foot as well, I tried the double socks etc. I was running in asics and now I wear New Balance and I don't have any issues. You just need to find the shoe that works for you. Good luck!
  • crazybigchick
    Band Aid brand makes a friction blocker. They sell it at Target for less than $6. I know it works amazing for preventing blister in super high heels, so maybe it would work for you as well.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    I had blisters when I first started C25K.
    Changed my socks to the max-dri ones with the extra ribbing in the arch.
    I LOVE the C9 brand at Target! I get the ones with the heel shield.
    Also used Blister/Friction Block on my heels.
    No more problems.

    As for the blisters you already have...don't pop them.
    Use the special blister band-aids if you can.
    They are amazing and have great cushioning so you can keep going.