very VERY very BAD weekend.

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
UGHHHHHHHHHHHH well this weekend was a total lost. I tried to be good but it did not work. Friday night I went out to chili's with my boyfrined and then to Uno for drinks and did bad. Saturday I went out for mexican for lunch. And then last night I went out for wings. And to make things worst. I know I shouldnt but my boyfrined and I are going to the movies tonight(he hates the movies and he suggested it so I gotta take him up) So I'm going to be getting buttery popcorn tonight. Now I know I shouldnt do that or opt to get no butter on it. But the popcorn is my favorite part of going to the movies and there is no way I will be able to resist it. SOOO Im pretty sure that when I weigh in on Wednesday..its not going to be good. I prob gained the weigh back and then SOME. The only positive thing I can say about the weekend is that I did drink diet coke while going out to restuarants. UGHH like now Im just thinking screw today. I'm going to get wendys for lunch todays a waste. And it is that time of the month soo Im craving food soooo bad. But on saturday I bought a cute shirt for St. Patricks day but they didnt have my current size all they had was an extra small...but I bought it and now that is my goal. To fit into the shirt by St.Patricks day. I am going to go to start going back to the gym starting tomorrow. SOOO I really want wendys and I know this mentality is bad but Im just thinking today is shot and tomorrow I will start back up....


  • We all have bad days, but try to plan ahead to make the best choice possible wherever you go! Think positive and don't give into those cravings (or just have smaller portions)! It's a mind thing..
  • summercox
    summercox Posts: 10 Member
    I hear ya. Had a pretty bad weekend myself; although I was unable to go out to eat due to another ice/snow storm; however, we have been snowed in for four days and it seems all I did was bake. I am going to wait another week before weighing in just to make myself feel better.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I hear ya. Had a pretty bad weekend myself; although I was unable to go out to eat due to another ice/snow storm; however, we have been snowed in for four days and it seems all I did was bake. I am going to wait another week before weighing in just to make myself feel better.

    Maybe that is a good idea. Just skip this week in weighing in.
  • I totally feel your pain! This weekend was the worst. Infact, the past 3 weekends have been horrible. I work hard during the week, working out and watching what I eat and then it gets all ruined by the weekend. I don't loose weight because of it and then I get all depressed. Hopefully, from this past week I kind of over did it to where I am sick of food at the minute and can get FOCUSED again! Anyway, I had to rant and relate with you and say you are defiantly not alone. I even had McDonalds this weekend and what is sad...I HATE Mcdonalds and never eat it. It was bad!

    Good luck with your weight loss and getting healthy!!! Progress ahead of us!

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey, look on the bright side - it sounds like you had a kickin' weekend! so i'm all for enjoying the good times you had and bringing it back in check. it happens to everyone, but if you put all that down your gullet, at least enjoy it - make it worth it on some level! just remember next weekend that *this* weekend happened. and make sure you log it all...hard as that may be. and i so know what you mean about the movie popcorn - it has to have butter on it because that's how i roll. best of luck!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It's ok to let loose once in a while. But don't badger yourself like you seem to be in your post. I've been the girl who always gets peeved at herself for a li'l flub up and all it's done is make me hate myself more, which leads to more weight gain.

    Chalk the weekend up to enjoying the moment. You can make reasonable choices at Wendy's and get the kiddie popcorn at the movies. As for the scale, if you see it move upward, it's probably water from all the salt.

    You can and will make it! :)
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    I hear ya. Had a pretty bad weekend myself; although I was unable to go out to eat due to another ice/snow storm; however, we have been snowed in for four days and it seems all I did was bake. I am going to wait another week before weighing in just to make myself feel better.

    Maybe that is a good idea. Just skip this week in weighing in.

    I do that, if I know I've been bad, I just wait an extra week before my usual weigh in...! I love how honest your post is, I had a weekend pretty similar myself though I am trying to get back on it today (detox teas are surfacing too...haha!). Stay positive, we all have weekends, weeks probably (!) like that sometimes (though not everyone will admit it :tongue: ), I know I do regularly, weekends are my biggest downfall and it's my time of the month too. Mother Nature doesn't like healthy foods I decided!!!! xx
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Thanks everybody. After today Im back!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I had a train wreck myself on Friday and went on a 24 hour eating binge. The thing is to look at the BIG picture and not think, ok I am done with this dieting thing. Start afresh, right now! Make it a lifestyle change rather than a diet. Forgive yourself and move on. And when you have those days/weekends, try to make the time to do a little more physical activity even if it is lifting soup cans as weights during commercials....every little bit helps!

    Also, if you know you are going to be eating out a lot, go into the restaurant knowing what you are going to order (a lovely salad or some baked chicken with veggie sides and try to drink water when at all possible). DOn't even pick up a menu to be tempted and if you have clued your friends into your goal, they should be supporters and encouragers rather than pushing you to make bad choices.

    Don't dwell on your bad weekend; time to move on, so let it go and start afresh.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I'm going to refrain my some of the more not as nice thoughts in my brain right now...

    Get on the d*** scale and SEE what your fun over the weekend did. Why skip it? Why on Earth would you skip it? There are no 3 year olds in here that think becuase you don't actually see it that it doesn't exist, right?

    What's the deal with after today? After today is tomorrow, will you be saying the same thing then? This is not a part time activity, it's being healthy for a better life.

    Log everything you ate over the weekend. Everything. Log your Wendy's and butter dripping popcorn this morning too, so every bite you take of it today at least you KNOW what you're putting in your body so tomorrow when you wonder why you feel like crap at least you will have some idea.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    P.S. I'm really not a mean person, I swear. That just sounds like how I used to be and it didn't work out so well and I don't like to hear other people doing the same thing.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Why are you going to Wendy's today? Just because you want it? I want Lindor chocolate every day but I resist. Start today...don't eat bad again and complain about it tomorrow. Go to the gym, drink lots of water and eat properly
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    P.S. I'm really not a mean person, I swear. That just sounds like how I used to be and it didn't work out so well and I don't like to hear other people doing the same thing.

    Oh, chgudnitz, you're right.

    While you may not have put it in the nicest terms, you're very right--ignoring bad habits will not make them go away. Whether or not you get on the scale is up to you, eApps, but you should at least try to understand WHY you overate. An Applebees chicken tender basket with fries is 1,000 calories and maybe 95% of your daily sodium. A grilled chicken salad, no croutons and dressing on the side is 550-700, depending on the dressing. Healthy choices are always available--figure out why you're not taking advantage of them.

    Mistakes are things you learn from. If you're not learning from your mistakes, then they're just bad habits. If you don't have a plan for improving your lifestyle for good, you're going to have a very hard time losing the weight and keeping it off.
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    I would also get on the scale. If you dont get on the scale then you wont be as motivated to get back on track. If you want the popcorn then fine. Work out extra and skip the wendys. OR at least try and make the best choice possible (salad or baked potato or chili.) I struggle on the weekends too but I make sure I work out to make up for what i am eating and i try and be Extra good all week as well as during the day on the weekends. I splurge on weekend nights generally and its still working. All i can say is DONT SKIP THE SCALE. Once you skip it once then you do it again again and again and you will never reach your goal.
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with ch ... log it and weigh in. It may not be as bad as you think, or it may be worse. Either way, hold yourself accountable. Why Wendy's today? Why not subway? or a frozen meal? Don't wait till tomorrow. Trust me, there is always another tomorrow. Today is now. Do it now. I was going to start 'tomorrow' too. Several years worth of 'tomorrows' I am super hungry today too (not sure why) I had my normal breakfast, now I'm munching on some mini chinamon streusal rice cakes. On my desk I have 2 bananas, an orange and a pear and a fiber one muffin. If I'm still hungry, I will reach for those, not the vending machine. Don't wait till 'tomorrow' As for the movie popcorn - get a small with butter. I went last weekend, got a jumbo and only ate 1/2 and ended up being mad at myself later. A small will give you the taste without quadruple the calories/fat/etc .....

    Good Luck!
  • be careful! one splurge in a blue moon won't do any harm, but it sounds like you're splurging 3 days in a row.....probably not a great idea. if i want something bad, i look at how many calories i have left and figure out what the worst thing is that can fit into those calories...haha! sometimes that means i eat fake sugar, which i think is terrible, but better than eating 1,000 calories of chocolate cake or something...i think. you don't HAVE to have popcorn when you go to the movies...stop at walgreens and buy something low-cal before you go and stick it in your's cheaper anyway!! unless you stop saying "i have to have ___ when i go to ____"'ll never lose weight. this is all about learning to change your choices...otherwise you'll be avoiding the movies, chili's, etc. for the rest of your life...or you'll be fat.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Those are all good points and I actually was thinking well if i dont weigh myself this week how am I going to know if i gained weight. I just dont want to see that I did and then be like ef it. And your right. I dont think I will get wendys. I will eat the lean cuisine that i brought. Thats how i was before. tomorrow ill start, oh today is ruined ill just eat whatever since i blew it. BUT I am trying to change and not do those things. SO i will try to get wendys out of my head. And i think I need the tough loving. the honest truth So thank you people!!!!!!
  • hey girl! I would suggest grabbing a 100 calorie pack of popcorn and bring it with you in your purse. You can go to the movies and resist it!! And Wendys... just think of all the grease that wendys put into their food. you don't need that in your body!!! Good Luck !
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'm going to refrain my some of the more not as nice thoughts in my brain right now...

    Get on the d*** scale and SEE what your fun over the weekend did. Why skip it? Why on Earth would you skip it? There are no 3 year olds in here that think becuase you don't actually see it that it doesn't exist, right?

    What's the deal with after today? After today is tomorrow, will you be saying the same thing then? This is not a part time activity, it's being healthy for a better life.

    Log everything you ate over the weekend. Everything. Log your Wendy's and butter dripping popcorn this morning too, so every bite you take of it today at least you KNOW what you're putting in your body so tomorrow when you wonder why you feel like crap at least you will have some idea.
    I'm glad somebody said it...I was about to post something similar until I saw this reply.

    Waiting till tomorrow is just another excuse. START TODAY!
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    Good for you eapps! Lean Cuisine is a MUCH better choice! I am on my 2nd snack for the morning! I had the mini rice cakes, now I'm eating a Fiber One Muffin. I will have Lean Cuisine roasted turkey for lunch - its only 150 cals to make up for the extra snack and put me back on track. I usually have 1 morning snack & 1 afternoon snack.
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