Best Kind of Exercise

rachefc Posts: 18
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise

I was just wondering what people find the best form of exercise?

I am quite open to trying anything. I have been running quite a bit recently but have been suffering from mild shin splints which I want to allow to clear up so I'm going to give the running a bit of a rest.



  • hi i go swimming 3 times a week and also do an aerobics class twice a week and in between i do power walking these exercises help me x
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    I do weight training, yoga, spin class, bike outdoors, run on treadmills, swim, run outside....... If i don't keep mixing it up, I get bored and I can get complacent in the amount of effort I put into it.

    Good luck!
  • Marcy79
    Marcy79 Posts: 41 Member
    2 hours of roller skating is 1100 cals!! woot!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    This is it! And we'll be doing it in a couple of hours from now! :bigsmile: :love: :smile: :happy: :heart:

  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I LOVE my kickboxing and Zumba classes! Both burn a ton of calories, and they're fun! Swimming is also a great workout!

    Good luck!
  • Im dong the JIllian Michaels Work out DVD..she kicks butt!! And I burn alot of calories
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i do the hip hop abs workout one video is 30 minutes and one is about 45 minutes. i have a 2yr old and a 4mth old so i have to keep my workouts to atleast 30 minutes but i do them 4 times a week/ so its better than nothing
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    I find the crosstrainer a good workout. I burn around 100 every 10mins.
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    Running is my fav (shin splints are usually a sign of poorly fitting/cushioned shoes and easily fixable). Otherwise, I like swimming.
  • I love swimming! I go to the pool 4 days a week; 2 days of laps and 2 days of water aerobics for about an hour each work out. It's super fun and low impact so it will give your shins a rest.
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    I am all about the swimming too! I recently joined a great gym that had all kinds of other offerings, so I got distracted from my swimming and boy did that show on the scale. I've recommitted to get my laps in 3 times a week, and I am back on track!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    I LOVE my kickboxing and Zumba classes! Both burn a ton of calories, and they're fun! Swimming is also a great workout!

    Good luck!

    i just ordered zumba dvd bc i don't have time i pretty much have to workout on my schedule/ with a 2yr old and a 4mth old its get abit difficult/ i have heard great things about this zumba so hopefully it works out
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I love the I have a few Biggest Loser dvd's that I do at home that are kick butt!!!
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