"You look good, why are you trying to lose weight"



  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I say... so I can look fantastic with my clothes off :)

    To understand a man's thought process, listen to a man. I think this comment would stop hubs in his tracks and leave him speechless.

    Also, men don't understand themselves. I think your husband misses breaking bread with you. Sharing a meal together. Which is so nice that he wants to share that experience with you. Find a way to eat what is healthy and right for you alongside of him. Like with the lasagne, eat your baked zucchini, but why not cover it in tomato sauce. It'll feel the same to him and tomato sauce is healthy. He probably would not even notice. Guys aren't always that bright. They just want to see us naked. They don't really seem to notice many other things around them.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    I get that people telling me that which really pisses me off because I'm not at a healthy weight. I tell them I have an injury to my back, hip, knee, and foot so the less I way the better it is for these injuries. The healthier I am, the better quality of life I will have. End of story.
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    "Yes, but you haven't seen me naked!" That oughta stop conversation. :bigsmile:
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    I say... so I can look fantastic with my clothes off :)
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Just point at his "thingy" and tell him if he wants to keep playing hide the sausage.
    He better STFU and be more supportive.

    Bet he'll start growing lettuce and carrots for ya...good luck!
  • Well, one response that's not about looks is: to be healthy!

    My BMI is within the normal range, but because of family history of diabetes and a knee injury I am trying to get to the lower end of the healthy BMI spectrum (as recommended by my doctors).

    Extra weight puts stress on your joints and increases risk of disease, and it's never too early to start thinking about that stuff. Just say you are trying to be healthy and be your best self!

    Or maybe, if your feeling snarky, ask them why they have become so complacent about their body image? I don't see anything wrong with always trying to improve and look your best. You should just feel sad for the people who see no need to take care of themselves or have pride in their appearance.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    My answer: "I'm not *trying* to lose weight. Just be healthier. If that results in me losing more weight, oh well."
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Ugh I get that too, from my husband, my Mum and Step Father.

    There's always room for improvement I say!
  • kmhenry84
    kmhenry84 Posts: 96 Member
    "its less about how I look, and more about my health"