Last few lbs! Diary feedback?`

Hey guys, I'm finally there--the last few lbs! I'm hoping to get some feedback on my diary to see if there's anything I need to change in order to get those last few little guys off.

I always stay relatively within my macros, but it's not always the cleanest of eating. Any advice would be helpful, however rough!


  • ThatDarnZach
    ThatDarnZach Posts: 52 Member
    Bump. Anyone?
  • semperfit1823
    You're doing a great job keep it up! The one thing I noticed you ate some processed foods like Nature valley bars and sun chips just because they promote "healthy" doesn't mean they are go as natural as you can for snacking like almonds/walnuts and avoid as many sugars as possible even fruits unless its a post workout apple the reason being any sugar intake will lead to an insulin spike which in turn can lead to fat storage the reason for a post workout apple is the insulin spike will help the delivery of nutrients for recovery.
  • ThatDarnZach
    ThatDarnZach Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks! I'll keep that in mind!