I'm not losing... :(

I've been tracking my eating since August and I'm halfway through the 30 Day Shred. I walk to work every morning for 45 minutes. I don't eat over 1200 calories.

But I haven't lost any weight!!! I started at 125 and I have yet to see anything below 120 on the scale. :sad: I don't even have any changes in my body measurements, so it's not like my body is putting on muscle...

What am I doing wrong?! I feel so ready to give up. :(

Advice/Motivation please? >_<


  • cs821
    cs821 Posts: 48
    Maybe you're over-working yourself and under-eating. Doing this means your body will go into starvation mode and rather than burning will store food and turn it into fat. How much does MFP tell you to eat, you should eat as close to this figure as possible.
    Hope this helps :smile:
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    What are your eating habits like? What does your daily menu look like? It does seem like you would be losing by what you have told us and yet we still don't have very much to go on.

    Whatever you do, do not give up!

    Post more info...
  • danaweston
    keep at it..the weight will move. don't give up. are you drinking the water?? Are you sleeping enough? It takes longer sometimes then the weight will start to go down ;)
  • ullgetthere
    Don't give up!!! I have a feeling your body got used to your routine. Is there any other exercise you can do? Biking, or sit ups or stretches at home? Somthing small with unblock this. But don't give up!! You can add me if ever you're on the verge of giving up! You'll see, when you start losing, you'll be soooooo happy you hung in there!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Cut out processed foods and sugar eat a protein and carb at every meal and lots of fruits and veggies also if you can cut out milk, switch to almond or rice and watch the weight fall off
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    how tall are you?

    are you at the low point of your weight category?
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    STOP WEIGHING. Seriously. Stay off the scale until you're done with the Shred. And you have to eat.

    Here... Go read this. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/737101-relatively-light-people-trying-to-get-leaner
  • SoonerVet
    If you only have 20 pounds to lose, you're apparently only supposed to lose 0.5 pounds per week. So that means if you've been going since august, you are probably close to on track. It's just a lot harder to lose weight quickly if you are already not too far from your goal weight (AKA 20 # or less). Also, I think you should be eating more. Maybe if you change your settings to 0.5 pounds per week, it will allow you to eat more calories. and make sure to eat back your exercise calories!
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    you need to increase your calories
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Your issue is you are doing 30DS and walking for 45 min each day and ONLY consuming 1200 calories a day. If you are set to 1200 calories, you NEED to eat back those exercise calories you get from working out.
    How much weight do you have to lose? At 125, I'm doubting you are obese unless you are about 4 feet tall. You WILL lose weight much slower only needing to drop 5-10 lbs vs someone who has 100+ lbs to lose. There is a chart floating around here that shows how much to set your weekly loss goal to vs how many pounds you have to lose. You should really only have it set to 2 lbs/week(the 1200 cal) if you have more than I THINK 20or 30 lbs to lose--someone help me out with the chart!LOL
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Here is how to do it right and never yoyo again. I have lost 8lbs in 50 days of pure fat (I'm watching BF%) and no muscle. This may sound slow, but I am very close to my goal weight of 150 and BF of 22%. I'm 5'9.

    This is the only way to lose weight, feel good and avoid lowering your metabolism:

    Sleep at least 8 hours.

    Keep your carbs lowish (20-25%), as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a good amount of fat (mine is usually 40-45% of my calories) This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories. Change things up so it isn't boring. I do 30 day shred videos, zumba, kickboxing, walk, take bike rides, lift weights, cardio at the gym, etc.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. Eat back your exercise calories (though be careful not to overestimate them). There is a reason that MFP adds them on to your goal cals. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster sometimes, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting. It can also cause you to stall in your weight loss completely AND be unhappy.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing. I ate pizza for dinner one day and for breakfast the next morning. Breakfast was a mistake because I didn't have the protein to balance the carbs. Last night was fantastic.

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your macros and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Brush your teeth. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day or next week when you fall off the wagon completely.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. The other day, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Now I can have the pizza I want for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it. This also gave me enough protein.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse.

    To get a realistic goal for youself, and to determine your body composition, read this:
    Some of it will be a repeat of what I said, but still great info.

    Good luck!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Have you plateaued?
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    you need to consume more calories. eating under 1200 puts your body in starvation mode. eat enough calories so that after you've burned some off, you'll be at 1200 NET.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Here is how to do it right and never yoyo again. I have lost 8lbs in 50 days of pure fat (I'm watching BF%) and no muscle. This is the only way to avoid lowering your metabolism.

    Sleep at least 8 hours.

    Keep your carbs lowish (20-25%), as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a good amount of fat (mine is usually 40-45% of my calories) This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories. Change things up so it isn't boring. I do 30 day shred videos, zumba, kickboxing, walk, take bike rides, lift weights, cardio at the gym, etc.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. Eat back your exercise calories (though be careful not to overestimate them). There is a reason that MFP adds them on to your goal cals. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster sometimes, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting. It can also cause you to stall in your weight loss completely AND be unhappy.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing. I ate pizza for dinner one day and for breakfast the next morning. Breakfast was a mistake because I didn't have the protein to balance the carbs. Last night was fantastic.

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your macros and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Brush your teeth. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day or next week when you fall off the wagon completely.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. The other day, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Now I can have the pizza I want for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it. This also gave me enough protein.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse.

    To get a realistic goal for youself, and to determine your body composition, read this:
    Some of it will be a repeat of what I said, but still great info.

    Good luck!

    I seriously could not have said most of that better myself. As an aside, you could also just do a heavy lifting program. Your body never really adjusts to that because you keep bumping. But the caveat is if you lift you REALLY gotta stay off the scale. To me, the only numbers that really matter are the ones inside my clothes.
  • SBlost
    I agree, you may need to increase your calories. And like someone else said.....DONT GIVE UP!!! You will see a difference soon, try not to weigh yourself every day, do it once a week or even try once a month.
    Good luck!!!
  • _Amanda_lynn
    you not eating enough.
  • NearlyJen
    NearlyJen Posts: 104 Member
    Here is how to do it right and never yoyo again. I have lost 8lbs in 50 days of pure fat (I'm watching BF%) and no muscle. This may sound slow, but I am very close to my goal weight of 150 and BF of 22%. I'm 5'9.

    This is the only way to lose weight, feel good and avoid lowering your metabolism:

    Sleep at least 8 hours.

    Keep your carbs lowish (20-25%), as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a good amount of fat (mine is usually 40-45% of my calories) This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories. Change things up so it isn't boring. I do 30 day shred videos, zumba, kickboxing, walk, take bike rides, lift weights, cardio at the gym, etc.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. Eat back your exercise calories (though be careful not to overestimate them). There is a reason that MFP adds them on to your goal cals. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster sometimes, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting. It can also cause you to stall in your weight loss completely AND be unhappy.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing. I ate pizza for dinner one day and for breakfast the next morning. Breakfast was a mistake because I didn't have the protein to balance the carbs. Last night was fantastic.

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your macros and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Brush your teeth. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day or next week when you fall off the wagon completely.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. The other day, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Now I can have the pizza I want for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it. This also gave me enough protein.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse.

    To get a realistic goal for youself, and to determine your body composition, read this:
    Some of it will be a repeat of what I said, but still great info.

    Good luck!

  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    More calories! Your body needs them. :D
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    hmm...throwing up your food might have something to do with it too.

    A weird question but...

    Do I still log calories if I throw up my food? The food isn't in me anymore, so would it still count in my calorie totals? Would you adjust for this?

    i hope you're not really doing this....unless you've caught the flu or something!!! :tongue:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    My nutritionist said that you can gain up to 10 pounds of water weight as your muscles learn to repair themselves. It will drop after that.