How many calories should I be eating!!??

I'm so confused, I've got my TDEE and BMR but now what!!? :indifferent:


How many calories should I be eating!?

Help muchly appriciated :flowerforyou:


  • I'm so confused, I've got my TDEE and BMR but now what!!? :indifferent:


    How many calories should I be eating!?

    Help muchly appriciated :flowerforyou:

    For a cut of 15%, eat 2066 calories every day--you'll lose approximately 3/4 of a pound per week.
    For a cut of 20%, eat 1944 calories every day--you'll lose approximately 1 pound per week.

    Make sure that you always at least NET your BMR--so, if you burn 400 calories through exercise, eat at least 2168 calories that day.

    Hope that helps!
  • fairyT83
    fairyT83 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you, it really does :happy:
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    The math looks right. Formula is straight forward. To lose a pound you must eat 3500 calories a week fewer than your weeks's total TDEE. So if you want to lose a pound a week and your TDEE is X you subtract 500 calories a day from it to get to your net target.

    Caution to you. Even though MFP purports to use a conservative equation in calculating BMR, it may still be high. I was body scanned at the metabolic physician's office two days ago and the scanner calculated a BMR that was about 150 calories lower than what MFP indicated. Helped me understand why I hit a two week weight plateau. All I'm sharing is to be cognizant by what online calculators tell you as the results when really calculated (based on your actual body frame) in a medical setting may be lower, especially if you historically have had slower metabolism. While I consider myself a moderately active person these days, my lower BMR indicates that my happy zone is really somewhere between sedentary and moderately active. Good luck, I'm cheering for you.
  • Classyladye
    Classyladye Posts: 12 Member
    what's a TDEE and a BMR and how do I find them??
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    BMR (basal metabolic rate) is basically how many calories (at your current weight) the body needs to simply sustain itself (i.e. literally just laying in bed and not doing anything). TDEE adds a % factor to your BMR to account for your pattern of activity, such as sedentary or active. Based on the factor (percentage), the TDEE # gives you a true calorie count that you need to hit if you DO NOT want to lose weight. To lose weight you have to subtract calories from your TDEE. Each pound is about 3,500 calories, so to lose one pound per week you would take your TDEE and reduce it by 500 calories a day (750 for 1.5 pounds per week, 1,000 for 2 pounds per week).

    MFP has a BMR calculator in Tools, though calculators (both BMR and TDEE) exist on many sites if you just do the Google search. Be prepared for variations as there are two equations for calculating BMR. MFP uses the more conservative equation, but even that (as I said in my first post), it may be high if you have slow metabolism. Only a scan done on a professional piece of equipment at a doctor's office can give you the "real" BMR.

    Good luck.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    see, im also a little confused, im sticking to around 1400cals, but thats just guess work right now.and a number im comfortable with,but now im in the right mind to get serious about my calorie count & not entirely sure how many to have

    if someone could advise me also (sorry to hijack thread) :embarassed:

    BMR - 1696

    TDEE - 2035

    those numbers are from Fat2Fit website, as suggested by another member....
  • emsybubs
    emsybubs Posts: 3 Member
    Hmm maybe I should be asking the same question. I have just been aiming for the 1200 that MFP set for me. Should I be looking into this a bit more?

    Hope its ok for me to ask here as well.
  • Classyladye
    Classyladye Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for your help. I think I'm on the right track for now.:happy:

    BMR - 1751
    TDEE- 2755

    My calories used right now - 1540
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You can partition the deficit to you liking. For instance, if your recommended deficit is 500 calories below TDEE, you can:
    1)Do no exercise and eat 500 calories below TDEE (not recommended).
    2)Eat TDEE but increase planned exercise by 500 calories (not recommended).
    3)Eat 300 calories below TDEE and exercise 200 calories (recommended).

    If choosing option 3, make sure the number of calories you eat less is greater than the exercise calories. Additionally, if preserving lean body mass is a goal - which it should - then exercise should comprise primarily of weight training with little cardio.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure. I have a BodyMedia Fit arm band and my TDEE is around 2000-2400 and from there I take a 500 calorie deficit. I'm steadily losing this way. MFP had me at 1310 calories and that way too low. Felt crabby and hungry. TDEE minus 20% makes more sense to me.
  • Its not how many calories you should be eating. This program here helps but doesnt give you a personal on your self. it just gives you a general women should be eating between 1200 to 1300 calories a day but the main point to loseing weight for girls is to be eating 125g of protein a day. This program put you at around 30g to 50g of protein but if you really want to lose weight you need a lot more... Other wise if you just stick to the calories you are going to lose some weight but its not going to be the right ones you are going to lose more lean body mass which is not good cause that causes you to lose your muscle witch you dont want to do you only want to lose ypour excess body fat...
  • There right you should be eating around 1300 calories a day but you should also be eating 125g of protien and 30g of fiber and no more then 30g of sugar that way you feel full longer and you wont feel crappy..

    ask me more on how i can help you