Can't WAIT to see the end result...


I've been logging my progress for a few days now and just noticed all this other cool stuff!!!!

I'm getting ready for a 62 mile bicycle race in July..... Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do at home while this yucky weather has me sidelined??? I can't seem to get myself motovated


  • carlouv
    If you have comcast you can try to do one there ondemand workouts! I live in Washington and we have a lot of bad weather here so when I cant exercise outside I do the Comcast workouts
  • SimplyChaotic
    I bought a few of those "The Firm" workout videos, then while I watch them, its almost like dancing and I turn up my favorite work out music... such fun!!!:happy:
  • Nanalmw
    Thank you so much! I don't have comcast... live out in the middle of NOWHERE, so we only have one choice... Sprint (or whatever they are called now). I do have a workout video that I think I have played so much that I could do the workout without it! LOL

    Thanks for the support!!