very VERY very BAD weekend.



  • lindsay1982
    lindsay1982 Posts: 245 Member
    I had a really bad weekend, but I still weighed this morning, gained .4#'s, :angry: not a lot, but still gained, which is not what I am trying to do, so this morning, had a SmartOnes Breakfast Sandwich and chugging water. As Master Jedi Yoda said, "Do or do not, there is no try." :smokin: Here's to a better week and an awesome Super Bowl weekend, I am gonna do very, very good this week so I can, in moderation, enjoy our Super Bowl Party. That all!! :drinker:
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    I seem to have a bad weekend every weekend :( I do great all during the week with eating clean and working out. But once the weekend comes, I'm on vacation mode. I slack off on exercise and I eat whatever I want (in moderation). Then on Monday i'm right back on track. We can't beat ourselves up, this is a process and we should learn what we can from our experiences. Just dust yourself off and get back to it! You'll feel better after a good work out and a day of clean eating!

    I realize that slacking off every weekend will slow my progress, so I'm making it an goal to exercise (or exercise with more intensity) to make up for the extra calories.
  • hdc1437
    :smile: I have learned if I plan my meals(weekday & weekend) ahead of time, I tend to stick with them instead of going for the easy impulse of "lets go out to eat routine." Chili's is one of the worst places you could go too!! Start by bringing your breakfast, lunch to work and you won't have to worry about going out anywhere. As for the weekends plan your meals ahead of time so you can select the best & tasteful ingredients without all the calories. You would be amazed what you can throw in your crock pot or roaster. Good luck to you, I wish you the best but be careful. :happy:
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I have this big purse that I will hide pre-popped "almost no salt no butter flavor" microwave popcorn in and sneak it into the theatre along with a nice big bottle of flavored water :)
  • sportsmomof2
    Dont beat yourself up after having a bad weekend! And just because tonight is going to be bad, make a choice to have a healthy lunch, if you really want the popcorn, are you willing to give up Wendys. Hit the gym hard and you'll get yourself back on track. I agree with they guys on this one..if you miss the cant be accountable for your actions!

    I truely believe everyone is saying there thoughts out of love! Please dont take them wrong! Most of us have been in the same spot and dont want to see you go down the same path!

    Best of Luck! You can do it!
  • MrBinkerton
    I agree with everyone elses posts- I gained my weight by putting off eating healthy and excersising for "tomorrow". There was always tomorrow and it was really easy for me to say "well I messed this up this weekend so F it I'm done". I love to eat bad food so I would just gain all my weight back after doing sooo well because I would make excuse after excuse. It can't be like that because this is how I gained weight and never ever stick to my goals. Good luck and you can do it! Keep up the good work!! I am going to try to not let this happen to me again- if I have a bad day which I will have plenty of in the future- I am going to try and keep on going with my journey the next day and not give up!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I'm going to refrain my some of the more not as nice thoughts in my brain right now...

    Get on the d*** scale and SEE what your fun over the weekend did. Why skip it? Why on Earth would you skip it? There are no 3 year olds in here that think becuase you don't actually see it that it doesn't exist, right?

    What's the deal with after today? After today is tomorrow, will you be saying the same thing then? This is not a part time activity, it's being healthy for a better life.

    Log everything you ate over the weekend. Everything. Log your Wendy's and butter dripping popcorn this morning too, so every bite you take of it today at least you KNOW what you're putting in your body so tomorrow when you wonder why you feel like crap at least you will have some idea.

    I thought it. You said it. OH and by the way...YOUR HOT! lol

    Okay back to the subject. Hey girlfriend.....we all have bad days. 99% of bad days are unplanned, we give into temptation and then we come here to vent. We have bad days and we pick up the next day and move on and "plan" to do better. But from reading your post, you are PLANNING a bad day after your bad weekend, with the Wendy's and buttery popcorn, you already know ahead of time that is what you are going to do why even come here to vent about a bad weekend if you are not going to stop? Again, we all have bad days, and on my bad days, I feel horrible so the next day I brush my shoulders off and go to the gym and workout like crazy even when I don't feel like working out. If you are serious about losing weight...make the right choices when you are "planning" your meals and snacks for the day. Good luck!
  • RebekahDelia
    Weekends are tough. I had a Dairy Queen blizzard yesterday and felt so bad I just kept eating throughout the rest of the evening. This morning I made myself sit down and log everything I ate last night and I weighed myself. Facing what I did without beating myself up about it has made me feel more motivated today. We get angry with ourselves when we screw up but that's not productive. Neither is trying to ignore the fact that we ate too much. Nobody is perfect so it's nice to come on here and share with everyone. Then it's time to face reality and cheer ourselves and each other on. I went for a power walk today - yay me!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm going to refrain my some of the more not as nice thoughts in my brain right now...

    Get on the d*** scale and SEE what your fun over the weekend did. Why skip it? Why on Earth would you skip it? There are no 3 year olds in here that think becuase you don't actually see it that it doesn't exist, right?

    What's the deal with after today? After today is tomorrow, will you be saying the same thing then? This is not a part time activity, it's being healthy for a better life.

    Log everything you ate over the weekend. Everything. Log your Wendy's and butter dripping popcorn this morning too, so every bite you take of it today at least you KNOW what you're putting in your body so tomorrow when you wonder why you feel like crap at least you will have some idea.

    I thought it. You said it. OH and by the way...YOUR HOT! lol

    Okay back to the subject. Hey girlfriend.....we all have bad days. 99% of bad days are unplanned, we give into temptation and then we come here to vent. We have bad days and we pick up the next day and move on and "plan" to do better. But from reading your post, you are PLANNING a bad day after your bad weekend, with the Wendy's and buttery popcorn, you already know ahead of time that is what you are going to do why even come here to vent about a bad weekend if you are not going to stop? Again, we all have bad days, and on my bad days, I feel horrible so the next day I brush my shoulders off and go to the gym and workout like crazy even when I don't feel like working out. If you are serious about losing weight...make the right choices when you are "planning" your meals and snacks for the day. Good luck!

    Completely agree, girl.

    It's one thing to have a bad day (or two or three- if it's Christmas!). I had a bad day on Saturday, ate WAY too many calories and too much salt. Here's the thing, though: I STILL counted my calories and, while I just FELT like splurging, I still made sure my total calories for the day were at a maintanence level. That way the day wasn't a total write-off (I wouldn't gain)... I just wouldn't lose, either. Also, a cheat day now and again is fine but when it's two or three days in a row I start to wonder....

    To echo what others have said, if you're serious about wanting to lose weight and keep it off (and get healthy):

    1) Weigh yourself. Hold yourself accountable for the choices you make, good and bad. Take a look at what happens, and SEE what these bad foods do to your body and how they affect your weight. That in itself can be motivation enough to lay off the junk in the future.

    2) If you absolutely MUST have the fatty, buttered stuff.... drink LOTS of water with it and keep your portions small. Buy a child's size instead of a large. Better yet, look up the calories online before you even buy it. IT may sound good now, but when you learn that there can be 1000 calories in a large, buttery movie theatre popcorn and you just might change your mind. I know that on occassions where I REALLY wanted to eat something, reading the nutritional information was more than enough to change my mind.

    3) Plan ahead. KNOW you're going to Wendy's? Look up the nutritional information online. That way you're not stumped at the menu and can make a healthy choice ahead of time.

    4) Salvage your day! Cheating once in a while is all well and good but just because you've had ONE treat doesn't mean the day is a write-off, that you should just eat whatever you want and 'start fresh' the next day. I've done this myself COUNTLESS times. Look at a cheat meal as what it is- a setback. Make a game out of trying to salvage it. Work out hard to burn the calories, tailor your meals for the rest of the day to keep your calorie count low, etc.

    5) Equate calories in to exercise needed. This almost always helps me! For example, if I KNOW that I'm going to have to take an hour long walk, PLUS do a Jillian's Michael's workout, PLUS a half hour of Gold's Gym Cardio, and then a 10 Minute Trainer workout in order to burn off my dinner (in total: at least two hours), I'm probably going to be less inclined to stuff myself with bad food.

    At the end of the day, we all have our setbacks. This is almost guaranteed! But there reaches a point where we need to stop saying, "Tomorrow I'll do better...."

    I did that for nearly a year and it took me that long to lose 18 pounds. Every day it was a new excuse, some 'reason' why I 'had' to eat poorly. I would tell myself, "Well, I HAVE to eat junk food- I'm going to the movies!" or, "I HAVE to eat this food, it's free!" or "I'm at a party, of course I need to eat!"... and so on and so forth. I could make almost any day into an 'occassion' where it was necessary for me to eat poorly. There reaches a point where you have to just say that's it, tomorrow is today. If you're going to lose weight and KEEP it off, you have to make a lifestyle change. This means recognizing the bad habits we have now and changing them. Learning HOW to go to the movies without taking in a lot of unnecessary calories, etc.

    I apologize if it sounds like I'm trying to lecture you- I'm not. I'm talking about my own experiences and the patterns I'm starting to notice in other people. At the end of the day, you're the only one in control of your own journey. These choices are yours to make. But I've been there. The bad choices I've made are what why I'm here today- and as much as I love the people here at MFP, I wish that I hadn't gotten myself to the point where it was necessary to make all these repairs to my health and body.
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    At the end of the day, we all have our setbacks. This is almost guaranteed! But there reaches a point where we need to stop saying, "Tomorrow I'll do better...."

    I did that for nearly a year and it took me that long to lose 18 pounds. Every day it was a new excuse, some 'reason' why I 'had' to eat poorly. I would tell myself, "Well, I HAVE to eat junk food- I'm going to the movies!" or, "I HAVE to eat this food, it's free!" or "I'm at a party, of course I need to eat!"... and so on and so forth. I could make almost any day into an 'occassion' where it was necessary for me to eat poorly. There reaches a point where you have to just say that's it, tomorrow is today. If you're going to lose weight and KEEP it off, you have to make a lifestyle change. This means recognizing the bad habits we have now and changing them. Learning HOW to go to the movies without taking in a lot of unnecessary calories, etc.

    This could have been me writing this!